What did Halo mean by this?

What did Halo mean by this?

Attached: Halo - S01E05 - Spaced Out-00h30m11s476t.jpg (1280x720, 126.21K)

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He's just like me. I play Halo too!

I'll be the first to admit, this battle sequence was pure kino. It had everything, and I mean everything. Guys getting hit with needlers and exploding into pink mist, we finally got a look at grunts and jackals which look great, and even a brute chieftain with a hammer. You dont get more Halo than that.

Plots still trash. Makee is annoying and can't act. And I do not give a single fuck about whatever the hell is going on in madrigal with that Asian freedom fighter (basically Rose from star wars)

Forgot to add
>Cortana, I need a weapon
This sequence was pure fan service done right.

>hey there fellow gamers
I'm not watching until he says the gamer word

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I agree that the Madrigal plot line is pretty stupid so far.

Overall I am enjoying season 1 but I never expected to be like the video games or the books.

great episode lots of action cant wait for next week!!!!!

The CGI was so bad it took me out of it.

Its not the show I wanted, but im starting to enjoy it for what it is now. This battle sequence saved it. Hope there's much, much more. They keep saying "Reach" again and again, are they building up to the fall of reach??
The CGI was fine youre just a complainer

>but im starting to enjoy it for what it is now
Recycling the same shill script from Netflix Witcher and Netflix Foundation and Netflix Bebop I see.

Meds. Now.

>The CGI was fine youre just a complainer


The Game:
>“Nonbinary people don’t owe you gender neutrality” means “nonbinary people can have full beards and look 110% masc and not tuck and still be nonbinary” just as much as it means “nonbinary people can have long hair and wear makeup and have boobs and still be nonbinary” Nonbinary does not mean “feminine lite” it means “nonbinary" This post was specifically aimed at the INTENSE double standard within the community. I can’t even think of a fluffy way to say this but if a nonbinary person is masculine presenting without being gnc in some way, they’re thrown under the bus. By transphobes, by allies, by the community. 99% of comments or replies to a post about nonbinary gender presentation are always some flavor of “let nonbinary people be feminine” Which is good! But when every discussion and every post and every media portrayal is “feminine person that wears fancy makeup and either binds or wears sports bras” it’s a problem!!! Just get it out of your head that nonbinary is “woman lite” or “gender neutral afab” or “masc but only if they’re super gnc about it.”
They know how its played.

Get a load of this xbox fanboy

Got a problem with the best gaming console on the market for the last 20 years, faggot?
>inb4 Playstation is the superior machine
Just skip the 12 years of struggling with gender dysphoria and neck yourself right now

It looks fine. Could it be better? Yeah, but I didn't see you crawling out of the woodwork to shit on No Way Home you marvel fanboy

>brute drops
>slaps MC with his hammer once
>random shot of Ironman
>brute flies away because his people need him

God this show is a pile of shit

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How new are you? There were multiple threads about No Way Home’s CGI.


Im saying I didn't see you there, John Cena

>TFW swapped to PC years ago but always kept an Xbox for Halo

Fuck microsoft, the Xbox one was the biggest waste of an electronics purchase i have ever made. I bought it solely to play Master Chief collection with old halo buddies and it NEVER worked. Then we got halo 5 and so it basically collected dust for a few years. Once infinite was confirmed for PC and master chief collection was added (albeit still not 100% and no players) I sold my Xbox.

>he plays video games on a PC
Enjoy your kyphosis you hunchbacked weirdo


You either win or you die. Then reload at your last save point.


It does not look fine for 2022 CGI, people's standards should be higher. Like fucking..look at the banshee. Some of the games from over 5 years ago have more real looking vehicles.

I usually hate this accusation, but at this point I am 100% convinced that this is the case:
How much does Paramount pay you to spout that bullshit, mate?

I don't think they pay them enough. Hey, if they're gonna get paid to shovel shit in my face then I'm gonna throw it right back at them.

Kinda this, but the fact they kept cutting to the inside of his helmet was dumb. The spartan chick being shit because emotions was dumb. The mommy issue bullshit was dumb.

It was closer to what the show should be, but a long way off pure kino.

If they had the exact same story, graphics, actors, etc but didn't wrap it in the skin of Halo, it would be much better. Them fucking up Halo makes me hate this show.

Yeah, I feel ya. I need to hear it a lot.

This specific sequence looked decent enough to watch on youtube. Everything else looks like dogshit.

they should've made a Doom tv show, not a Halo tv show.

Doomguy is way cooler than Halo.

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The fight scene was kind of cool aside from a few questionable moments but yes the Asian freedom fighter shit is awful. The worst thing is I actually like Soren but the plotline feels so fucking pointless and the girl is retarded. Why the fuck should anyone care about the independence of this random planet?

how can you fuck up what is already worthless?

who would win in a fight doomguy or master chief

Mang, this Borderlands series doesn't look like it sticks much to the lore.

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Halo guy would beat doomguy, nu-doomguy would beat Halo guy

>bring up marvel out of nowhere
Yup, it's a shill.


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I can tell that Paramount has really stepped up their marketing this week. That, or a braindead action scene is enough to make retards forget everything else wrong with the show. Maybe both.

Halo 5's multiplayer was actually good though. At the very least it had Forge/Infection/a bunch of other modes at launch. Something Infinite still hasn't done 6 months later.


what is with these shows and fucking desert biomes
there has been 2 major action scenes in halo and they have both taken place in deserts despite the games only having from memory 1 level in a desert (the ark in halo 3)

They should have adapted Contact: Harvest.

You're just comparing piles of shit against the lowest common denominator.

Do you have any idea how fucking annoying it is to share my actual thoughts about the show on this shitty anime image board only to be called a fucking shill? Nigger i wish I could get paid to shitpost online but I dont, im not indian.

Especially since there is no resistance. Her aunt straight up told her the resistance is over because they are out of money. Then her aunt gets slashed and btfo and this dumb chink STILL wants to save her shitty planet. Its fuckin retarded.

doomguy could take on anyone that isn't an RPG protagonist

The in helmet face cam and the killing machine having emotions are like a no-go for me.
The glaring errors in damn near everything and Kwan and I've been sober for far to fucking long.

Loses to a random 40k spess mehreen

>The in helmet face cam and the killing machine having emotions are like a no-go for me.
That's the sentiment of the average Halo fan. The problem? You're not the audience of this show.

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I literally did not know this was her name. She's so forgettable
>the in helmet shots
You have to expect them to use stolen techniques from more famous media (Avengers) to appeal to those audiences
>killing machine having emotions
I wish he never took his helmet off. I wish the whole mind control chip in the spine shtick never happened. But it did. This is not master chief from the games, this is post woke modern chief, and we just have to accept that. At least he isn't a tranny (i will kill myself if that happens)

I love Burn Gorman but man I did not want to see his pale naked ass. I didn't ask for that. It was totally unnecessary

>reddit absolutely trashes the last 3 episodes
>horribly offensive to halo
>0/10 rating
>rants about 343
>vows to boycott the show and stop watching

>this episode has ~2 minutes of action

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i want to slap these cheeks so bad
how do I get spartan bf

>You're not the audience of this show.
Clearly, Else I would have watched more than the first episode. It's like how Halo Infinite's target audience wasn't the og fanbase.

>the squirty and runny shit you took on my plate isn't even that bad now and I'm getting used to it

reddit and Yea Forums seems to hate it regardless of the action scene.

not sure why the hate about this show tbqh. It's not good but it's not the worst thing ever it's just a standard mediocre SyFy esque show. It's about the level of quality I'd expect from a Halo tv show, it's not like Halo ever had a stunning story.

As far as piss and shit goes, this is not nearly as barf worthy as some other video game to TV shows get, and its not even close to as shitty as some of the things I enjoy watching.

Either the shills finally got loose, or Reddit users are just that fucking retarded. If it's the former, it took them a bit long, considering other TV shows got infected pretty early.

Truth and Reconciliation is in a desert

I like this series.

See you next week schizo.

my theory is that the average redditor is ~15-19 years old, and they larp as mature adults. It's the reason why so many comments are heavily egotistical, yet have an elementary understanding of life and politics.

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This is true even for Yea Forums.
Yes dumb boomers also post the pepe but it's mostly the kids who do, hence why it also became so big on tiktok where it's almost exclusively them.

I dunno guys, the IP was shit to begin with and fans were just demented retards for having stuck with it this long, so why not just fucking halfass it and piss all over legitimate criticisms.

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that's a good point, can't deny that.

At least on Yea Forums the worst that happens is thread derailing and getting called a faggot nigger. on reddit, literal fucking 15-year-olds are downvoting your opinion no matter how much effort and nuance you put into it. literal children are the driving force in what content is consumed

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