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>they tried to warn us

we deserve all of this and more

I worked in multiple Blockbuster locations through the 00's and the number of people on staff who could answer the most basic movie questions was never more than two, including myself.

Blockbuster was full of niggers, fuck off kids.
>Late fees
>Fees for not rewinding the tape
>Expensive popcorn and candy
Fuck off.

Blockbuster also sucked kind of. Things aint so bad now.

>>Fees for not rewinding the tape
Unironically a good thing, only niggers are so uncultured

>>Late fees
>>Fees for not rewinding the tape
If these are something you have to worry about then you're a nigger

well that certainly compared even a fraction of a percent when compared to them shovelling satans cock directly into the next generations asshole through medium like euphoria a trifle
oh no your popcorn was soggy lets all make our kids trannies

Family Video master race, fuck blockbuster I shit on their grave.

>This time a decade ago
>retards dancing on Blockbusters grave
>wahhhhh muh late fees
>wahhhhhh I actually have to leave the house
>wahhhhhh muh selection

Now everyone pretends like they always loved blockbuster. Fuck off, fags. It's going to be the same deal with Gamestop someday.

fuck off Dish Network

>Family Video
i thought that was just a family who did video it was a franchise?
naw just joshin' you around their "cult classics" section fomented a part of my personality, the good part

You could go to blockbuster and get 4 blurays, 2 popcorns, 2 drinks, and 2 candies for $20. That's buying the blurays outright and keeping them forever. You can not get a deal like that nowhere else.

For me? It was the library.

Yes I was too poor for Blockbuster.

imagine how awkward it is to call some random guy and ask him what movie you should watch

is that jerma?

Does Redbox still exist?

When I was in Hawaii everyone used Redbox. You'd go to the supermarket and there'd be a Redbox at the front and there'd always be a crowd of people around it and everyone would be talking about which movie was good and which sucked and it was always a good time. I miss that box.

>ask him what movie you should watch
I worked at a vhs store for a while, i remember my 18th birthday occured while working there
>hey what are you doing tonight
>oh, well, maybe go buy a lottery ticket teehee

i didnt win shit you bitch

One time I asked one of the employees if The Fighter with Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg was any good. He replied with "I don't know I don't watch shit like that.". He now works at gamestop and acted like a dick towards me when I was getting a pokemon event code card

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Do you think Barbara made those rips trying to fight him off?


And yet as awful as Blockbuster was, people still long for it because of how awful things have gotten. Think about that. The punch in the dick looks like paradise when they’re flaying you alive.

yeah they're still literally everywhere

that algorithm cant predict shit

what would you recommend

>He replied with "I don't know I don't watch shit like that."
>He now works at gamestop and acted like a dick towards me when I was getting a pokemon event code card
What a fucking chad, holy shit

havent seen one in years, bro

where do you live? Iowa or some shit

Eloquently put.

Riiiight, because their employees are a bunch of Tarantinos with the time, knowledge, motivation and friendliness to give you personalized recommendations.

I remember blockbuster charging like 5 dollars for a video game for one fucking night.
they can fuck right off for that one.

I worked at a Blockbuster in 2007 and someone asked me if the latest Nicolas Cage movie (The Wicker Man) was any good. I told them to get literally anything else. I felt like I saved a life that day

Yeah I miss the social aspect of it too. On the other hand

>busy mom w/kids returns 5 games and movies one aftertoon, picks up new ones
>"Alright but you have $43.95 in late fees to resolve before you can rent anything else"
>"But why? They were due today!"
>"Yes, they were due today *at noon*. It said so right on your receipt"
>watch the soul drain out of this poor woman's eyes

they deserved to burn

Also, you can tell how old that billboard is b/c it's a White male.

>The punch in the dick looks like paradise when they’re flaying you alive.
feels bad man

There's thousands of them, but entirely dependent on the location. Usually they're in front of chain pharmacies or Walmarts

the original has some mint nudity, Christopher Lee, pagan rituals, cool 70s vibe. But I doubt your store stocked it.

There was a fee for not rewinding? I guess I always rewound it. But yea, I never bought the candy and popcorn.

Netflix was the answer to begin with though, it just decided to go more down the tv route and forget that people would actually quite like more than 10 films to choose from.

>I worked at a Blockbuster in 2007 and someone asked me if the latest Nicolas Cage movie (The Wicker Man) was any good. I told them to get literally anything else. I felt like I saved a life that day

>someone asked me if the latest Nicolas Cage movie (The Wicker Man) was any good. I told them to get literally anything else. I felt like I saved a life that day
actually you denied them cringekino

It's cringekino but I'd have been pissed if I had to pay to find that out. Good work user.

Library was based. my little hometown lends out some great shit. Vidya too.

Rent the tape. Watch the tape. Rewind the tape. Return it when you’re supposed to. Are you people really so defective you can’t follow these simple instructions?

It's just nostalgia. Going back to Blockbuster probably would NOT be better than nowadays.
That's assuming you just torrent. If you don't torrent, I GUESS Blockbuster could be better.

>you people
you just realized that society was a mistake, democracy cannot work, because there are always 99% of humanity that are either too stupid or evil for it to work

It's kino if you're a snarky cinemaphile or youtube critic looking for a movie that's so bad it's comical

Not if you're some middle-aged woman looking for an actual thriller. I might have been 16 at the time but I wasn't autistic enough to recommend my favorite anime to everyone that walked in the door

Have em here in KY still

I've seen them here in Mass, but I was in Arizona and saw zero.

>late fees
>overpriced rentals that left you thinking you should've just purchased the dvd
>extremely restrictive rental durations
>have to physically travel to location
>never new releases in stock
Blockbuster was shit for the most part, it's all just nostalgia.

Nostalgia fags are the worst. As if Blockbuster wasn't a soulless corporate entity that was as jewish as they came.


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Yeah bro I hate how I can get anything whenever I want now

this and hollywood video

No duh, the knowledgeable people worked in the corporate call center.


>hollywood video
I liked that they had a GameCrazy attached a lot of the time. Way better than chemical-cleaner smelling blockbuster.

>hollywood video
will never forgive them for hiring private security to run my skater bros off the property
which is now a thai food restaurant

>You could have got a job talking about movies all day
born at the wrong time bros

Blockbuster was fine when their prices were lower and they actually focused on having new releases in stock by buying a ton of copies on release and selling them as used to customers over time.

Once in a while a new dipshit CEO would try to turn Blockbuster's model into that of a convenience store or a hangout. Blockbuster's last CEO tried to have them sell movie posters and crap

It's hard to remember why Blockbuster put indie rental shops out of business. Lots of them had fees just to become members. You had to pay upfront to just get permission to pay to rent something. And they were even less likely to have new or popular releases in stock because they'd get just 1-2 copies of everything.

Yeah, I always wanted to go to BlockBuster was a kid because they had a larger selection, but my dad always took us to the independent store because they had a porn section.

im so far ahead of them, ive never owned anything
and let me tell you
i aint happy for shit

Holy FUCK your dad was based

>Farenheit 9/11

Wow, a pic from 2004. It's crazy to think that it was the highest-grossing documentary of all time that decade, and then Bush got re-elected anyway and proceeded to continue to fuck everything up

Renting N64 games there was so cash.
Hollywood Studios was underrated too.

>tfw still have a copy of Godzilla Final Wars I bought at Movie Gallery for like a dollar when they closed

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If you cannot
>Rewind the tape you borrowed
>Put the shopping cart back in the designated cart area

Then you are a bugmen

Things are better now than they’ve ever been in all of human history. Sorry you can’t appreciate that MAGAtard.

If you really want the blockbuster experience, just rent movies from your local library. It's fucking free.

Alright, I'm not sure if anyone else remembers this, but for some reason Blockbuster DVD cases had a distinct texture from regular cases. They felt rougher, somehow. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

The cart thing I agree with, it's a litmus test for how a person can operate in society as a whole.

Charging a fee for not rewinding the tape is peak jewery. They don't charge you for not returning your cart because they pay people to do it.

>better now than they’ve ever been in all of human history
prove it

>No mention of politics in his post
Uhh you ok there schizo

Im sure they had a flowchart starting with the sex of the caller and the genre they were looking for, and they probably required you finish the call in under a certain amount of time. But if they gave the employees freedom to shoot the shit a little bit and give real recs that would be pretty cool. I would do it part time just for fun even if it paid shit.

If you were referring to the plastic that held the cover art, yes they did. It was thicker and coarser.

No, don't you understand how easy access to media from the comfort of your home computer is comparable to being flayed alive?!

But why did they design it to be like that?

It was easier to break off the cum stains on all Bring It On rentals

You know how you still remember it? That's why they did it.

A store near my old apartment closed and I cleaned up and got a bunch of classic films.

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>Fees for not rewinding the tape


Holy psued, its longed for because of retard nostalgia. Streaming is infinitely better than blockbuster in literally every way. Seriously, name one way in which blockbuster was better.

One time i picked a nasty slimy long booger and wiped it on the shelf of snes games

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>you’ve selected…agent zero

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