Haven't been to theatres for about a year, popcorn prices have SKYROCKETED...

Haven't been to theatres for about a year, popcorn prices have SKYROCKETED. Are you having this problem in your local theatre as well?

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>steals a large popcorn out of the trash to get the free refill
nothing personnel

>Are you having this problem in your local theatre as well?
I'm part of the "buy food before going to watch a movie" gang.

the popcorn mines are drying up

the end is near.

shut the fuck up you obvious newfag


they caught onto this almost a decade ago and ended the free refill meme

sad! many such cases...
i fear the miners strike has wilted all the kernels

I think it's like £4.59 for a small popcorn here, I never finish the entire thing maybe like two thirds. Doesn't seem too bad.

I mine my own

> £
No one knows what that means

popcorn is a FAGGERY DAGGERY DOO snack!

don't reply to me or my posts ever again

It's like 12 euro / 13 dollars for a Large drink and Large popcorn combo here. Enough to take half the bag home.
Normally I would just buy stuff beforehand but I go so rarely now that I don't even care.

>sneak outside food into kinoplex due to high popcorn prices
>get frisked by kinostapo at ticket booth
>they find my cans of pringles and 40s of steel reserve
>immediately taken to a dark room in an unknown location where i am brutally sodomized and forced to carve the phrase "i will not sneak food" into my chest for 3 days straight
just got back what did i miss?

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you sound like you’re a nuisance to deal with irl

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sorry that was rude of me

for me, it’s a pack of sour patch kids and fruit punch

sorry just wont cut it. get out of my thread

Already happened BEFORE COVID. 1 regular popcorn + 2 sodas is $20 + tax + tip. The family pack of 4 sodas + refillable tub of popcorn is $40.

Blame Disney for squeezing every penny out of theatres.

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Go to a restaurant after the movie is finished.

It's kino time

You charge $12.99 for a large popcorn, I trash your theater.
Simple as.

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>icees costs 8$
>I drink
>fill it with piss
>(accidentally) tip it over
>simple as

I just buy popcorn at the quickest supermarket and make my girl hide it in her purse
imagine actually spending half a fortune on fucking popcorn

clean it up

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>p-plz give me more (you)'s :'(

My theater has buttons you press when you want the jannys to come clean it up or get you food. Shit's cash.

honestly i get why this pisses someone off but this is a chance to dick around for a while and not have to deal with anyone. a brief respite in your irritating wagie life. most people would look at this as an easy way to kill time instead of crying about it.

it takes no effort to take your trash with you and throw it away on the way out, that's the white thing to do

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>used to think littering was degenerate
>especially trashing movie theaters
>now I think it's based
people change

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please explain how this behavior is based

user i agree but i'm just saying you can't go back in time and stop it. to live the wagie life you must cope at all times and that's how i'd do it.

You have to be quick about it as the next showing will start soon.

I went to see Spider Man: No Way Home at an Odeon theater in my city, it was about 4 dollerydoos for a small popcorn iirc and most of the pieces were tiny and too hard. I also got a portion of the driest mozzarella sticks I've eaten. The hot dog I also got was okay though but that's pretty difficult to screw up, overall the food was pretty bad and the prices were way too high but that's how theaters make their money.

Tip? For movie theater food? Are you retarded?

I remember those. They still open? I thought they all closed cause covid. Haven't been to one in years now.

Payback for high concession prices and giving something wagies to do so they actually earn their paycheck.

Not. My. Fucking. Problem. Fucking. Dumbfuck. Wagie.

>clap clap clap
you gotta go back

I just hide a mickey dee's two cheeseburger meal in my coat, have never been caught.

The full bottle of Powerade makes me lol everytime

This is a now a wagie hate thread

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They got fucking PISSED at me when I set up a small fire and a rotisserie and started roasting corn cobs in the theater.

I put one of these on the sign with the popcorn prices.

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no you didn't, shut up

My boyfriend made me grump so I shit on his assigned theatre seat

If you were a real woman that'd be hot

in britbong land noone gives a shit. you can just walk in with a backpack full of snacks and noone gives a shit. at most their is one guy standing near the entrance who will scan your ticket. also there are no employees in the actual theatre part so you can just walk into another screen if you wanted to

>my employer doesn't pay me enough wages
>i will now guilt and shame the customer into making up for it

do americans really?

I did. I put one in every movie theater I go to now.

what the fuck is a sterling, retard? Currencies are all called dollars.

Popcorn is $7 but I still buy it because I want to support my local theater

the popcorn menu is behind the counter and above everyone's heads. you're telling me you hopped over the counter, stood on the head of the cashier, and slapped that sticker onto the popcorn board? not buying it, just stop

wow, sounds like you have a lot of freedom in britain

This doesn’t seem based so much as it seems like a lazy post hoc justification of degenerate behavior. I could be wrong but I don’t think I am.

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I did. I have a Regal Unlimited pass so I can do pretty much whatever I want.

>coconut oil, butter, and that industrial powder
that's all you need to make it

I went to see Sonic 2 and they were all out of turtle

No. Because I don't go to the theater. I also don't consume ANY media made post-2016. Not even for free.

Stop buying it. Price will drop.

There's currently not much difference to dollars.