Chud filtering tier kino

Chud filtering tier kino

Attached: Lilbush.jpg (316x445, 45.63K)

ahhhh shit it's the little dems

Attached: lil dems.jpg (501x373, 78.35K)

This was unironically kinda funny

Attached: Our_Cartoon_President.jpg (680x1000, 96.5K)

>Neoconservatives are nationalists
user, you know they are Jewish communists right

All this proves is that the left treats literally EVERY Republican this way. It wasn't unique to Trump. I remember 'Chimpy McHitler' and 'Chimpeach!!!!!' screeching all through the 00s.
But the moment a new Republican President comes along, they pretend that the Old Hitler is now a wise and responsible old man and that they had never treated him that way. They only treat the New Hitler that way because he deserves it!

What part of it filtered OP?

Take your meds

Bush and Trump were both terrible presidents, there's a reason they got treated that way

Take your meds

One of these days, Laura
I'm gonna punch you in the face

Attached: That's My Bush.jpg (473x405, 34.12K)

>Nooooo it's all Bill Clinton's fault! He got us drunk and made us look bad!

You'll always find an excuse why it's okay to act like a jack-ass when you go looking for one.
I remember you cunts running around with shirts of Reagan's face with bullet holes in the forehead back when I was a kid.

No, you know that's objectively true right. Neoconservatives was Jewish as fuck. The middle eastern wars were laughed by Jews and all the warmongering over Russia is from Jewish troakyites still mad about ehringrandads getting fucked over by mustache commie

Obama was a terrible President. Carter was a shitty President. Biden is the shittest President in history.
But somehow, none of you have a problem with them. Gee, I wonder what the thing that sets them apart from the guys you do go after is...

Reagan wasn't treated the same way except by extremists

This show got memory holed so fucking hard until Yea Forums randomly brought it up one day.
What the fuck man.

Bush didn't go far enough.

Yeah, literally everyone knows this. This is either some retard unfamiliar with 80s-00s politics, or a troll pretending not to know this.

Trump was probably the best pres we have had in decades.

Obama was a good president, seethe more chud

>This show got memory holed so fucking hard
it wasnt a memory hole

topical humor is forgotten when it stops being topical


>yeah literally everyone knows that george bush and dick cheney were jewish communists it's so obvious
Back to your containment board schizo

The only difference is that now the extremists are in charge of the Democratic party and the entertainment-media complex.

It wasn't.

i dont understand politics. When I was a kid my genx parents told me Bush was a great president, and that the wars in afganistan and iraq were justified. Now they hate Bush and say the wars were a mistake. Are genxers getting jaded now?

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This was a great show satirizing sitcoms.

Nobody thinks bush was. He was a puppet for people like kritsol.

No, he wasn't. And he only got decent approvals once Trump appeared on the scene and pollsters started taking...shall we say 'questionable' polls with interesting sample choices and no reweighting to what we know actual elections look like.
He barely beat Romney, FFS, and would have lost to almost any other nominee that didn't cause independents to stay home. He is the only President in history to be reelected by a smaller margin than his initial election. He is responsible for 'foaming the runways' and kicking millions of people out of their homes because he refused to modify mortgages.
You're a child. I know you're a child, because you have a child's reddit opinions.

based ironic laugh track

I mean yeah but Republicans electing retards as their last two presidents didn't help

Trump being hyper liberal fucked up the party dynamics. Suddenly republicans went anti war and pro worker while Dems went pro war and anti worker.

Oh look, here comes some retarded leftist with a strawman to burn.

this is why democracy doesnt work

ok boomer

buddy you built the strawman. don't say retarded things if you don't want to look like a retard

Presidents wield almost no power whatsoever.
They're just symbolic figureheads

That's a cope, the executive branch is extremely powerful. Biden and Trump are just incompetent so it seems like the president doesn't do shit

Bush was worse than Trump. But, I like Bush humor because you could tell he probably laughed at these shows himself.

Trump was just cringe from both sides. The seethe was funny but then it got plain sad how these niggas obsessed over him. On the other side, Trump's wit fell off a cliff once the election was done and he was nowhere near as funny. I know people think him slamming Hill was funny, but the shit he did during primaries was fucking amazing. And then the mad man made them all suck his dick.

Ted Cruz, who they had primed for ages can't even fucking run anymore because everyone is going to remember how much of a bitch Trump made him look like.

>He's thinks presidents have power under neoliberal capitalism
Hollywood uniroically has more power.

>thinking your vote actually counts

No, THAT'S a cope

Based show

>released at the end of Bush's second term so he's not being re-elected anyway and he's a lame duck and already got most of his "accomplishments" making this cartoon parody completely and totally irrelevant seething
Most people should avoid partisan politics like the boring, corrupt den of prostitutes that it is but if you're not going to avoid it at least be smart about it.

Or you think people who disagree with you are retards.
Given the current experience with the left and even the dwindling numbers of so-called 'centrists', which do you think I believe is more likely? You can't screech that everyone who disagrees with you is either crazy, stupid or evil without me assuming you're just incapable of seeing things from another's perspectives. And that's literally all the left and center-left have done for a decade now.

Trump was nevr funny but corpos paid advertisers a ton if money ti
Make you think that. Ah well. I envy you. Blissful Republican retard

Real answer: People were onboard for the wars because of 9/11, and because it was easy victories. But VERY soon (3-4 years into the wars), people realized that while the Afghanistan shit made sense (though even then: The terrorist groups were being trained in Egypt, iran, Saudia Arabia), invading Iraq made NO sense.
Not confirmed but it still seems that it was all motivated by economics. Bush and Cheney all had ties to oil companies and other fields relating to Iraq
There are NO terrorists in Iraq, they had been cleared of WMDs by the UN, and Hussien would literally do whatever America wanted.
This is the short version, but it was stupid shit one after another. They LOST the chance to get Bin Laden for instance and didn't control Iraq in the normal smart way (even Nazi Germany knew how to handle conquered France).
Bush's DAD was smart enough to not invade Iraq...
So basically, tl:dr people realized all this shit after a few years and realized the Iraq war is the dumbest shit ever.

>he was nowhere near as funny
The President of the United States calling the CEO of Apple "Tim Apple" is fucking hilarious and I'm not going to pretend it isn't.

It's confirmed that executive power has been growing and growing in power since Wilson. Though some presidents could be considered symbols. but the branch itself is powerful.

>leftist “humor”

>the president is in charge of the executive branch bc the constitution says so

yes and I'm sure the president is totally in charge of himself and makes all his own decisions

The U.S. is a failed experiment in mass democracy. The irony of your post is that it was the political right that made the first move to get retard normies into national partisan politics with the "religious right" and Ronald Regan. Before that, "church folk" usually didn't vote and correctly saw national politics as godless caesar. Getting them into politics won the right a couple of elections but cost them since now they have every conservative business owner's moralizing christian grandma and irrational moral-panicking wife steering the Republican party agenda. What makes it worse is that the left just responded with the Clintons anyway and then Obama. Trump was a "hold your nose" moment to keep clearly corrupt Hillary out of power, but we'll never see that happen again so I'd say whatever Regan accomplished was probably not worth it and was prolonging the inevitable.

Liberals protested the war in Iraq en masse before and during. Republicans and Amerisharts were just too evil and stupid to care. As a Swiss, Im glad they lost both wars

Why are you greentexting somethign that wasn't in the post you are replying to?

It's interesting how W has ganged up with the other bitter neocons who hate the new blood.

So dumb. Xtians love Trump because thats who their pastor is. Listen to old Billy Graham shit. Its the same retard vomit by DeSantis and whiever else. Republicans are boring if you know history and surprising if you fall for Koch brothers propaganda

Oh, I know many knew it was bullshit before, I'm just explaining why that poster's parents was too dumb to figure it out till later.
Most people weren't fooled that "they hate us because of our freedoms" bullshit. I saw memes about that, with Britney spears, on the oldest of sites... Something Awful I believe?

>Obama was a good president, seethe more chud

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Not really. They had to hide how much they hated the poor and the miggers. And then Trump comes along and tgeir hard work was pointless. Everyone knows Republicams are racist who want a dark enlightenment monarch to step on their face.

>lost both wars
I don't even comprehend how they did it. Actually, I do. they LITERALLY ignored every single advisor with experience. Ignored all Gulf War advisors. Ignored the Clinton administration's setups and all information gained.
I can't believe Clinton did so many things right

Most Amerisharts were fooled. Bush lost the popular vote (and Florida) in 2000 but won in 2004 because of muh 9/11 Never forget (Republicans immediately forgot when it was no longer useful)

Again, I am Swiss so whiter and richer and more gunz than all of u haterz. Just dont believe the boring grandpa Yea Forums shills

It's true.

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did you mean to reply to someone who said bush and trump were good presidents or are you just trying to sling shit for no reason?

>hillary clinton
>nancy pelosi
>john kerry
the rest I have no idea on

I can. Republicans are incompetent but great at elections. Democrats are competent but terrible at elections.

Shut up Demoncrat

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