Do you have any peculiar movie or TV watching habits?

Do you have any peculiar movie or TV watching habits?

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more like POS

I never look at my phone while doing so and silently judge those who do

I watch about 1 movie every 3 months.
That's all I can handle because my ADD is so bad.

But I can sit here and mash F5 for 3 hours a day no problem

My dad does this in the cinema and it makes watching movies embarrassing. We watched harry potter and he kept loudly saying words like fag whenever dumbledore was on screen. Literally two redditors with masks on sat in VIP seats right infront who would obviously get annoyed and in the first scene he’s loudly saying
>do you think he licked his arsehole? are they both fags?
And then loudly complaining when black people show up and calling it woke and tutting at every slightly politically correct moment. Sometimes he loses track half way in and just says “what the fuck is this” or “what’s happening? this is nonsense” as if he’s actively baiting the people around him to get annoyed. Worst is when he says the word paki really loud almost like a challenge. I’ve said I will stop going to the movies with him since he’s obviously out for confrontation

>I’ve said I will stop going to the movies with him since he’s obviously out for confrontation
Yet you still are, cuck. Your dad at least stands by his principles.

>doesn't know about autorefresh
People really live like this?

I haven’t watched a new movie or tv shot since 2014 and I don’t think him missing anything

there's no auto refresh in the catalog

he’s no different from a gay person or tranny shoving their views in your face and daring you to complain about it so they feel like victims

Here you go, buddy:

True, but you're worse because you're a cuck who just sits there are takes it, then goes to the internet to whine to anonymous people about it.

I make predictions about character outcomes.
>Watching Russian Doll ep1
>”I bet she fucks a black guy”
>wife rolls eyes
>Watching the flight attendant
>”I bet we’ll see a lecture about white male privilege and that guy is gay and in an interracial relationship”
>wife rolls eyes
>FBI lady busts out “male pale and Yale” speech
>Main character’s brother is gay with a black partner
Ding ding

Funny how ‘diversity’ seems to be clogging so many plots with the same tired and predictable social justice talking points.

yeah. if you see Dark Knight, Joker, and BR2049 you'll get 90% of tv memes

what kind of movies are you watching?
I almost never see any of this

Your wife sounds bad at pattern recognition, probably low IQ

This is what you faggots would be if ANY women gave you the time of day

Pausing and going for a smoke/piss every 15 minutes

People love it

Actually I lied, watched Chernobyl and enjoyed it. Also saw rise of skywalker in theaters but I was drunk so I fell asleep after eating a giant pretzel and watching palpatine do his little intro

>using the catalog

What a faggot. Tab open the threads that look interesting and are clearly being bumped.

don't forget TDKR and Drive. essential Yea Forumscore

based bell presser, i have the same but instead of a bell i hit my wife(she currently has a few bruises and a broken nose)

Not him, but he named a couple things, Russian Doll and Flight Attendant.

This kind of diversity stuff is semi-predictable and why a lot of it gets boring/annoying since you can predict the woman having her girl power moment or those designated with a victim status of some sort (gay, black, disabled) being on the same side because they're automatically more virtuous.

In the past, it felt like you'd have more moments where you learned what an individual was like because of how they kept their home or interacted with others, whereas with the diversity pushed you essentially get told flat out what the characters are supposed to be with these little shorthand messages.

It's a shame because there can be plenty good black actors or female actors, but you pretty much can guess story beats when you see them show up in certain kinds of shows.

Piece of Crap

>Your wife sounds female
that's the point faggot

Every time I watch a movie or an episode of a TV show I always look it up on Wikipedia to read the plot summary. I just have a really weird fascination with seeing how people summarize plots. I do it when I finish videogames too.

what a sweet wife. she really thought about that.

good for you. you are better than them.

>Do you have any peculiar movie or TV watching habits?

i rarely watch movies made after 1970

Hes different because gay and tranny shit is gross and opposing it isn't. I'd rather have annoying people pushing good stuff than annoying people pushing poop

Don't call me that...

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The difference being that gay and tranny shit is wrong and disgusting.

Hilariously based chad dad

Perhaps you’re just so immersed in the s o y that you have ceased noticing the propaganda.

>he’s no different from a gay person
Your dad sucks dick?

This. Predictable entertainment is rarely good, and now that plot, motivation and characterisation have been jettisoned for SJW talking points, lectures on privilege and GURL POWAH, most entertainment is sadly by-the-numbers.

i tend to burp and fart a lot

I think this is actually true, it's better that way anyway, I can just focus on enjoying kino, although the more I spend on this board the more I notice that type of stuff.

>be me
>love old swashbuckler movies
>The Crimson Pirate, Captain Blood, etc
>drink fortified wines like Sherry and Madeira while watching said movies
>start talking like a pirate to myself, going "aargh" and "avast"
>get completely obliterated by the end of a movie

Can't be kino if it's pozzed, friend

this is exactly how my dad is except he wont even go to see a modern movie. he only watches old shit without niggers in it. if anyone tells him to watch something his first question is 'does it have niggers in it? then i cant watch it!'.

Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

For me it's cowboy movies and rye whiskey

Your dad is awesome

the most based man on the board

unbelievably based

That dude is based

And then everyone clapped

He's different because he aligns with my opinions and point of view

if i see something in the movie that makes me mad or embarrassed i pause and pace around in my room thinking about what id do in that situation.

Best way for proper correction is to exactly what you did, keep being based

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auto-refresh doesn't provide that dopamine kick

treasure your based dad please

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This will be all of Yea Forums in 30 years with their thai mail order brides.

>how did you explain the bruises to the kids/family/company?
>she's a selfish person and didn't try to get you arrested or tell anyone about this?
>a selfish, neglectful drunk suddenly changed every aspect of herself after getting beat by her husband
i could write a better larp

Giddy the fuck up, pardner. May yer next western bring ya all the liquor an' whores y'all could want.

Nigger exhaustion is a very real problem and unfortunately, there is no cure.

The guy is right and this is why Netflix is dying. I would legit watch Bridgerton if not for all the blacks in Victorian England

It's an old, rarely used pasta.

That's not very nice user

>I would legit watch Bridgerton

I need subtitles

I hate eating and fags who eat during movies. Drinking is fine, it's not as loud or distracting.

Whatever. I like romance shit I don't care who knows it.

Why are whites like this?

I play with my wife's hair until she falls sleep besides me while we watch movies, then I pay attention to the movie so I can tell her what happened and how it ended when she wakes up

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from a more civilized time

There's faggot romance shit like Bridgerton and kino romance shit like Before Sunrise.

After the film ends, I usually stand up and start walking around my apartment rapidly. I question myself: "was it kino?" I keep repeating the question for tens of minutes, until I come to a conclusion
Then I get angry. I pick up the pace, and start chanting: "This is reddit, this is memes. This is reddit, this is memes". I do this until I exhaust myself after some hours. However, had the film been a kino? I would've answered
>"Yes, this was kino."
I'd then proceed to slow down my stride, and in a merry manner repeat to myself: "This is kino, this is Yea Forums. This is kino, this is Yea Forums". I'd do that for a slightly shorter time than I'd do the reddit mantra. I'd go to sleep smiling, having witnessed yet another kino.

ypure cattle

Self hating Mutt hands typed this


Do I have to bring up crime statistics user and ask the same question about non whites?

I don't think even Reddit likes this one

I generally line up what I want to watch several weeks or months in advance and then just watch it in order without any deviation. It frustrates me massively when watching a film with someone else and they take ages deciding what to watch.

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Very real story about real people that actually happened 200 percent

So impossibly based. This man's wife should suck his dick dry immediately.

How can anyone with self respect enjoy being pandered to in this way? I know Yea Forums is full of coomers but if a show has just way too much fanservice and sucks ass plot wise I won't continue watching it.

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