Why is woke failing? How can anyone deny go woke go broke is false after this week
Why is woke failing? How can anyone deny go woke go broke is false after this week
lol you're fucking retarded. It's just greed. Plain and simple. A 24 hour news station thought it could jump on the subscription bandwagon. It's that simple and has nothing to do with being "woke" you fucking idiot.
HBO gained 3 million subscribers and are just as woke. Stop trying to force this debunked narrative
>Good goy tranny can only see things in economic/materialist terms
>How can anyone deny go woke go broke is false after this week
Easily, because it's still false.
What is CNN+ and why did people think they need it?
>its FALSE because it just is OKAY???
How is viewership being monitored to be able to get that data?
>go woke go broke
I immediately know you're a basement dwelling faggot, because every mildly liberal mutt is jumping on the woke wagon these days. If you tell mutt normies that it's dumb to have niggers in a European-folklore-inspired work like the Witcher or lotr, then you're literally Hitler.
That can't be true, because Hitler was well-liked and successful.
Too many white dudes have decided being a Nazi is preferable to the current paradigm. And that's a good thing.
Nah it's about being woke. Your corporate masters are starting to abandon you. Hope you had your fun while it lasted.
Because good will and the benefit of the doubt eroded. Public consciousness has shifted so much that normalfags that rare engage in identity politics are at least capable of acknowledging it's a problem. Wokeness is the brand label that tells the customer to steer clear of the crazies.
Posts like this mean nothing anymore.
The flaw in that though is that certain areas are being used for the data. So there is still a big part of the population that doesn't get monitored or a part of the statistics.
which corporate masters are you referring to?
Still works as a way to compare things
Isn't CNN under Warner Discovery? Word is a ton of shit new (and even some unreleased) shit from both companies are getting on the chopping block because the merger. This will likely be the first of many.
who wants to spend money on the news ? people already don't buy newspapers or magazine subscriptions
>pay money to have smug retards lecture you about how bad you are because of your skin color
No thanks.
the average daily viewers for CNN is a bit misleading since many people only turn on CNN when something major happens to be told what happened then how it should be interpreted and if its its good or bad.
yes and no though. The original argument was that CNN can't even break a million viewers, which is hard to even measure because not every single house/internet stream is being used as apart of the data. All I was doing is pointing out that the Nielsen ratings can only provide so much insight but, this being Yea Forums, everything is an argument and troll baiting. I sometimes forget this is 100% not the place for real world discussions.
No one trusts CNN anymore, they completely destroyed whatever brand integrity they had over the course of the last 6-7 years and become a complete joke. It isn't greed. I guaranfuckingtee if Nickelodeon started a pay Nick News service they'd have more subscribers, that's how little cache CNN has left in the news world.
You're seeing the beginning of a financial meltdown like no other in human history.
its not woke thats failing. its the paywall that isfailing. cnn+ had a paywall. cnn does not. one of them is still here.
I would say that all 24 hour news stations all went downhill the past decade or so. It's not just CNN. There are still news stations being created today and they still tank hard. (newsmax)
And Netflix and Disney numbers are dropping because.....
That is also true, Satan, but CNN has probably had the most public crash and burn. They may still be around and propped up by advertisers and habit watchers, but there are literal who commentators sitting in front of a green screen on YouTube who get 10x the viewership an average hour of CNN does.
Wokeness isn't why CNN+ failed. It's because CNN is fucking boring and there's no target audience for it.
Big kike investment firms have been giving out free money (ESG loans) to counteract GWGB. But now there's either too many hands reaching out or the money train's been fucked by the economic downturn, so now cuts are finally being made.
This. Who the fuck is going to subscribe to fucking NEWS when you get that shit for free everywhere
two more weeks?
I wouldn't call what CNN does woke. If they were woke all their anchors and hosts would reflect that instead of just the couple of high profile queers they have. Woke is more MSNBC's gig, I think half their hosts and anchors are strident rainbow flag wavers. What CNN does nowadays is more along the lines of being a political propaganda arm.
Netflix is dropping due to greed but in part they have invest billions of dollars in the New Mexico film industry. The pandemic pretty much shut down the film industry and it was a perfect storm of how deals like what Netflix has been doing backfired on them because they couldn't just eat the costs of investments they made, so they started to up the subscription fees to help make up for the profit losses.
Disney is losing and gaining subscribers at a normal rate but it's also cause they bundle themselves with espn, hulu, tmobile. They also have merch and the parks to make a fuckton of money so the argument of disney doesn't really hold up. They are a rich as fuck company. And they also own a lot of IP from media merges and sister companies they own.
I'm not sure what your point was supposed to be...
sanjay bros... they have redeemed
because woke is gay
gay/trans/whatever is at max 5%of the population
I think you're being a little hyperbolic when you suggest they are crashing and burning. They are still on air, they still have advertisers, the website is still up, and plenty of people still have jobs working there.
For sure, there are streamers who bring in a lot of viewers, more than any station wishes they can bring in, it's a different medium and different content though.
I agree, I'm sure in some ways they have lost a lot of viewerships but that's literally every company. They'll gain it back in one quarter and lose a bunch in another quarter. That's just how the cycle of businesses work.
Hahaha oh wow an actual "it just is ok!!!!" Argument
>woke killed cnn plus
more like no one wanted to pay for more streaming services. at least discovery understood this which is why they will next bundle at lot of the content they had planned for it with hbo max like it should have been from the beginning
>gamer gate faggots still holding on after all this time
Are you suggesting you have to monitor the entire population and what they consume 100% 24/7 to get accurate ratings data?
I 100% am saying that. However, I do think the Nielsen ratings can definitely give some insight but again, the original argument is that CNN can't even bring in a million viewers and there is no accurate way of knowing that without literally monitoring every single household/internet connection. It's the same with polls. Polls don't speak for everyone on the entire planet or in said region, some people don't hear of the polls until after the fact. Being polled seems almost rare unless you're looking for it. Rarely do you see the number of how many were being polled and if you do, it's really not that many people compared to how many people exist on earth and even has a thought about said poll.
The market is becoming saturated now, there's too much out there especially if you factor in traditional cable and satellite services on top. Although an all out crash is unlikely I wouldn't be surprised if we see several very big companies go to the wall in the coming years. Even Disney is losing money and they all are in massive debt trying to grow into emerging markets and the ones that lose the race will be utterly fucked financially. Netflix could be the first example of this.
>good goy polturd can only see things from the lens of his retarded meme culture war for white incels
That culture war is called racial and ethnic conflict in the real world. Culture is war by other means. Nations are people. Racial and ethnic identity will always beat economic. No empire has survived mass migration, combined with debt just makes it all the more unstable.
The burden of truth is on you.
Wokebros... why are we losing all of a sudden?
>Obama had a podcast
Never even heard of it, is this one of those things where a popular person starts a podcast that gets shilled everywhere then only does one or two episodes and immediately drops it
CIA shills mad
It was a deal they got for pulling favors for big tech while in office. Same thing with the Netflix deal. Of course no one gave a shit about either of them but the purpose was to launder money, not entertain.
>How can anyone deny go woke go broke is false after this week
Like all of their meme words the right-wing has made the word "woke" literally meaningless through constant overuse.
no one watches cnn but boomers, boomers are dying off and dont use the internet.
My grandpa got a new tv and when he went to put his email in he just kept typing afsdyufgh23h424 over and over and started screaming at his wife. You think they can figure out how to subscribe and log into boomer God replacement CNN?
This but unironically
>A 24 hour news station thought it could jump on the subscription bandwagon. It's that simple and has nothing to do with being "woke" you fucking idiot.
little column A, little column B
right-wingers love bragging about how their favorite news network has the most viewers in the country, in between complaining about the mean "liberal media" being part of a massive conspiracy against them.
turns out reality catches you sooner and later and woketoism is not very akin to reality
Tucker Carlson is the only one worthwhile person in fox news, the rest are rhinos and yeah there's is a liberal bias in media
>Why is woke failing?
it isn't incel cope harder
>No empire has survived mass migration
Nah there isn't, you're just mad that actual news outlets don't air right-wing conspiracy theories 24/7 as if they have any basis in reality.