The vaxxed are not dying off

the vaxxed are not dying off

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neither are the unvaxxed. the only difference between you and me is that you have some mystery juice inside your bloodstream

>2 weeks
>2 months
>6 months
>2 years
what is the new timeline, chuds when are the vaxxies gonna be dropping like flies

2 more weeks

give it time

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just 1 more year bros.....then all the girls will be ours

Right? Three shots and I'm still kicking, wtf bros.

i will not get vaxxed and you cant make me

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I'm unvaxxed and I haven't died off either. So which is it?

Covid was made up to steal an election.

They're dying in droves. I buried my vaxxtard sister earlier this month may she rest in peace. All the vaxxtards I knew are now dead. She was the 7th to die. The worst part is that they all died in vain, most people in first world countries still haven't gotten the vaccine and are doing just fine.

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the SCIENCE, which is trusted by all except you CHUDS says you are dead you fucking unvaxxed transphobic CHUD

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Aren't they, user? Aren't they?

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>still believes covid was real

I’m unironically getting the 4th shot because it’s free and because I haven’t gotten sick in years while everyone around me gets covid like retards (and yes I still go out to bars).

I checked schizoid symptoms on wikipedia and every single symptom applies to me

I feel fine though.

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Trump lost

Biden shits his pants

I think I might be one too, it's not bad.

Had my third dose today.
Think I'm dying bros. My penis(which was nothing to scoff at form the start) has grown freakishly large and I've become even more autistic than normal.

2 more weeks

i feel fine. waiting for my 4th dose.

Says a lot to lose to a pants-shitter huh

Man I checked it up too and not even one applies to me. Now stop fucking responding/doxxing me.

remember the red deer larp? remember the 2 weeks until trump overthrows the government in a military coup? why do /pol/tards believe every post they read on here?

So popular the dead even voted for him.

It was 500/day for months (US deaths)
Now down to 400/day but cases are slowly going back up.

None of these deaths are vaccinated people. The increase in cases totally can be tho

Says a lot more when the pants shitter has to cheat just to beat Trump.

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Is there even a point to getting vaccinated if you can get sick anyway?

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My grandma had a stroke after getting her booster shot. She's not dead, though.

Everytime retards in court tried to bring that up it was literally just people with the same first+last names in the same city.

Shit don't stick in the courts when it's that half baked yo.

>source: just trust me bro

Yet I'm still alive and I haven't been vaxxed since this all started. You guys got played. Hard.

I guess you get what you pay for.

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The most embarrassing thing in the world is the fact that democrats voted joe biden into power just because they didn't like mean tweets

American courts are so honest and unbiased.

It's going to Trigger cancer in people. Screencap

How do you explain this?

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wait but a fortnight

well that, and the whole american economy not going to shit for a while. Looks like they really hated that part too.

>Shit don't stick in the courts when it's that half baked yo
It also doesn't stick when you have Democrat appointed judges looking this shit over. No, no bias there at all.

don't care, still not getting the pozcine

Like in the battleground states?
All dem controlled?

>covid doesn't kill most people who get it
>the vax doesn't kill most people who get it

facts that neither lefties nor /pol/cucks refuse to accept

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(wait for it)

Pfizer pricks are swimming in cash. & for what? Some psyop false flag constructed virus. You good boy. You lick it up. YOU MAKE ME SICK, not the coof

I’ve never seen a liberal deny that covid doesn’t kill everyone. You’re just a chud that doesn’t know how to be a centrist.

tic tok

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Please, I'm trying to radicalize the youth here and you're fucking my job up

3 shots, no side effects, didn't become a lizard, didn't get cancer, my blood isn't glue, no weird skin rashes and I feel free knowing I can go anywhere without a mask.

>>covid doesn't kill most people who get it
>>the vax doesn't kill most people who get it

Which one does a better job at not killing?

(here it is)


based namefag, I doubt the virus is even real

I dunno, do you wear a seatbelt?

Thank you for trusting the government

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two more weeks you'll get lizard cancer


But vaccination used to mean immunity.

And both you and Trump sat by and let him do it.

Lol, If I trusted the gov I wouldn't have gotten the vaccine, I'm brazillian and my president talked shit about the vaccine.

get fucked vaxxies

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I dont know what politicians have to do with it, especially considering it's trumps vaccine.

early 2020
>liberals: "umm stop talking about the coronavirus sweetie, you're gonna create racism against asians! Travel bans are racist! Go hug a chinese person"
>conservatives: "holy shit covid is a chinese bioweapon meant to kill everyone! We're fucked!"

fast forward to 2022
>liberals: "covid is literally airborne ebola, if you get it without being vaccinated, you will fucking die"
>conservatives: "pffft covid is just a cold"

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They're packed with right-wing judges.

who here /pureblood/?

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>this is the height of conservative intelligence

just give it an extra week or 2

A what to propose he'd have done?

>I dont know what politicians have to do with it

Just showing a correlation in the deaths. Doesn't matter if you don't know what it means.

>soft name for lefties
>hard name for /pol/

you don't belong on this website freak.

African kids who die at the age of 5 without ever being vaxxed


Remember when libtards were spreading the voter suppression conspiracy theory? They even claimed they were removing mail boxes so people wouldn't be able to vote by mail lmao

based, not you.


they will be soon, 2 weeks mark the date

Yeah, no

Get decent lawyers? POTUS Trump could have managed right?

Rudy literally couldn't even attach an excel document that supposedly had smoking gun evidence of voter fraud. I wonder if he got tripped up on a .csv vs an .xlsx or somethin?? And we all know how Sydney Powell turned out.

trust the plan

Unvaxxed here. Got covid and just had a sore throat for a few days

simple logic? can you trannies not even do that anymore?

I got covid 2 weeks ago and it was preddy bad brehs. I can see why its killing the olds and the fats

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I voted green

Great movie.

i just wanted to say that my grandparents came over and one of them has the covid and now theyre staying here even though they were staying at my aunts (who are sick with covid). now hes gonna get us all sick and he keeps pissing the entire bathroom floor and himself when he sleeps. i cant even go to the bathroom because the door handle rattles aka him trying to open it. wtf i hate this shit

Every vaxxed i know got it way harder than me.

Were you vaxxed or not?

COVID killed my aunt last year since she thought she was smart by fence sitting and only getting one shot of the Pfizer and no 2nd shot / booster

>Economy goes to shit
>The same president who said shit about the vaccine, took the damn vaccine alongside his whole family
You're a useful idiot.

How can you tell his tweets are mean when he can't even spell correctly?

Dumbass shills acting like they dont know it takes years for an MRNA vaccine to kill you and that everyone who was dumb enough to get at least both vaccines will be dead by 2030. It isnt a pleasant death, either, judging from the way animals died in the animal trials that they had to deal off from public record. Goof luck shitposting on Yea Forums, you'll be in immense pain because your major organs will be shutting down. You'll be crying and begging God for forgiveness and you should be. Arrogant leftist freaks, this is what happens when you think you're better than God. It didnt end well for the Egyptians either, nor the Mayans or anyone that got into human sacrifice. Which is what abortion really is too btw. Human sacrifice. You've all sinned to such an extent that God has abandoned you and removed his protection. I weep for you still, as weak and evil and you people are this world should never have descended into such sin.

Same. My parents are vaxxed and they had it worse

I burn tires weekly

then everyone clapped

You gotta be retarded to still believe covid was real kek and all the tards around me that got the mark of the beast. Hilarious you're all going to get raped in hell. SAD!

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>will be dead by 2030
wew lad
that's a lot of two more weeks!

2 weeks to flatten the curve

I got the first round of pfizer, nothing after that

ok user, enjoy your 4th and 5th booster shot

that's probably because your parents are older than you retard

this but in 2 weeks

You're commiting a sin by being willingly stupid about the mark of the beast.

You're right. What power does a man who is both a multi billionaire and the president of the United States with tens of millions of Americans ready to go to battle for him really have?
Sitting around collecting money from his followers while rage tweeting until Twitter realized he, the President of the United States, was so weak they could kick him off their site and face no consequences, letting the steal happen, then sneaking away from the White House and leaving the keys under the mat for a regime he knew was illegitimate really is all he could have done.

You might be okay. It's a progressive kill shot meaning it takes a few rounds before it completely fries your immune response. You might be able to live a long and relatively healthy life. Maybe not.

5 years my younger co-worker was in hospital for 2 weeks, tripple vaxed.
Nice vaccine that doesn't vaccinate you bro.

imagine getting vaccinated against a made up disease lol

I'm sure bolsonaro enjoyed it a lot after getting votes from animals like you

Dont care didnt ask

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Whats the mark of the beast?

Rouge is really hot but after being raised in the South from ages 3-24, I don't think I could date a girl with a southern accent. It's too much.

you buddy already replied that

you realize that shit leaves your bloodstream in few weeks right? your blood replenishes all the time

Yeah, yeah.

it was always just about money, there is no greater conspiracy. Politicians bought stocks in the companies developing a vax then forcefully sold everyone the worthless vax through tax money. Then at the same time, they got major support from all the major corporations who were able to capitalize on small businesses completely getting fucked over by the lockdowns

two more weeks

and you will too

there's still no reason to get it

You hear that the Red Cross has to go through a sequence of testing for gene therapy blood before they deem it as usable. To be clear, it's a more extensive process than purebloods. Never donating again unless I can guarantee it goes to fellow purebloods.

why would (((they))) cull the people that are obedient..
anti vaxxers are the most retarded people ever and deserve every shaming they get

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Not him but this shit probably isn't mark of the beast. Mark of the beast will be chips in arms or head

to stop the spread?

>not watching boomer 3 hour long podcasts on bitchute about how the vaxxx is snake venom from satan
Never gonna make it

>what the unbased truth looks like

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Mine was extremely mild and just made me have some sweats for a day.
Was she fat or infirm?

don't want to get sick

>feb 2019, job at Valero Norco (Louisiana)
>april 2019 still there, pandemic full swing
>everyone is shitting themselves at plant
>masks, 10 ft. apart, only 10 people allowed on full sized bus at a time, etc
>work in office, but isolated, touch no one, do work through computer
>slowly start getting sick, boss shits himself and tells me to go get tested
>clinics don't know what they are testing for, tell me it's flu, drink water and take Tylenol
>get sicker and sicker, but boss needs me to do the numbers
>go again to clinic, same story
>start losing my taste and smell
>take everything, Nyquil, Tylenol, Theraflu, etc
>nothing works
>goes on for a month, clinic same story
>one day almost pass out and driving back to hotel tear off clothes and get into tub, i'm trembling, go to bed, my arms and legs feel like ice and my torso feels like it's on fire
>still alive
>dad sends black market penicillin, sister calls to tell me to get zinc lozenges
>after 10 days symptoms slowly disappear
>october, come back home, get tested, negative
>friends want to go gambling in Louisiana
>come back, get sick for 3 days, get tested, negative
>several months pass, vaccine starts to rollout
>knock on door, they are vaccinating at local church
>get there, tell them what i went through, they're eyes bug out and take further steps away from me
>get vaccine
>go home, turn on 'heroes and icons' 2.3 to watch all star trek
>body starts shaking, bones start to hurt, go lay down and pass out
>sick for another day
>feel fine
>months later, 2nd shot
>no symptoms
>later, 3rd, no symptoms

i have never felt like that in my life. ever. i probably had some sort of variant, but everywhere i got tested it came back negative.

on the plus side there was this hot 'lucifersexdoll' type girl at the donut shop (River Rd. Destrehan, LA 70047) and always wore skin tight leggins and had a cute bubble butt. best part of waking up at 4:30 in the morning.

Okay. The jannies let this stay up? Don't get me wrong; I want it to stay up. But what the fuck? How is this okay, but Deppkino isn't? Oh wait, it's because it's a pro-vax thread.

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well the people that overwhelmingly died were the unvaccinated, so...

It’s unironically just a bunch of boomers and schizos now.

Even worse when you consider the split in population density for red vs blue states. Higher death rates in less dense populations where spread would be reduced.

The mark of the beast will only appear after the antichrist takes control of the whole earth, which is AFTER the rapture.

Finally someone who gets it.
All the shit with lockdowns and vaccine mandates is literally capitalism at work, rich people just getting richer

Unironically go back

so what? I'm still fine and I know many other people who are the same