What's the male version of this?

What's the male version of this?

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Joe Rogan wannabes

probably the default video game porn addicted virgin

me desu

I like boats. Simple as.

'sigma' fags

who knows
who cares

Girls should act like girls, what’s the problem

>at peak physical condition for his age
whats the problem exactly?

INTJ men.

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Reddit ꜱoys

She cute.

>A woman acting feminine and girly is now counter-culture

that's how whores act
this is how girls act

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Only faggots know what any of these acronyms mean

Television & Film

lite beer
gym membership that goes maybe once a week
classic rock, pop radio, or what was on pop radio when they were a teen
sports bar food

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Man, I feel like I cant sustain my fellow kids act anymore. I might look young, but 'sigma', 'bussin', etc. They leave me fucking bewildered.

>I hate watching sports and beer is gross
Ok this is based though

>tfw I find myself attracted to women that have masculine hobbies/interests

Am I a repressed gay? I just can't stand "girly" shit

I love that zoomer women are basically anti-feminists, they got sold the idea that women can be whatever they wanted but the only things available that they weren't already are workers and leaders. They neither want to work nor lead so they're right back to where they started off.

>>at peak physical condition for his age
Found the roidtranny

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what is this comics for ants about?

It's just astrology with a coat of paint. For absolute retards.

Is about faggots, and how much they love basing their entire life's around 4 letters.

>Yea Forums - Television & Film

you can make it about Yea Forums if you want nephew

Meyers briggs is just astrology. most of those 16 types are indistinguishable from other ones. The only axis that makes a big difference to behavioural outcomes is introversion/extroversion

Yea Forums is just Yea Forums for turbo-newfags now

it takes real effort to pack this much autism into one image

>I'm just a regular guy.

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joe rogan is 54. the only people his age and height who are in better shape are former olympians and other professional athletes. joe rogan could beat up 95% of men his age and 99.5% of men his age and height.

Nonsense, I had to do it at work and it was surprisingly accurate.

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So how do grown women act and not pedo adjacent shit?

>simping for a podcaster
are you mentally challenged?

>pick-me girl
>complain that women should be allowed to be whatever they want to be
>bitch and moan about some girls because boys like them more.
These are the kind of cunts who unironically see nothing wrong with what the wife did in Gone Girl.

I'm a virgin incel but I love sports, going to the gym and classic rock. I don't really listen to albums, just the big hits. I have very basic taste in pretty much everything.

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i was browsing twitter the other day and realised the jokes, topics, vocab and memes are exactly the same as Yea Forums. people just dont say nigger and tranny

>tee hee I'm not like those other girls who aren't like those girls TEHEHEHEHE

and thats okay

Somehow that one fat white comedian built an entire career out of being Magic Mike.

joe rogan is not 54, he's 5'4

post body

lmao someone is so butthurt over the fact that women like this exist and so men are trying to get them and expect other women to act like them and are adjusting their behaviour and expectations accordingly that they spent time making this image.

btw the majority of muslim women and other religious women are like this with the exception that they expect the man to be the provider. Even among women from secular/non-religious backgrounds a significant minority are like this .

I love women lol


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t. horoscope-reader.

isnt a pick me exactly a feminine woman? are we assuming that men love butch women who are into watching sports?

god I wish I could find a perfect little slave like this

I'm just stating facts which disprove the wrong statnement you made.

You know you can't refute me so instead you resort to calling me a simp.

looks like you know you lost the argument, you fucking retard.
How does it feel getting proven wrong and humiliated on the internet, retard?

thats the point. being a pick me girl is the non feminine butch women

in OP shes the anti fo that

semi based tbd
but I'm a womanhater

>his much autism into one image
He is right though. He is a dumb nigger, but joe rogan is in tremendous shape for a 54 year old man.

how old are you?

>Simple as.

Reddit detected

>What's the male version of this?
Guys who meme. Women are about group-think, consensus, and feeling part of a social experience and that's precisely what memes provide to weak loser npc guys.

cringe af la

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i miss that jak variant

Thank you

Girls like these are infinitely better than the Lana Del Rey girls

holy schizoli

Without even opening the webm I already know it’s going to be some retarded bug shit

Yea Forums doesn’t even exist anymore

>woman who isn't a cunt and who's pronounced fault is being too self sacrificing for loved ones
>this sends feminists into a frothing wage
God damn women are dumb. Also they shouldn't have made the girl that cute if it was supposed to be a negative depiction. I wonder how many of the girls who get angry over this type of shit want a male version of this.

>hanging out with asian girl
>feeling a bit sick
>tell her
>she starts cuddling me, cooking nice food and making sure I get better
>constantly looking me in the eyes and asking if I'm okay
>meanwhile white american women are making shit like this while cheating on their bfs

in the 00s and 10s there was a big trend of younger guys, especially younger guys who were not that sexually successful, wanting girls who were into video games and other nerdy things like they were

a "pick me girl" or "pickmeisha" is a girl who tries to make herself seem desirable to males by pointing out how she's different from most girls in that she either likes or does the thing that most guys like or do which isn't popular among most girls , or that she dislikes the thing that most guys dislike but which is popular among most girls

so no pickmes/pickmeisha's often distance themselves from stereotypically feminine things. e.g. "ugh I hate those TLC reality shows" . "I'm not like other girls I love shooting guns"

Yea Forums is for twitterfags reposting twitterfagotry
Yea Forums is for boring coomposts/occasional baits

go out and get laid

damn he is ripped as fuck

Works out
Wears skinny jeans
Wear hair products

This graphic of a "pick me girl" seems to indicate the opposite though. It's an ultra feminine woman who is talking about doing things that are typically seen as the responsibilities of women.

Asians are honorary and hapas are ok by me but you sir get the gas

Hi Joe what do you think about what Elon Musk said about netflix?

>muh muscles
he admits his back is fucked and useless

If only it were that easy

This isn't your blog faggot

>I love giving unreciprocated facial abuse head for 5+ hours

lmao women seething that girls who are into this actually exist and guys nowadays often expect girls to take facefucking and will find someone else if they don't.

Pretty funny desu

lol mad chang

>picks the gayest type to compare to horoscope
>denies archytipal characters in storytelling and mythology
>finished that was exhausting

yeah ive heard transfolk get called "pick mes" when they expressed an opinion like Lia Thomas shouldn't be competing with cis-women

>pretty girl talking about her uncompromising femininity on social media as if it's not displaying the very pick-me behavior she's criticizing

come on, you've seen tv shows. Just go to a restaurant and when the waitress smiles at you, smile back. Then it'll jump cut to you fucking her

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I'm as paleface as they come

So it's just some progressive twitter term that fags use for anyone who disagrees with them?

I hope he sees this bro

How many people do you think there are in the world who can explain what the fuck this comic means

a totally reasonable reaction to some guy saying he dates an asian girl from a white person