Kino is so amazing that it will never be forgotten

>kino is so amazing that it will never be forgotten
What are their names

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mila azul mila azul mila azul
mila azul mila azul mila azul
mila azul mila azul mila azul

this was my favorite (despite the legal stuff going on behind the scenes)

where can i watch now without getting a virus?

does spankbang have any of these kinos left?

Fifth Element


download the whole siterip from pornolab dot net

Is this a mattress ad?

Arent there like 500+ of these. man.

>(despite the legal stuff going on behind the scenes)
What happened?

349 but she's done a good job of getting it scrubbed from the internet, mostly
IIRC they lied and said the videos were for some dude's private collection and were never going to be made available anywhere else, then got their asses sued off

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Google is such a fucking piece of shit now. It would be great to see a yandex image search in the post menu

Where can i watch chainlinks

>IIRC they lied and said the videos were for some dude's private collection and were never going to be made available anywhere else
I am not an expert on porn shoots, but since the dude does an interview every time, didn't that seem fishy at all?

where the fuck do I CLICK

translate the site to english, register with a fake email (no confirmation needed) and then just search

What was the real percentage of women who were "forced"? You know what I mean, that supposed stuff where they flew them to another state or some shit. Most seem to be happy to be cheating on their partners and were just getting into the law suit because their family lives were ruined


I forgot I saved this one. Lucky me.

Yeah, 0%.
They knew what they were doing, even if the "going to a private collector" thing was real. it doesn't make what they did better.

That one, 184, 239, and 359 were my go-tos.

>What was the real percentage of women who were "forced"?

It got deleted again from the place I last saw it, sorry fren
Well to a normal person with a brain, perhaps. To a dumb slut, no I guess not.

For me, its Czech Casting

0% lmao

though it speaks to how retarded some of these women are.

it's a common movie plotline 'i just came here for a better life, got stuck and now I have to prostitute myself to make ends meet'

When you can literally buy a bus ticket across the country for ~$200, cheaper if it's not across the country of course.

Porn is bad for you. Please stop.

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It always get deleted

Who the fuck doesn't have virus protection? Any man is going to click on a weird porn link sooner or later. Might as well have it. I literally spend more on my lunch break.

You'll be the first one landing in hell

0%. They can't legally force you to have sex with anyone on or off camera. That's just bs the sluts came up with when the porn started going viral and their friends/family found out.

Didn't they still get lied to and were told the porn wasn't going to be released to the public though?

>le 0% they knew what they were doing

easy to talk when you haven't ever been in that situation, surrounded by intimidating men far from home. I've watched some of these videos, the girls look helpless, disgusted, almost catatonic in some cases from being backed into a corner they saw no way out of without complying. incels like you should be censored from public forums, you are actually dangerous.

>defending porn addiction


For me, it's Cynthia from Mompov.

276 for me. That tiny blonde qt with big tits is my fave.

>I've watched some of these videos, the girls look helpless, disgusted, almost catatonic in some cases from being backed into a corner they saw no way out of without complying
That makes it all better.

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You'd have to be a complete retard to believe that.

Lmao just say no. Nobody can legally force you to fuck.

Skanks cried rape even though they knew what was happening and got paid
>they lied
Yes, the women lied.

i watched 5 or 6 of these when they were popular and i swear every girl was lifeless. this shit was way overrated.

I mean, women are basically children so I'd believe they actually fell for it.

Porn is scientifically bad for you. You can look at biology and collected social data and very effectively prove that porn, homosexuality, etc. are all massive detriments individually and to society. You don't need to be a schizo christian to learn it's bad.

Yeah, it's not that better from your common porn. The girls are more "real" but that makes them boring, in my opinion.

>porn is... LE BAD

Fuck off, nobody would believe that shit in the age of the internet. Especially when nude pics get leaked in schools since the 2000s.

239, 242 and 304

Bug from men in black looking ass


weren't their plane tickets bought for them by the company? they were already under financial pressure to consent before they were even in the room.

it's why there are specific laws against sex-trafficking -- it's too easy to use false advertizing and geographical distance to get people into a position where they feel they can't "back out" and already gave consent.

I guess the fact that these whores regret it so much they sued the creator makes it kinda hot.


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If most of what modern women call “rape” is actually rape then lock me up

I don't care what pressure they're under, nobody can force them to suck cock legally and they know it.


>I'm a weak widdle woman, please save me, i'm too widdle to do anything by myself
>also respect me as an equal
Yeah fuck off.


my qt harem

Women would

Why did they take a trip far from home to be around strange men then? To have sex for money? Your simp mentality is ridiculous.

There was one girl with high boots who was super spunky. Her moans were incredible.

>Lmao just say no
ok bro, people have been literally murdered for less. scenario in their mind probably went like this

>Um, n-no thanks...
>gets up to walk out
>one of the guys gets up to block the entrance
>No, I said No!
>gives her a backhand slap
>My dicks gettin SUCKED one way or another got it? *grabs and gyrates his package*
>Look, this aint so bad right?

>>porn is... LE BAD

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>weren't their plane tickets bought for them by the company
You really believe a single one of these whores were "tricked" into these shoots?

>I'm putting together a team

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if the company just did what the company in the Rashida Jones doc did and used women who had independently chosen to move to that state, they wouldn't have gotten shut down. quitting porn is good for you btw.

Why are they italians?

i prefer mompov
specifically trinity, around the 42 minute mark

Please understand they wanted to have sex for money but they didn't want anyone to know about it. That's where the violation took place.

they agreed to do porno under parameters than any rational human being with an IQ above 90 would know seemed fishy, then got butthurt when everyone found out they were skanks selling their ass on camera.

make no mistake, the GDP guys were scum and got what was coming. but victim is not a word I would use to describe these women; they consented, they allowed themselves to be duped. the only thing they’re victims of is their poor decision making

>be such a cumbrain that time was I would have married Adriana Chechik if I had the chance
Man I’m glad I got off drugs.

Post whores who actually enjoyed being degraded.

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