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That you

Ruined the documentary desu

for like a week i was obsessed with gacy
i mean not really but i like that acid bath album and the sufjan stevens song (how that queer managed to make a beautiful haunting song about a fat clown serial killer is hilarious)

and some guy called me insane by saying gacy seemed super normal compared to most serial killers. like clean-cut family guy respected KFC chain owner guy

Literally every Netflix documentary starts with them telling the story you were expecting, then halfway in it turns into political propaganda.

>the footage where they digged the bodies out

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That's every documentary. Netflix just makes it obvious because they're run by idiots.

pretty grim

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Is this Abercrombie?

Thanks for the heads up. Time to look up a free stream. I'm not paying for this shit ever.


Dumb esl poster. You non Americans need to fuck off.





Dig dug deez nuts nigguh

Even in the Aaron Hernandez documentary, they make everything about his closet homosexuality
>him being a murderer would have been avoided if society wasn’t so heckin homophobic


What is the best youtube video on this guy?

The gay dead faggot is in hell right now sucking Satans butthole. The only thing he can do after crashing his car being a drunk fucking faggot driver


>"I'm not gay."
>"I just like to kidnap and have sex with men."
>"Also I don't understand why society dosn't like gays."

This faggot is the white version of that nigger from that ICE T show gif that gets posted here.

i can understand how people got fooled by gacy.
in those interviews he came off very friendly, there was literally nothing hinting his murderous urges, besides maybe his stare sometimes but that doesnt mean much.

he had accomplices that nobody ever mentions. one of his victims mentioned others moving around in the house upstairs to police

>yeeeeaaah, just let me handcuff you to this rape board it'll be funny see? that's right...
I have to wonder just how foolish these young fellas felt when getting raped and killed


Gacy was polish, slavs aren't white

its just dead gay people. literally felt nothing, plus half of them were probably pedo anyway

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He's nowhere because an afterlife doesn't exist, be it heaven or hell.

Not listening to the kino musical instead.

>they deserved to die because they were probably pedos
christfreak cope

this. how dare that poster blaspheme reddit doctrine with that post. you were right to get offended

Based acid bath connoisseur
>he’s never let his homie handcuff him to a table

Every unrepentant gay man is in hell. Also based video.

Sad that we don't have any pogo kino any more

it was the 70s, getting into a strangers car was actually kinda normal back then.
the caution youd use today stems from these times.
also, when they were at gacies id imagine hed make them drunk and stoned which also made them easier to control, add that to him being charming and friendly right till the end and you know how it happened.

you're simply incorrect

>another john wayne
>another faggot

btk got the red dragon guy, bundy became the standin as the perfect everyman serial killer, how was gacy represented in popculture?

clowns bad

incorrect how?

>clows are...LE HECKIN SCARY

>To fully understand the mind of a serial killer, you must first understand the politcal climate of the times, there was civil unrest, economic hardship and racism

every fucking time. when will they understand that a man hunting people for enjoyment is interesting enough

being abducted by homosexual rapists was not a normal thing in the 70's, despite what your mother tells you

He looks so much like my dad, I hate that. My dad was a notorious pedophile too. He bought my mom when she was 13 from her crackhead parents for $300 when he was 35 and kept her prisoner in his home deep in the country where no one could help and kept her there for 4 years until she escaped. Also he killed at least 12 people that I'm aware of. Good thing he is dead now. I found one of the dead bodies down by the creek buried in a shallow grave

id wager that was the sentiment even before gacy.

>more anti-jester media
when are they stopping with the attacks, clownbros?

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how do you know that person didn't just die in the creek

>non-American = ESL

im not talking about being abducted but getting into a car voluntarily with a stranger who offers beer and dope.
and its also obvious that people back then werent cautious about stuff like that at all considering how many serial killers actually procured there victims that way well into the late 70s.

I thought he encased them in concrete from his construction business.

Honestly this is a hate crime against ICP

its time for your pills im afraid.

Do we actually have proof?
From what we can see this doc is slander because he just had sex with the boys and then would just self defence against the drugged up twinks.
He respectfully buried them so I dont know what Netflix is actaully bitching about.

Jeffery Dahmer pretty much did the same thing except he'd target fags and invite them over for drinks and to "pose for photos" before he drugged, raped, and dismembered them. I don't recall if Gacy targeted fags or if he only kidnapped local teenage boys.

this. if americans didn’t persecute LGBT back then he wouldn’t have needed to be secretive and cover up his consensual sexual encounters leading to scenarios where he could not seek proper medical help for his partners for fear of persecution. the entire documentary is a sad testament to the scars left by christian homophobia

there were also a bunch just buried in the crawl space

if they had better gay detection he wouldn't have been free to offend

I don't understand posters like you who purposely pretend to be retarded just to argue. He didn't say being abducted was the norm, you dumb autistic faggot, he said getting in cars with ransoms was the norm. Every time I see a poster like you who is either a social retard or just so lonely that they'll argue something, knowing damn well they're acting pedantic, I wanna bash their heads in.

i think most of gacies victims were young adults and i guess not necessarily gay, most prolly just wanted to hang out or had troubles at home.

if it's such an obviously false statement to you do you think maybe responding to an obvious joke with "uhh actually people USED to hitch hike!" is as equally a retarded post to make?
calm down, reddit

calm down incel

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So who did more damage to clowns, Gacy or Stephen King's Pennywise?

I think Gacy's victims were white whereas Dahmer's victims were almost all black and other minorities. A lot of Dahmer's victims were gay, but others were just random kids and college students.