Obi-Wan series will feel more real than green screen prequels

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"Real" is codeword for "boring aliens". Remember the Pyke syndicate from Boba Fett compared to the originals? Expect that.

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I saw the trailer. There's like 3 female characters, two of them black IIRC, taking most of the screentime and Obi-Wan barely appears for 4 seconds.

>there are people on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW who are excited for this garbage

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>Tatooine again

Why don't they just call it Tatooine Wars at this point

B-but it's not tattoine sometimes...!

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Oh boy another focus grouped disney production. Praise the mouse and his entertainment.

Ok call it sand wars then

nice try scottish cock sucker. nice try. next you're going to tell me that you loved your wife and would do anything for her

>not setting the show on Kamino
brainlet decision

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funny, JJ Abrams said the exact same thing about Episode 7


>Nu Wars
No thanks, I'll stick to the EU.

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>shitting on the prequels
Ewan, I thought better of you than this. Disgraceful. Never was going to watch this Disney Wars shit in the first place, I wanted an Obi Wan movie, but this has just lost me on even that now.

He means he's going to interact with more melanated individuals.

They said this with The Force Awakens and everything that came out after that. It's always a lie and a marketing ploy that consumers will fall for every time. Hard pass.

Attached: Star Wars Episode VII - The Force Awakens zoom.webm (1280x532, 1.62M)

The prequels felt exactly as they are supposed to feel. They were artwork, a magnificent note for George Lucas to end his career on that is only now becoming appreciated.
The "fans" of star wars will always demand ever increasing heaps of shit while not knowing what they are looking for. The magic is gone, Enjoy what George created. That is all.

the disrespect JJ showed is visible in every scene, take this zoom-in documentary style shot for example, popularised in scifi series on a budget
or the slow motion scenes with Kylo in the woods
slow motion? seriously?

It existed before, Lucas didn't use it on purpose. JJ is always proud to say he imitates the greats, but he cant even do that

I think black female inquisitor is a good choice for the main character.

you have the same zoom in Esode 2 during the battle of Geonosis


I can put on Phantom Menace any day and the sound of that first ship will pound my chest. It never stops. It's an audiovisual masterpiece that doesnt quip upon itself.
That's one of the things i hate about modern movies, constant not-taking-itself-seriously, insulting me AS I AM WATCHING the movie ???? fuck off

The thing about Lucas is his movies could almost be silent films.
Look at how many lines there actually are in the Obi-Wan Anakin duel, It could have easily been done with no dialog at all, in fact that might have been Kino.
The best scene in ROTS is "Padmes Ruminations", a pure audio visual experience.

>t-t-this won't be shit like the prequels guys honest
I'm so sick of these psychotic mercenaries, they have no loyalty, class or humility. The only things on their minds is money, fame and will shamelessly fuck over anyone they've previously been accociated with to gain it.

they'll probably use that 350 LED chamber like on mando, it is alot better than greenscreen because of the lighting on the actors

I've seen ugly negress as main baddie in trailer, so no... it will be complete shitshow worse than Jar-Jar walking into poo.

Yeah I bet. A real kick in the balls!

>sand wars

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literally the only good star wars movies was the original episode 4 and empire strikes back. everything after is a mess

>green screen prequels
Is this mouseshill cope?

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>shitting on the prequels
You're right, what is the point of shitting on shit?

>prequels good
Is this a new zoomer take? Kill yourself.

Seething rodent.

Time to dilate.

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That's different and actually worked because they zoomed in onto another subject in the middle of a battle. In the webm above you can already see everything. JJ only added it in because he's a hack that throws in every single cheap camera trick in the book, dutch angles, len flares, everything.

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Remember that this is the same actor who played Black Mask as not wearing a mask because he's a vain celebrity. I don't trust any actor's endorsement of their work.

You're right, it should be called the blue screen prequels.

>dae sequels just copy OT?

And most of George's "style" as a director is to just be as lazy as possible, lmao. The prequels look the way they do so he didn't have to actually direct and could just let the computer make the movie in post for him

Based La Menace Fantome enjoyer

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Jakku is literally Tatooine. I mean that in the correct sense, Jakku is both irl and in the movie a renamed Tatooine.

While the prequels had a ton of practical effects, Ewan was most likely talking about how he had to film in a green screen room for most of it, especially episode 3. He's a hypocrite since he was the one that complained about having to film in a desert so Lucas filmed the ending of Episode 3 with greenscreen just for him.

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Meds now.

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>constant not-taking-itself-seriously
In the Phantom Menace, a 9 year old kid with no spaceflight experience takes part in a war against a giant droid control ship, says it's just like podracing and single-handedly destroys it.

...oh wait, that whole segment was meant to be taken seriously, because the prequel saga is meant to be serious. Makes it all the funnier that morons like you find it genuinely engaging.

who honestly gives a fuck about Star Wars at this point?

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>more real than green screen prequels

Good. The LED walls Jon Favreau uses are cool. My question is, how much is Darth Kennedy involved in the show?

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I'm still waiting for prequelcucks to successfully debate either of these points:



This is exactly where Plinkett confirms beyond doubt that Georgy Lucas is a terrible writer that completely failed to understand what made the original movies good.

>m-m-muh disney sequels are worse!

you have no clue what you're arguing

Granted Jedi can be hard work to get through once you reach past the 90 minute mark, but the entire jabbas's palace as well as the final showdown on Death Star 2 are great and automatically put it in a tier above anything in the prequels or sequels.

>first video
Of course the fight is choreographed, it's a movie, it's literally as choreographed as the ROTJ scene.
The rest of the "point" is just about how the fight made him -feel-, which isn't actually a point at all. If he had a point to make, he'd talk about the differences between the styles: -how- the fight is choreographed and how that characterizes the... characters. The most obvious point to make is that Obi-wan just falls to the dark side completely in that scene, giving into his rage utterly (but Plinkett, as always, misses the point).

>second video
Again, very similar missing of the point. One could argue that the point of the prequels is this demystifying of the Jedi/Obi-wan: showing his sword and robes to be mass-produced and the force with a scientific explanation. That's not to say that the movies present this as "good", it's just a thing that happens: they're not mystical warrior monks, they're space cops (who are bad).

Also you do know that those videos aren't serious right? He's intentionally playing a retarded fan.

>The rest of the "point" is just about how the fight made him -feel-, which isn't actually a point at all. If he had a point to make, he'd talk about the differences between the styles: -how- the fight is choreographed and how that characterizes the... characters. The most obvious point to make is that Obi-wan just falls to the dark side completely in that scene, giving into his rage utterly (but Plinkett, as always, misses the point).
Are you a third worlder or something? How stupid can you even be?
>Again, very similar missing of the point. One could argue that the point of the prequels is this demystifying of the Jedi/Obi-wan: showing his sword and robes to be mass-produced and the force with a scientific explanation. That's not to say that the movies present this as "good", it's just a thing that happens: they're not mystical warrior monks, they're space cops (who are bad).
Jesus christ you're an absolute moron.


favreau was the reason boba was a human toilet show

Ewan's a retard like 100% of actors

McGregor is an actor, he's not intelligent enough to comment on filmmaking.

>will feel more real than green screen prequels
It literally won't, you can tell from the trailer that they use the same claustrophobic and fake-looking round room with a screen in the background, didn't even bother traveling to tunisia to film the Tatooine scenes.

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trips confirm

What is up with the gray fucking filter in everything? They couldn't even try to make Tatooine look like it's supposed to actually be hot in there

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Any movie made after 2006 is soulless garbage

What a pathetic statement to promote your show.

Like night and day

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>more real

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Lucas's used the zoom to look like vietnam war footage. Not a zoom in on and established focus point. JJ is a funking disgrace