
Good Edition


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This one.

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Judy in da house, bitches!

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This thread is spam.

Thank you King

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Glad to be of service.

Avatar use.

You don’t make the rules.

What was wrong with The Alternative Factor?

Is there a John Luke Pickerd here?

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I certainly think so

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There can only be one (/trek/).

There is only one. This one.

There's two other /trek/s in the catalog.

Big Chief will nullify bad posters

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Less meta talk, more Star Trek.

if you want to talk so much about trek
why no one answers the The Alternative Factor faggot?


Jensisters, why do we just keep losing??? it's not fair.... Mike was supposed to have our back!

>Jensisters, why do we just keep losing??

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The thread is now ruined.

The preferred term is Jentiles. As opposed to followed of Judyism.

I find TOS borderline unwatchable and always have since the early 90's.

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>20 hours a day

Take your tripfag worship someplace else.

The original Star Trek is fascinating to watch. It’s almost sixty years old and it set the groundwork for everything.

Finally the BORG queen makes new BORG.

Do your fucking job, janny.


They've explained since she first appeared she didn't have any nanoprobes and couldn't make them very quickly and that's why she never assimilated anyone other than Agnes.

If you’re a yuricel, you already lost at life.

yeah I know, but its still silly. But at least shes made some BORG now at least, though primitive BORG I don't know how effective they're going to be exactly.

This week long level ten sperg out is getting tiresome.

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Tell me about it.

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Do you have attention problems?

in this episode, we're going to waste. about 5 minutes on Dorcto Taco kissing Captain El spaniol, while her kid eats literal replicated shit ya know.

Unironically yes.

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This bitch was so cute

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I have adhd and I have no issues watching tos.
If anything it's among the more easy to watch trek.
Early TNG I struggle to get past.

Thank you, user.

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So how bad was new Picard really?


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Do these people know how replicators work?

Lmao, you guys sperged out and made your own geezer thread and you still cant stop talking about us. Get fucked chuds.

It was actually better than the last one but still not great.

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Replicators rearranging waste products into useful stuff was fanon for 30 years.

>literally eating batteries
Absolute dogshit

it's dragging its heels to the eventual hero's conclusion. But ultimately its just one of those things. It was an OK episode I just wished they had got to the BORG queen making drones a bit sooner. Actually, get some real stakes involved in saving the earth. because you know it's all going to be a rushed squashed into one episode ends.

Like edging for 6 hours only to cum but have your orgasm ruined because someone rang the door bell or something.

If Star Trek is gay
I’m gay

They needed to keep her eyes black, it's pretty garbage otherwise.

That's not saying much.

Yeah, they don't really understand BORG or how technological assimilation works, how nano probes work or anything really. And ''eating batteries'' like cookies was just friken dumb.

>you guys

>literally eating batteries

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I never thought I’d meet an actual schizo in /trek/ but here we are.

see she needed lithium Ions to make BORG nanos so she eats regular battery acid from cars instead. Because....they don't understand anything about even our world.

Eating batteries isn't even a real complaint, you can handwave that as weird borg queen shit.
The biggest trek nerd nitpick of that episode was something far more egregious.
Can you guess what it is?

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That sounds hilarious. Got pics?

The way the FBI agent is just like, you can go now. see ya. and lets them leave?

Nah, that was just a change of heart cos he got Picard Speeched.

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In /trek/ news, the other thread is absolute cancer.

Why did Jerati eat a bunch of lead acid car batteries.
All she's going to get is heartburn.

what moment made you feel in love with TENDI?

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ooh ooh the way a clone with just some leggings and no money or ID just walks off into the city and is like, IM LEAVING DAD!

He got fired cause he was like discount agent Mulder. He had no choice but let them go.

Nah, she's an augment or some shit. She can just beat someone up for money.

Did they deepfake Werschling or whatever her name is on top of her face? I swear this Jurati looks different. Better.