Depp v Heard General - Cross Examination Edition
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When is he going to outgrow dressing like your drunk uncle’s buddy that hangs out in a garage full of Motley Crue posters?
lemme guess
incel: who was in the wrong here?
virgin 2, 3 and 5: the woman, of course
incel 3: why?
all in unison: because shes a woman!!! (snivelling, raucous laughter)
deranged jobless schizo who was not loved by his mother: n - word!!
virgins who would piss themselves if a woman made eye contact with them: rape! rape rape rape!!
basement dweller leeching off social welfare: look at these fbi crime statistics!!!
wow thanks everyone what a wonderful thread on Yea just wonderful truly a benefit to society as a whole
yeh bro johnny depp is a poser he definitely isnt stll doing a shit load of cocaine and playing in that gay band hollywood vampires i mean you can cal him a lot of things but hes more talented than you will ever be now go back to posting and jerking off for a living
is this AI shit posting?
Heards lawyer is BTFO of Depp
You wanna suck his cock don’t ya?
No, just one of these schizos
mods can you sticky this
looks to be some kind of AI, possibly schizo posting
Just tell him you can't black out when you are railing lines of coke KEK
did I read that right?
I watched some clips from the hearings. Why is Depp struggling to form cohesive sentences? He spends like 5 seconds between each word. Is it from too much drinking?
Why are lawyers like this?
lawyers are evil and he has to pick every single word carefully
does this lawyer really think going back & half heartily reading trying to find any "contradiction" is helping his case?
he says he trying to respect the courts time, & then does this every minute & what is read out hardly contradicts.
You have to careful about what you say in court right
they're just trying to smear him in front of the jury however they can
johnny bros im getting worried.......
I think Amber still loves him. She looks genuinely sad and concerned for him.
I thought I had tik tok open
t. Jonathan Depp
>your honor i would like to play the following audio recording from his flight
What does any of this prove? So what he likes do drink and do drugs
Depp is BTFOing the lawyer. You can see him revert to his incely, useless demeanour every time Depp rebukes his pitiful attempts at cornering him. For being a millionaire lawyer he's fucking useless.
Depp is absolutely getting destroyed by this lawyer
he's a drug-addled actor used to having his lines written for him, the ones he doesn't snort that is.
did I read that correctly?
>this will surely help convince the jury
I'm definitely sampling that.
He's getting caught lying nonstop.
Alpaca time
This lawyer is fucking useless.
the duality of man.
it doesn't work if the jury has any nuance.
Is it possible to think she lied but still feel sorry for her?
What the fuck is the point?
>the duality of man.
Watched some commentary last night on CourtTV and a reporter who was at the UK trial said that he is not nearly as sharp as he was there. So either he's degrading or he's on something. He is a lifelong alcoholic, could just be simple loss of brain cells.
Amberfags are a weird bunch, I'm not sure if they're paid shills or if they're just retarded simps.
you must be watching something else then
BTFO'd by what exactly?
Depp is the man
>Is it possible to think she lied but still simp for her?
He's always been pretty inarticulate. Adding the years of damage to his nervous system from all the drugs and booze, I'm surprised any words are coming to him at all.
>detox sounds very painful
>for you
waiter, this pasta is cold and sloppy
This is different. It's more like brain-damage as opposed to careful selection of words.
I believe it.
didnt read
Oh shit, my bad I'm a retard, I read "by the lawyer".
*stares into the camera*
If dubs, Amber dies on the spot
what happened to incel 2??
how can she literally shat a bed?
>is this A screen thing?
holy shit
No need to be so hard on yourself
oh fuck
Johnnychads we're coming home.
you have room temperature iq.
For the Mort - Team Mort
oh shit
Reminder that Dior is still supporting Depp and have not removed his advertising.
To smell like Johnny is a blessing and I wear it everyday
based based based
this lawyer is reading texts and quoting audio verbatim. if they were full of racial epithets would a lawyer get the n-word pass?
never forget
>Uhhhhh, Amber, we really need you to act like you have emotions today.
>Just put some eye shadow under my eyes so it looks like I'm tired ok?
Based GPT-3 poster
Did she actually shit the bed out of spite or did she just really have to shit and had a woman moment with her emotions or did she actually shit the bed by accident and just slid it out of her panties to pretend it was an accident?
Did she piss the bed too?
Anons we need to get to the bottom of this
soon her death will be a mystery even to me
we wuz indians and shit
>Mr Depp, you were upset with Amber. And suffering a violent come down from all the drugs you had taken and wanted to hit someone. Correct?
>Okay, let me pull up your testimony from the London trial
>*finds folder while acting like his time's being wasted*
>If you turn to page 386, line 42. "I was upset with Amber so I took an ambien." Did I read that right?
>Yes you did
This guy's really fucking pissing me off
We keep winning
Supposedly he left a message on his first wife's machine that featured the n-word.
The face of a serial killer
>wow look at me I'm dressed just like Johnny with minimal makeup to make me seem innocent
Dude Depp is getting caught up in multiple discrepancies, you don't have to support Amber to see this.
They both look hungover
Holy shit
They probably are
>did I read that right?
Is this guy on the spectrum?
What is going on?
Where does this Elon Musk-looking hag get the gall to attack Depp?
thats a very nice thing to tell your wife's mother. remember that lads
He loves her still. Poor guy
if only dont look up had this level of dialogue
he really is our guy
Bro Johnny took an Ambien? A fucjing Ambien? The date rape pill?
I can't support this man anymore.
>you got married in 2015
what a chad
>Benjamin Rottenborn
Somebody is actually named this lmao
im bored out of my mind
>and that fucker David
I want to hug her
Don't kikepost on Yea Forums
He date raped's over
>that's just nonsense
>Thank you
why are rich people still addicted to alcohol? there are much better drugs to get addicted to
>maybe 17 months
You'll lose 5% of your max health.