>Cheat your husband with co-worker because "stronk wyman"
>Completely ruin your child's life for your own selfish reasons
>Life's not so great anymore so go crawling back to said cucked husband
>Finally realise that the corporate rat-race is no substitute for the things that matter in life
My gf started taking the whore wife's side which snapped me out of my "I found a good girl" delusions. It unironically saved my life kek
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, the bitch killed his kid by aborting it even though he wanted another baby. Something else my gf "understood and empathised with"
kikes are compelled to destroy any tradition that strengthens a society.
I can't remember a single media piece where romantic relationships dont seem like pure hell on the man. Or even something that relates to how men feel, it's always like a old woman is writing ("hello. fellow hetero man, I love MY PARTNER, she's so strong" etc)
yeah updating the sexual politics didn't really work. the original is still 10/10 though.
didn't they leave it ambiguous exactly why the abortion happened in the new version?
That actress is so unattractive that she’d be lucky to get one guy let alone two.
Am I right guys, or are men so horny that they’ll fuck anything that moves. No wonder there are so many people around with fucked up genes, guys can stop fucking.
If a woman wants to get an abortion, you should have ZERO say in this. You don't get to force your retarded beliefs on another person's body.
that goes for the baby's body, you're not God to decide when you can kill
It's so fucking sickening. What struck me was how much of this horseshit my gf had aborded over the years, to the point that she thought killing a baby for the sake of career was A-okay. It's not just her though, it's all women for the most part. Everything you as the guy wants or thinks takes a back seat to their emotions, everything's a fucking impromptu therapy session.
"Yeah, but what did you mean by that? People don't just say something unless they-..." blah blah fucking blah lol
Nah bro, she killed the kid before it would've affected her career but they disguised it as "our marriage couldn't handle another kid, even though we're both clearlying 6figures".
I do and the constitution allows it. There's literally nothing you can do about this.
If she's going to abort MY child, I 100% have a say in it, you fucking demoralized ball-less faggot. It's no longer just "her" body the moment she convinces, there's another life at stake.
and you'll suffer as the miserable creature you already are. You're your own punishment
>The law says it, therefore it's moral and 100% justifiable
The law also said you could beat your wife, retard.
Is this the new chudcel cope?
women should have the right to an abortion
fathers should have a voice in family planning
the final decision is always with the woman, with all its consequences of potentially ruining a relationship
is that so difficult to comprehend?
Thanks for agreeing with me.
Yeah I mean even in the simplest of romantic terms, even at its most basic feelings, media products feels like it's made by absolute aliens with zero notion of how men feel.
You're wasting your breath mate, this wretched cunt's too far gone lol
Wtf's a chudcel you bugman fag kek
The funny thing is that men can't opt out of having a child with a woman, we're just supposed to just the fuck up and pay for it.
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
Is this in any way related to the Bergman's movie?
50% of the baby's genes from the man.
Women are monsters and the system encourages them.
>the law also said you could beat your wife
>implying that's a bad thing
That's only the media in the West for the most part, those attitutes haven't posioned the rest of the world.
My cousin came to visit us and would routinely tell his wife to shut the fuck up whenever she was being bitchy or nagging him.
I'm 100% marrying a girl from back home soon as I wrap things up with my current gf, there's no way in hell I'm subjecting myself to this pozzed shit.
Is Hollywood really trying to convince people that this is an attractive woman with two men fighting over her?
100% of the pregnancy is inside a woman's body over which you have no control.
You fucks want to run around killing unborn children maybe we should just start killing you instead.
you will make a girl very unhappy some day
You're right. Only thing the man can do is to dump the empowered woman in question. I mean, I never feel more relieved in my life. She did me a glorious favour.
In reality its always men doing this crap
>Nah bro, she killed the kid before it would've affected her career but they disguised it as "our marriage couldn't handle another kid, even though we're both clearlying 6figures".
in the original Johan reacts passive-aggressively, then they both agree they want it, then we hard cut to after Marianne has had the abortion.
it's very clever because it muddles the waters about why in a way that mimics the lack of clarity the characters have themselves.
No bro, according to emasculated homos like that guy we're just supposed to grin and shut the fuck up after we cum in them lol
No all women user, just the Western ones and the ones are posioned by those same ideas. They're pretty chill everywhere else
I don't give a shit, all I care about is raising a family and doing it properly. My happiness and her happiness is secondary to that. Enjoy making your girl happy at the cost of your sanity my man kek
this is also what I mean with this I remember thinking this about The Dark Knight where two handsome rich guys fought for fucking Maggie Gyllenhall
It's like hollywood is entirely gay aliens just guessing what men feel ("maybe they love how strong and rich this woman is"). Then you get women shocked "omg you are able to find a 21yo pretty!!??!?! That is sick!!"
yeah women never cheat, thats why in France you cant even dna test your baby to see if you are the father
Disregarding the retarded incel tirade in the OP, should I watch this remake or the Swedish original?
Why do you need a culture that holds women hostage in order to have a functioning family? she wont stay with you because she wants to, but because she has no alternative.
you will get a maid and not a life partner
No. Watch the original movie again instead
the original miniseries from 1974
That is not true user, there's no point in putting all of one gender in one basket because of some stupid women and the western world encouraging the worst qualities in people
I did meet some roasties in my life but I also met girls who were genuinely nice and caring, I'm especially thankful to these two girls who helped me a lot in high school, lost contact with them sadly especially after quitting social media
Your entire world view is false and manufactured.
Watch the TV miniseries, user. The movie is a cut up abomination.
if you tell us where you're from and where you live right now then we could get into specifics
>The original
There's another version of this? And Johan's the architect of his own misery in a lot way. I don't know what drove him to fuck her moments before serving her divorce papers.
Then he fucks around on his new girlfriend/wife with the same woman that turned his life upside down.
>How men feel
The funny things is that 9/10 men with as little as 50ng/dL of Test in their bodies would filled their shit instead of pathetically sobbing and trying to reason with that cunt.
I don't know if they think how they protray men is how we actually are, or if it's some weird fantasy.
You say all of that as if I give a fuck. Listen mate, I don't need a girl to "want to say with me" to validate my existence lol. My wife's going to serve a purpose, and that is family first and foremost. Why else would I risk half my assets and mental health? Go make your girlfriend "happy" and make her, her wants and needs a prioprity. See how far it gets you cuck boy lol
I don't agree with that man, if you want a healthy family then you should also make an attempt to make your wife satisfied with you. I think that from this mindset of "I am the only important one as the father and the rest can fuck themselves" come narcisistic parents and toxic families. My parents get along just fine and tease/banter with each other but it's just for laughs, my family's a healthy one and me and my siblings grew up just fine, love my family
I don’t really think that they care if the thing doesn’t look believable. Hollywood is just a big whorehouse, less attractive females probably play ball easier.
There might be a few straight people in charge but they get off on making someone ugly famous and then fucking them for cred.
It's not false per-say, it's just very very very very very very vaginal. It's the antithesis of manhood and masculinity.
each relationship is different, if that works for you and your future wife, go for it.
I'm just telling you that a narrow mindset on "family" at the expense of everything else will make nobody happy. there have been countless families in your ancestry that tried exactly this (for a lack of other options) and very likely had unhappy marriages. its not only about children, its about everyone involved
Yikes. Good on you OP for seeing the warning signs and not being oblivious.
Alright, then the man can leave without paying child support if he doesn't want the baby. Either both can opt out or none. Equality
Again with that mindset you're just setting up a plan for a family that would be a rather toxic one. No one's telling you to make your wife a piority or kiss her feet or something, just treat her as the second half of the deal that is the foundation of family. One that's built on mutual understanding is a healthier one in my opinion
Also what the guy above said
bro I said my happiness would also take a back seat in favour of the family as a whole. I don't know why self-sacrifice is such a dirty concenpt for westerns. Our wants and needs will come second, our job as parents is infinity more important.
I know several people in unhappy marriages in my culture, but guess what? Their children are thriving. Academically, socially etc.
Meanwhile the divorce happy cunt's children are on avg far worse off. The only family friends we have who's children have become petty criminals are all from divorced households kek
>decision entirely the woman's
What a dumb fucking idea
How did we all so far
Nope. I fundamentally disagree with this notion that marriage is a 50/50 partnership. Also, it's only "toxic" by Western standards. This is where relgion comes into play, your wife is afforded certain rights, you can't just be a brutal cunt and dictator to her for no reason.
you can also have happy children in a happy marriage, these things are not mutually exclusive.
but I see that your only point of existing is creating offspring, so I will just assume you are indian and disregard any opinion you have on the issue of functioning relationships
Please quote the section of the constitution that allows killing babies :^)
babies are just small niggers, it's fine bro
She is holding herself hostage user! She's the one who got herself pregnant. Society is just saying to stick to what you started
A happy marriage, on the wife's side atleast often comes at the man's expense. I've noticed a similar thing with a ton of my relationships. Don't believe me? Look at faggy western sayings like "happy wife, happy life" lol
I'm not a pajeet, thank fuck, but I do think they have some pretty good ideas about family.
lets see who the producer is
Women don't want to believe this but the only reason we as men put up with them is because we want children. As always, men are the only good gender (largely). They want kids, they want a good family, they want minimal drama so everyone can grow in a healthy manner. Women just want to be pampered and siphon energy and money from those around them (largely). So yah, a lot if shit is put up with because the prospect of family is there.
Agreed. And if the man does not consent to the baby but the woman decides to have it anyway, he should not be required to pay child support. Consent is a two way street sweaty.
Do you even need to ask? jajajajajajajajaja
>Western women
I'm telling you user, women outside of the West's influce are not like this, they're actually pretty fucking based and deserving of respect. Getting into a relationship with a western woman other for the sake of family is a one way ticket to fustration, unthanked self-sacrifice and your wants and needs always taking a back seat. The only reason my gf behaves herself half the time is because she knows I wouldn't hesitate to kick her and force her to move back in with her alkie mum lol
Her friend's boyfriends are living in absolute fucking hell. It blows their mind whenever I tell her to fuck off in a room full of people when she's being cunty. It's a wrap for most guys in the Western, especially white fags.
Okay maybe I was reading your comments wrong so I apologise for that, and I agree that it's about self-sacriface and putting your family first, although about your other argument... I guess it's just that children try really hard just to escape from the unhappy situation they have at home, but it doesn't mean other family types are somehow "worse" for kids to grow up in. My family's a pretty happy one, nobody yelling at each other and no drama, only ever got a small spanking if I misbehaved too much as a kid but mom and dad have been very chill and supportive these days. And we're not worse off at all - me and my siblings got education, brother got pretty far and even got some recognition for himself, sister also had a good job for a while before settling down to raise kids, and I'm still working on my second degree but we're doing fine
But still families and children are different and there's no "best way to go about it"
if its primarily men who want children and a functioning family, then why is the majority of cheating in a relationship done by men?
No sweaty, they can have your baby and force you to pay for the next 2 decades or kill it if they want and there's nothing you can do about it. Welcome to hell.
It's not user ^.^ you are looking at old data. In the past decades men have cheated the same to less and women have cheated more and more and more, even with how many women lie about everything they have still evened the numbers out. Although this is all irrelevant because you can still love and care about your kids while cheating on your nagging bitch of a wife. Use your brain please before making terrible posts
>western women are cheating whores
>It's okay if I cheat because.... IT JUST IS, OKAY??
you literally cant be this retarded
Only groomers think this way.
I dont remember writing any of these statements user. I simply said you can still love your children, which I pointed out as the thing men care about, while cheating on your wife. That's two brainless posts in a row please take a break.
Fair point user. But an unhappy marriage doesn't have to be a toxic one where there's abuse of shouting etc in the household. Most of the "unhappy" married people I know who are doing it for the kids funnily enough have a far more functional than the happily married ones. But I guess it's a cultural thing. Westerns and white in particular are taught to lash out and make their unhappniess known, whereas we're taught to stfu and be polite about our circumstances.
>women can literally walk outside, point at their vagina and get sex on tap
>Not to mention how inundated they were with simp attention
>But they cheat less
You're out of your fucking mind or you have no real world experience with women loooooooool
>love your children
>while proceeding to ruin your family by cheating on your wife
idk user
So this whore has more than one Harvey Weinstein.
Hes just living in the past, plus women lie about anything bad, even if its anonymous or for some official polling data. Men used to cheat more, ever since the 60s though the numbers for men have remained constant while women cheating has skyrocketed and that's WITH the lying happening too so it's very clearly higher than stated.
yes, yes, very well, women... BUT!