I'm so friggin' sick of this mindset. Black people have to emphatize with white protagonists ALL THE TIME...

I'm so friggin' sick of this mindset. Black people have to emphatize with white protagonists ALL THE TIME, so why is it so hard for white people to do the same?

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White good black bad.
Everyone knows this deep down.
That's why they said "it's not all black and white" when they mean it's not just a matter of bad versus good.

I don't identify with "flying rainbow haired ponies", I want to LOVE them.

blacks are a detestable bunch

it's not hard to emphatize with black actors, it's hard to emphatize with good actors, and blacks aren't that

we can emphatize with Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Will Smith, yet they are black, explain that

CattyN's artwork has improved so much I want to see them draw body inflation again

>it's hard to emphatize with good actors
meant bad actors and blacks aren't good ones

Because white people actually make their own protagonists. If blacks want something to empathise with its on them to actually make it. Stop being lazy

white people
>kill, rape and enslave all around the world
>invented capitalism so the poor can be financially exploited
>currently destroying whole worlds ecosystem for no fucking reason
meanwhile, Black people just chilled in peace for a millenia until whitey came. It's not hard to see who the bad guy is here.

I don't understand what "identify with" means or why it's important to do when watching movies

I know you're joking but people really believe this

Incel moment.

>meanwhile, Black people just chilled in peace for a millenia until whitey came.
Tribal living was genocidal, both in Africa and America. People have always been shit, it's just that white people wrote things down and were successful on a broader scale.

>Black people just chilled in peace for a millenia until whitey came.
Citation needed

literally unwatchable

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I grew up in the 80s and 90s watching Will Smith, Eddie Murphy, Denzel Washinston etc and didn't have any problems

But leftists and racist, non-white activists need a reason to get their weak, limp, depressed asses out of bed in the morning so muh white supremacist boogyman I guess

>kill, rape and enslave all around the world

You stupid faggots pretend niggers and browns are not 10x worse

There are countless webms floating around of African warlords raping and murdering kids and browns torturing people in the worst ways

NPCs need to self insert because they lack empathy and/or imagination

>I'm not racist, but *virulent racism*
Do you think you fool anyone?

why don't you put down your twinkie and type this with both hands

blaks add nothing to a society; they are only a burden.

>Do you think you fool anyone?
Do you?

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I cannot emphatize with my mortal enemy that I want fucking dead.

Nice bait.
Oh wait you subhuman losers actually believe that bullshit.

You get everything you deserve.

So when you shitlibs complain about not enough diversity is this you admitting that blacks lack "cinematic empathy"?

Keep in mind all the rules they make up and push only apply to us never to the nigger.

Damn racist brony marvel fanboys are getting chewed out by this webcomic.

>o-oh no, I'm losing the debate! uhmm..... what about TRANNIES?
man, I wouldn't even know about trannies if you sexless losers didn't obsess over them 24/7

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There is no debate subhuman trash.
You simply mean that we must agree with your false bullshit, well it is false so fuck off and die.

I can only relate to protagonists who are 5 foot 3 or below in height
Yes, Warwick Davis is my favorite actor

How can any White identify with a nigger when niggers are so superior in every single way?

Reminds me of the "rape didn't exist until white people invented".

Oh god is dobson back? Op there’s a technicolor horse on that pic

Yeah, no. You're the tourist here. Go back to your own board, I'm sure there's a tranny thread there for you to visit since you love them so much and all.

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Just another way of saying "non-white character". Apparently, because the character is white you mean the audience (*only straight white males) can "identify with" even if the character happens to be a cop, medic, time traveler, poor, rich, excellent atlete or a musician. But since race is basically everything, audience (*only straight white males) can "identify with".

This argument doesn’t make any sense from a liberal perspective because their entire argument in favor of more representation for blacks, women, and fags is that all of the above are incapable of empathizing and identifying with white characters. They claim that blacks need to see themselves represented on screen to glean any type of message or value from a narrative.

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I'm not replying to you, just using the bait post as a nice way to inform others who may not know:

White people were the first to end slavery, and paid the largest cost to end slavery. More Americans died in the fight to end American slavery (620,000ish) than the total amount of slaves shipped to America (388,000ish).
White people even fought the slave trade as it was ongoing. The British West Africa Squadron patrolled the African coast to harry the slave trade, and freed 150,000 slaves. They suffered the worst conditions of any group in the royal navy, and did their job despite preventing slavery not being a profitable venture whatsoever.
The majority of the slave trade went directly to South America. 10.7 million slaves were sent to the continent over the entire history of trans-atlantic slavery.
With all that considered, it's amazing how the story of the trans-atlantic slave trade is one focused largely on North America's small partaking of it rather than Spanish America's majority. There are a couple reasons for it - Hollywood's focus on American exceptionalism, and the story of the end of south american slavery being rather unexciting. Perhaps there are films and stories made in south america that are popular over there.

There is no debate, there is nothing else to say, just fuck off and die.

Yes but the rules only apply to Whites and never to niggers.

Or what? You gonna cry?

>posts something that isn't racist
seek help

There is no debate and you just cannot accept it.

>Yeah, no. You're the tourist here. Go back to your own board
Obvious projection, wojakshitter

They simply don't care about history.

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They don't care, it's barely a passing justification. If you think they care, that's a big mistake.

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Subhuman like him don't need help when they cry and moan racist this and racist that, they need to be fucking assaulted.

how do chuds actually refute what he’s saying here though

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>If you don't represent our people in your nation then we are going to become terrorists.

because whites are fragile little bitches.

>blacks aren't good actors
>here's a list of some of the greatest actors in history, and they're all black
based /pol/ retard

There is nothing at all to refute.
You anti-White maggots just need to fucking die.

They do, but only as a tool to achieve their goals. They're constantly rewriting history and anyone trying to correct them is rabidly attacked and called the revisionist. What they don't care about is the truth or honor or morality.

Nothing to say really.


>they are going to have to identify with someone who doesn't live like them, talk like them or act like then.
99% of protagonists in films that I watch do not live, talk or act like I would. Blacks aren't special.

Leftoid memes are so limp wristed at best and instantly destroyed by reality

Leftism truly is a mental disorder

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>i can’t relate to black people
>relates to some furshit/ anime shit/ cartoon his life revolves around

Black people are unironically less human than furry anime cartoons.

Why do you illogical antiwhite retards expect a rational debate in response to your strawman comics?

>because whites are fragile little bitches.
Say the n word around blacks and they burst into a violent uncontrollable murderous rage.

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>are going to have to

I've gone to see every Marvel movie in theaters except BP and Captain Marvel. Seethe.

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Yeah I know, that is why violence is the only answer.

>l-l-l-left can't meme!
Pray tell, who drew the most famous meme of all time, Pepe the frog? Was it some tighty righty? Let me remind you, it was a leftist meme all along.

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You just made that up.

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>Memes about Joe Biden were made by him! They're leftist memes!

>620,000 includes Confederate losses

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600k White people died over nigger trash!

Based I bet you have a fat cock

I just don't give a flying shit about Marvel movies

>who doesn't look like them
>who doesn't live where they live
the fuck does that even mean?
it's a fictional film about blacks living in a motherfucking fictional perfect city located in africa.
Literally no one tries to "relate" to these characters except for people with no identity or personality.

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It's true

So how does a leftist reconcile the fact that all of your counterarguments are basically just ad hominems or strawmen?
Aren't you guys supposed to be better and smarter than that?
On an unrelated note I look and act like that, uncanny.

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>be british
>invented work
And we got away with it too. Lol, lmao even

black people
>kill,rape and enslave all around the places they can travel to including every single country they immigrate to
>invented rape, murder and slavery
>currently raping and murdering at higher rates than any other group of people on the planet

Why try being genuine and honest with someone who is being dishonest and disingenuous? The only solution for dealing with someone like that is violence.

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>I'm a big fat bastard
>I draw myself as a teddy bear so people won't see I'm a disgusting fat piece of shit
I can't empathize with fat people or niggers.

Ponies are more fuckable than niggers

>The only solution for dealing with someone like that is violence

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Go back

Because modern black protagonists entire characterization and dialogue revolves around how evil white people are and how much white people need to be killed.

Yes. White people were willing to kill their own in extreme numbers for the sake of black people, something no other race has done.
It's both historically significant and also extremely stupid, empathy is the achilles heel of whiteys.

>Go back

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I have never identified with a character on a screen cause I'm not a loser

You just described jews.

Doesn't this contradict the whole representation movement?

the whole autism/racism/politicism trifecta is a curious phenomenon.

ouch, did a 12 year old make this?



Contradictory statements and beliefs are the main staples of the leftoid movement.

I hate them. they ruin our women

He's literally me.
Thanks, this post really opened my eyes

>ouch, did a-ACK

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look at that little future rocket scientist
just kidding, he'll be collecting the walfare that should have been spent on rocket science
