Time to watch one of the movies about how 6 million Jews suffered and why we should feel about about it kids!

>Time to watch one of the movies about how 6 million Jews suffered and why we should feel about about it kids!

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When they showed our class Schindler’s List in 8th grade we all started laughing at the scene where the nazi is standing in front of the pile of burning bodies and randomly turns to the camera and starts screaming. The teachers freaked out and threatened to cancel our class trip to DC and the Holocaust Museum if we thought it was funny

I watched hotel rwanda on one of those in high school
gattaca too
public school is a babysitting service

>12,000,000 shoes

Kids who were in school from 2000-2010 got absolutely hammered with WW2/Holocaust propaganda lmao, looking back on it. We were all reading Holocaust YA novels in middle school. It's dying off now.

>public school is a babysitting service

Pretty much. It can all be done in about 1-2 hours, not 8. When I was being homeschooled I got all my work done in an hour every day from grades 1-6.

>When an event happened so much that you have to remind people it happened every five seconds but we never talk about the holodomor or the armenian genocide

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I’m a western yuro and the extent to which it was taught was “it happened - moving on” in history class
Why are Americans like this?

It's almost like Israel controls the US or something.

Replaced by stuff about blacks no doubt

>schindler's list jew sniping scene
>whole class laughs

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Jews run our media. The holocaust has been made into a religion where questioning even bits of it gets you called nazi, even though judaism specfically states non jews are cattle and jews will enslave all nations.

/pol/ isn't totally wrong. Our media/schools are influenced in a lot of ways by Jews, particularly the post WW2 generation that took over a lot of books and TV. And they like to talk about the Holocaust a lot so they pump all their creative attention into that and we get the trickle down. But they're dying off now and so is the deluge of Holocaust media and thus sympathy in schools.

Such is life under ZOG

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It's funny that even with the war in Ukraine and some people even using the word "genocide" at times, Holodomor is still basically never brought up.

muh shoah was probably the most important thing in history class. you might be a boomer.

I loved when they showed any movie in class. Perfect time to get some comfy sleep.

Lmao, you were >that kid


Careful there, user. You’re about two steps from realizing basically everyone in Hollywood is related and that the mass media is working together.

Because america runs ukraine, its a jewish puppet and jews got kicked out of russia which is why the neocons seethe so hard and want war with em

for me it was this youtu.be/2aD6VpfUlHE

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>War where more than 60 million died
>It's somehow unlikely less than 10% of them were jews

Shouldn't chuds support the holocaust instead of denying it?

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They deny it happened but think it should've.
What's hard to understand for you?

What an atrocious argument, this might surprise you but Jews didn’t make up 10% of the population of Europe

Don't post something this stupid again.

I don't care if it did or didn't happen. The issue is that jews still act like they are the only people who've had genocides and still act like its happening. And I'm half jew. Jews are their own worst enemies. They start shit and play victim and then they grow hatred and they get kicked out

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>jews got kicked out of russia
You got your script updated you buck broken /pol/ nigger? 14 out of 15 billionaires in russia are jews. Jewtin even married his daughter to some jewish carricatue looking kike

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>Shouldn't chuds support the holocaust
It didn't happen, but it should have

My friend's english class was watching Of Mice and Men and this one fat kid yelled out "BOOM, HEADSHOT!" as Lennie gets shot

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>It didn't happen, but it should have

And you know this better than the millions of people who witnessed how?

better this because it’s actual history than
>time to learn about this made up jew that died 2000 years ago
guilt brainwashing. i swear /pol/ have such cognitive dissonance- dunning kruger
>there is utopia but the dragon waiting by the gate that must be slain is religion

this is bullshit. i’m a bong and we had to watch schindler’s list, escape from sobibor and some other crap. most of our ww2 education was about the holocaust

yeah exactly, if it had truly happened the world would be a much better place. glad you understand

>millions of people who witnessed

this week on social studies
>black people are cool movie
>the holocaust happened movie
>shakespeare adaptation

>better this because it’s actual history than
>time to learn about this made up jew that died 2000 years ago
>guilt brainwashing. i swear /pol/ have such cognitive dissonance- dunning kruger
>there is utopia but the dragon waiting by the gate that must be slain is religion

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I remember being an angsty teen too.
Atheist and theists remain equally ignorant about God, yet atheists also lack faith.
No wonder so many commit sudoku

>dude everything will be utopia when everyone agrees with me
Heard that one before

Neocons have been mongering for war for a long time, since like the 60's. You're forgetting the fact that jews play both sides. I'm jewish, they are generally a vengeful lot.

I was replying to that vatnik shill claiming that jews were kicked out of russia

>>there is utopia but the dragon waiting by the gate that must be slain is religion
Religion is necessary for a functioning society. America died when baby boomers left christianity.

>no blacks or asian people
fuck your racist movie

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I am that "shill". Stalin kicked a bunch of jews out of russia. The grandchildren of those jews still are pissed. Why do you think they are so hungry for war with russia? Stop saying vatnik, you obvious bunker tranny.

Saying that less than 10% of the 60 victims of Jews of World War II across all theaters isn't saying that Jews were 10% of Europe you fucking retard lmao

Jews were 2% of European population at most.

>the dragon waiting by the gate that must be slain is religion
so friggin true... we should worship our favorite fictional characters and get unhealthily involved in escapism instead sisters

>uhhh i actually meant something else.
>see, this guy 70 years ago kinda limited the almost infinite power jews had during communism
>this means rasha is the best
Shut the fuck up vatnik nigger. Go be a gopnik nigger on telegram

Witnessed what? Treblinka gas chamber? Was watching some documentary about some British archeologist who was digging up in Treblinka to find a gas chamber and she accidentally uncovered an ancient shark from Pleistocene era. It is literally easier to find dinosaurs than gas chambers.

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dunning kruger in full effect. you don’t even realise the irony of this post like I do kek based

I never said russia is the best. Where did I say that? Or that I was russian? I'm a ukrainian jew living in america. Your leftypol trannyism is showing. Only leftys say vatnik. Russia is flawed but it is much preferable to having fucking judeo america and the UN ruling shit. stop thinking in dichotomy.

Okay, if you agree that jews are nowhere near 10% of Europe population then why do you expect there to be 10% of WWII victims to be jews?

You said neocons want war with russia because they kicked out jews which is a complete lie you fucking gopnik shill. You are a vatnik farm shill because you're implying that jewtin with his kike buddies dindu nuffin.
Russia is not preferable to fuckin Uganda let alone the west. Did you know that theres prison time for holocaust deniers in "baste russia"? Did you know that jewtin has jailed and destroyed every russian nationalist organization?
Ofcourse you did because youre a steppe mongol subhuman getting paid a potato a day to defend monkys honor.

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I hate Remember the Titans because how many times I had to watch it in school. Fuck that movie

Do you deny that jews, who run the usa media, aren't constantly mongering for war with russia BEFORE the ukraine shit started?
Yes, both russia and china are preferable to global democracy.
Russia has a degree of homogeniety that america lacks. That is preferable to multiculturalism any day. I have a feeling most of what you posted is made up or propaganda of some form. Once again, I do not worship russia, I see them as a means to cripple americas power, along with china and maybe the middle east.

I remember in 5th grade we were watching some old slavery tv movie thing from like the 70s and when the whiteys murder some random black slave he starts this weird yelling as they start shooting him up. The class clown asshole kid chuckled and the teacher was like who did that and all the kids singled him out and he had to go to the principal.

Don't forget, the follow up movie is all about how white people are evil and racisss while black people were well mannered, educated, groomed, and very pleasant people.

Russia is a multi culti globohomo empire infinitely worse than america. Where ethnic russians have to pay heavy taxes so monky can bribe the local warlords to keep them from seceding from the hell that is the russian federation. For as many problems as the west has we can still talk about them, you should try that anti semitism and anti multicultural talk on russian sites and see how much prison time that gets you. You arent fooling anyone with your "im not russian" lies there vatnik. Everything you sleazy rats have been accusing the west of russia is a billion times worse. In every aspect

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why the fuck did we cover the hall of cost and ww2 literally every year for at least a month or two

like holy fuck, other things happened in history. high school history basically covered the American revolution, the Civil war, maybe 2 weeks of ww1 and at least 1-2 months of WW2 every semester

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Because we really really want white kids to understand they're the villain of history and they need to give up their toys to the black kids.

UK is basically tiny US

>Nvm I can't get it to work.

This picture literally proves my point. You have nations teaming up to unite against jewish american globalism