Quick! A horde of Warwick Davis' are about to swarm your position. Some even have aerial capabilities. You are allowed ONE melee weapon to defend yourself with. Choose wisely. You cannot hope to win... but you could survive longer than the other anons. Personally, I go for the spiked shield and let them do the damage to themselves as conserving stamina will be important.
Quick! A horde of Warwick Davis' are about to swarm your position. Some even have aerial capabilities...
give me a whip and all you'll hear for miles 'round is cracking, shrieks and laughter
Katana. I'm hapa so I will channel my samurai energy.
High range but low rate of attack and low damage, you won't last long as they overwhelm you.
the candle that burns half as long burns twice as bright
Pool skimmer
I pick up Glamdring, a hand-and-a-half elvish sword, to beat the shit out of the horde.
1) can those things lift him?
2) what's the world record for biggest drop kick of a midge?
He has been known to attack from above by holding onto drones
Would you rather fight a Warwick sized duck, or 10 duck sized Warwick's?
He stands no chance
10 dick-sized Warwick's, because that means I get to kick Warwick 10 times.
Wooden box measuring 5 feet by 5 feet to stand on top of.
Put me in a room with warwick and give me a hammer and I swear to God I'll only see a nail
>allowed ONE melee weapon to defend yourself!
Good thing I live in America and I own guns, then.
>they start climbing on top of each other to reach you
I hope you're a good shot. That's a tiny target we're talking about here
>kick each one that gets to the top
>start making a game of how far they fly
Total mall ninja choice, especially because they probably weren’t actually even used in medieval combat, but what can I say? Flails just have the cool factor.
is this true?
Golf club so I can at least practice my drive.
Just give me a stool to stand on, most of them won't be able to reach me and I will just dropkick the aerial ones that come towards me
if it's a farming tool, odds are it was used in war
A baby gate to block the ground units and a flyswatter for the aerial drones
Line trimmer with the chain attachment.
No worries, I'd hear his incessant whinging from far enough off that I'd be well entrenched well before they got anywhere near me and even my shittiest rifle is good to around 200 yards to plink off some of their numbers. For closer work I can use the shotgun leaning against my desk loaded with 00 buck to obliterate clouds of the little fuckers. Worst comes to worst I can pull out my old glock and with one shot I'll take all of them with me in the blast.
>t. special kid
all you need is a box and a spear
fucking kek
Bro they're gonna pile up like in wwz
I'll last longer than you though
Lemme at 'em
You didn't factor in the airborne ones
>come at me you little faggots
It would be hell on my back to bend over that far for so long but I would take thousands with me by whirling
How smart is the horde?
Are we talking zombie warwicks or regular Warwicks?
>hold out spear towards the air, they fly into it killing themselves without any effort on my part
You could safely assume it's a hivemind and their goal is to overrun you, they aren't going to build tiny tools or anything
let the harvest begin
You got unlimited ammo retard?
Why stop there?
Just call in airstrikes and run over the rest in a tank then nuke the place from orbit
Crowbar. Always bet on the crowbar.
Top kek
Golf club, I feel the reasoning is pretty self explanatory
Now THIS is podracing
a fukken ax
I'll take a popsicle so I got something flavorful while I punch them.
Because I can't afford or legally own any of that, despite the fact that the second amendment actually covers all weapons. Well, I could own a tank, but I still couldn't afford one and I'd have nowhere to legally store it. Besides, what's the point in owning a tank if you can't also own and fire the shells? I already own an undisclosed number of rifles and handguns and enough ammo to put down well over and undisclosed number of midgets.
it occurs to me i don't have enough heavy blunt objects around my house.
table leg.
I think a baseball bat oughta do it. Good old corked wood.
>joke thread about killing airborne midgets
>pussies get pissy about guns
lol, relax. Besides, shouldn't you be praying to Allah and the racial pride flag so that the rape gangs and tranny groomers leave your wife and kids alone this week?
Well, even the real life Warwick wasn't smart enough to realize that you can't bring legal action against an American based company because of something a user said on it's platform or because of independent harassment done offplatform.
Give me a spiked mace and let me swat them away Sauron style
They’re getting pissy because guns aren’t in the spirit of the thread and explicitly against the rules. Are you retardo?
Fuck that’s a good one. Used to love getting the ring and making Sauron in this game, just so I could mace slam those elf pussies