You know, like a clown
ITT: Characters who amuse you
who is this
What happened?
he's just like me
This is why I rarely drink, and when I do I make sure I don't go overboard.
next time he should get someone to help hold his hair back when he throws up, he won't get so messy.
What a legend
>me vs. the guy she tells me not to worry about
Where you find this pic of me?
Drinking just got less and less fun as I got older, and by the time I reached my early 30's the hangovers and resultant anxiety were no longer worth the short lived "high" of being drunk.
That said, I still sometimes binge drink because I am retarded and depressed as hell most of the time. But I haven't even done that in a couple months.
Well son, you see, sometimes, when you’re a man, well, you wanna drink a couple of bottles of booze, puke on yourself, and pass out on the floor.
>spray the pain away
characters who are literally me
You have to be a real fucking faggot to puke after boozing. I've had nights where I had like 15 pints and then rum or vodka and I never ever puked. Is it a manlet/woman thing?
i'm in my mid-20s and the magic of drinking is already gone. still fun in social situations, but solo drinking just isn't fun anymore
>Meet a random guy at a convention
>We're just walking and talking
>Suddenly this dude spots a guy in a chair having a convulsion and quickly alerts me
>The dude tells me that he has an epileptic friend and be can spot this sort of thing from a mile away
>I go get help from the staff while he watches him
>I get back to him with staff
>Once I get close enough the dude in the chair reeks of alcohol, and his vomit is whiskey/rum brown
>It's 10 AM
>This dude was getting blackout, choke on my own vomit, drunk in the lobby at 10 AM
Some puke, some don't... Just the way our bodies work.
Solo drinking has never been fun for me.
I have literally never had a drink alone. It's the most degenerate pathetic thing I can think of. Being a social drinker is the only acceptable choice if you must drink alcohol. It's better not to drink at all but hell, some people can't handle that.
I miss moot so much bros..
i used to really enjoy it. but now i'm so familiar with the feeling of drunkness there's nothing special anymore
By the time I was 30 just drinking 3 beers the night before makes me feel like garbage for the entire next day. I enjoyed drinking when I was 20-25 I could do twice that no problem but damn. I have no idea how alcoholics in their 40s and 50s do it good god.
Getting drunk in inappropriate circumstances recaptures some of the magic of when you first started drinking (probably because half the fun in the first place was the feeling of adventure from doing something "bad")
He was a good man
We had it so good, and we didn't appreciate it
Life just keeps getting better and better, huh user?
I used to love solo drinking and listening to sad music/play sad music on my guitar, but yeah, now that I am older even that doesn't fill the void. Hell, I find it doesn't even pass the time in a pleasant way. I wish I was 16 again, and 4 beers and a joint would rock my world.
I puked probably every time I got drunk with one or two exceptions
Drinking just makes me feel guilty now and I don't know why.
That pic is fucking cursed
You have no idea
I used to puke when I was a teenager, but back then I didn't really drink beer.
I'd probably have about 500ml of jack daniels at least over the course of the night, and I'd puke once or twice during the night.
why would anyone choose to drink poison when weed exists?
It really depends on how well your body tolerates and processes alcohol. If I vomit, and I rarely do because of drinking, I usually vomit immediately after taking a shot or something, because my stomach just says "no, fuck you, you cannot chug 250ml's of whiskey in a single shot, I won't allow it.", but other then that my body is super tolerant of alcohol, I think I have vomited a handful of times and I always recovered afterwards and kept drinking...except the handful of times I blacked out completely, I couldn't tell you what happened then. Other people I have known (a lot of Asian folk actually) will vomit just looking at a glass of wine.
Same here. Also the next day I get paranoid as fuck that I might have said something inappropiate or revealed my powerlevel and until I'm in touch again with whoever I was hanging out and make sure that everything's cool I can't think about anything else. I could never get blackout drunk again now, I'd probaby kill myself the next day just to shut my brain
Unironcally me.. I wish I wasnt such a lightweight at times
Solo drinking isn't about fun.
what's it about?
I genuinely don't understand it
this, alcohol is a shit tier drug. you literally have to drink it every 5 minutes to keep the high up.
who the fuck is this faggot? Some zoomer e-celeb? kys zoomers.
if you end up like that guy you're either underaged, never drank or very retarded
fucking badass
Lets say I know a friend who is a neet with zero friends and is really retarded when going out, how would get weed then?
Yeah, I get that. I can only assume people who are doing it into their 40-50's are so physically addicted and drink so much, that they never really sober up enough to feel the full extent of the awfulness, and being even slightly hungover is preferable to being in complete withdrawal. But I really don't know how some people do it. I used to think they were lucky that they could just keep drinking with seemingly no observable seriously ill effects outside being aggressive and stumbly all the time, but now I realize that I am so lucky that I can't do that. I would be a fulltime alcoholic if I could.
paranoia, can't fucking concentrate on anything, no hand motion to keep occupied after you've finished the joint
dumb faggot
god i cant wait for this to happen to me
im so fucking tired of drinking a lot of time i dont even know why i do it just pure boredom with life
nah, alcohol is shit, rather do cocaine occasionally.
the champion's drug.
And it isn't even a real serious high, like crack or cocaine, which last less time then alcohol kinda, but are significantly more intense and euphoric. I can't believe the only legal drug in most places is such a garbage tier one, that is not only a terrible high, but has terrible withdrawal effects even after just drinking one night. Thanks a lot Obama.
Again lets say I know a friend that wants to do coke how would he go about getting a dealer?
I do it so that I don't have negative thoughts all night after work
wow youre so cool plz be my friend
it's about being a fuckup loser. the humongous faggots that make their faggy little threads on here fucking LOVE to shit up our board with their DUDE I'M SO HECKIN' DEPRESSED soliloquies because they think it makes them interesting and love the attention it gets them like a true reddit circlejerk. truly some of the most loathsome creatures on this site, and we have literal pedos and furfags here, which speaks volumes about how low they are
About being as sad as possible, as difficult as that may be to understand or even believe. If you suffer from legit clinical depression (which 90% of people who claim to have don't actually have, but it does exist) sometimes sinking yourself even further into sadness can be cathartic in a way. I don't know why it be like that, but it do. And I knew back when I did it that it was dumb, but I did it anyway.
oh man that's funny
Does anyone else get mad horny the day after drinking? I'll feel next to nothing on the night whereas the next morning I'll be half mast without so much as a passing thought.
I wsa the same, you just build up a resliance I suppose.
you wouldn't believe this shit if there wasn't a video
I'm 40 and rarely get hungover. You're just a pussy that doesn't properly hydrate.
dunno. never had that problem since I can literally have it delivered to me legally or go to any number of shops or even grow it. if it's not legal in your area you're probably going to be smoking garbage shit at a huge markup anyway
You have more issues than OP
Yup. Especially if I still have a lingering drunk going on.
People who say this are the kind of people who can't actually entertain themselves.
not my fault you got genetically filtered by babby's first drug. imagine being so weak of constitution that you can't even handle the cerebral effects of weeds that it makes you paranoid lmao. you can't even handle rapid fire thoughts and you call others a faggot? lel
For me, drinking is like a magic potion that makes me happy.
Anytime I get drunk and hook up with a chick there is a 100% chance I'm going to enjoy the morning sex a lot more. Helps not being numb to every sensation too.
It doesnt count as drinking if you dont wake up with a memory loss.
I just like getting trashed and playing Call of Duty
Same, but I assume it's a subconscious thing from the first half of my twenties when I was having hungover morning sex a lot.
hey me too haha
Yes this is a normal phenomenon, I regularly jerk off like 5 times the next day
Where's my wallet? Where's my car keys? Yikes.
>I have no idea how alcoholics in their 40s and 50s do it good god.
Depends on how you define "alcoholic". If you mean drinking daily into adulthood to the point of being physically dependent, the thing is being able to metabolize alcohol like that while remaining (sorta) functional is genetic which is why most people "grow out of it" by their late 20's regardless how much they drank or how much trouble they got in when they were young.
The people who still binge drink into adulthood without taking 1-2 days to recover are lying about how much they drink to seem young or are lying about not being alcoholics. Most people by the time they're 30 are defacto "moderates" and they don't really think about it.
The guy who fucks your dad.
Drinking is the only time I feel genuine happiness, and get joy from things
What's wrong with me?
not saying alcohol isnt shit, but to drink to the point where you pass out on your own vomit, which is close to alcoholic poisoning, you have to be one of those things I said
also cocaine is way worse than booze you dummie, you'll keep doing it occasionally until it becomes an habit, and at that point its a shitty one to kick, the same as heavy alcohol addiction, if not worse
I'll puke if I feel like puking
It's an instant ticket to feeling better, no shame
>Drinking is the only time I feel genuine happiness, and get joy from things
>What's wrong with me?
Welcome to adulthood. That brief window of childhood / youth was all it ever was or meant to be. This is reality. That's not to say this is all there is, but just that you weren't necessarily meant to be "happy" and chasing "happiness" is literally childish.