Is the verdict in?

Is the verdict in?

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8/10 kino the middle act is too long

Based white people.

67.8433261%/100% B- movie is a good time if you're drunk but not really awesometacular



Yeah its cringe, a rare miss from Eggers


Niggers spotted around the 45 min mark. I honestly feel betrayed. Not sure I've felt that since Independence Day Resurgence

Whitoids BTFO

Please be lying. Yea Forums promised me an all white cast. Last thing I saw that was all whites was chernobyl

They're slaves or something, but it's pretty fucking distracting and immersion breaking. I almost got up and left but I was in the middle row

He's bullshitting

>theyre slaves
Nice, faith restored

the farm stuff was too long and the opening was too short

Norsemen were weird, they let their male slaves fuck their women. Something like 20-30% of all modern Icelanders Y-DNA comes from Celtic male slaves in the British Isles.
In addition something like 15% of modern Norwegians Y-DNA comes from Celtic male slaves.

>They're slaves or something, but it's pretty fucking distracting and immersion breaking. I almost got up and left but I was in the middle row
ive seen it twice there literally aren't
the only slaves they show are slavs from the baltics

Why though? Alot of their culture screams vulgarity and depravity. Why are they worshipped so much?

>slavs from the baltics
Those would be Balts, retard. Unless theyre actually Slavs in which case theyd be from other parts of Eastern Europe

Explains modern Scandinavians perfectly.

They call them Slavs all the time in the movie, dipshit, and they speak a Slavic language

They actually treated slaves really well in Germanic societies, especially compared to neighboring Celtic and Germanic peoples.
Manumission (freeing of slaves)was really common among Germanic peoples, and thralls could earn their freedom over a period of like 2 years, they then had like a probationary period before becoming full freemen who had most of the rights regular Norsemen did outside of the royal elites.
Also Norse folklore and sagas are full of anti-slave mistreatment messages and cautions

I saw it the other day. Good 8.5/10, the very end was a bit too over the top for my taste. It felt off

Yeah well theyre not from the Baltic then retard as that was populated by Balts at the time

also there are no black people or minorities or any pozzed shit, don't listen to /pol/cels

They're actually from Ukraine. The place they raid and capture Olga in is Ukraine.

same shit,they're not white in any case

Sorry I meant Celtic and Romance. Celtic societies basically entrenched slavery as an inherited status and practically forbade manumission.
Romance societies, on the other hand, basically treated their slaves as cattle, as playthings.
They were sadistic fucks.
Slavic and Germanic peoples were pretty kind to their slaves and often assimilated them, basically taking them on as indentured servants and laborers and explorers and footsoldiers.

Slavic policy towards PoWs was literally you spend some time as their prisoner and at the end of it you can either join their people and become a Slav, or be set free.
And no, Im not joking lol.

>Kneel as a slave, rise as a Slav

Yeah, they were pretty fucking based desu, and its no surprise Slavs are the strongest and largest of the Indo-European ethnolinguistic groups today.
Celts are practically extinct, I guess Romance is still going pretty strong, Germanic is doing fairly well, especially with English and German.

Is the kino on par with The Witch?

>t. retard

Hey Hollywood, quit shoving this bitch in my face.

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does Anya get naked in the mobie?

>still has her pic saved
incel alert

Were all Slavs ex-slaves? Considering their name and all

No, not even close. But a significant percentage of their modern populations are made up of Slavicized peoples.
But that’s the same for modern Germanic and Romance peoples too.
In fact modern Scandinavians only inherit about 50% of their autosomal genetics from the Swedish Iron Age, most of the rest is overwhelmingly Continental Celtic, and in Swedes there is a fair bit of Baltic and Slavic.

Slava means glory/fame/renown/greatness in Slavic languages.
The English word Slav comes from a Latin word originally taken from an early Slavic tribe, Sclavenians, it came to mean Slave much later.

So where did slave come from?

Still didn't release for us ameribros

I just told you. Its right there in my comment


Its a Middle Ages thing. But Slavicization has been happening in mass waves since Proto-Slavic peoples first came into existence.

>The term slave has its origins in the word slav. The slavs, who inhabited a large part of Eastern Europe, were taken as slaves by the Muslims of Spain during the ninth century AD.

>To kill this old man I must acquire a magical sword
>I can't just use the weapons I just used to massacre an entire village
>I have to use this magic sword
>Even though it can only be unsheathed during the night

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They were oppressed PoC basically

Yep but its a much later thing, from the Middle Ages. I dont get what youre not understanding about this.
The Latin word comes from Greek. The Greek word comes from a Slavic word for their own people (which means those who shout, those who can speak, those who can talk).
The Latin borrowing of the Greek ethnonym for Slavs eventually came to mean slave in general, since by that time Slavs were so regularly being enslaved by neighboring peoples.
However, originally the word is a Slavic ethnonym meaning something entirely different.
Is this making sense now? Its like if we started using the word American for cattle in 500 years time.

it sucks. more vikings a-historical snooze

So you believe it came to English from arabic? How dumb are you?
Just like this guy said it's a much later thing. Italians started using the Greek word for slavs to describe Serbs whom they were kidnapping and selling to slavery, and then French (and so the English because England was almost French in 11-12th century) adopted it from Italian

I think I get it now. Slavs weren't named after slaves but slaves were named after Slavs.

>and so the English because England was almost French in 11-12th century
Eh, not quite. This heavy borrowing of Latin words was quite common throughout all Germanic languages, especially Dutch and German.
Everyone just likes to shit on English and act like its some mutt subhuman creole, but the truth is Dutch and German have been just as affected by Latin and later Romance influence.
I mean even Germans and Dutch call you Slavs now too, in their own way, whereas they used to call you Wends.
Latin has had a similar hold over Germanic languages as Greek has had to Slavic ones due to the church and past empires and science and academia.

Yes, basically this came to be the case
But slavery was part and parcel of life in these times, no shame in it, Slavs were not unique in that sense.
Probably just because they were so numerous and lived in large open terrain, hard to defend lands, made for easy pickings.

But they were enslaved the most? Or was that the oppressed Celts? The worst slavers in Asia were the Iranun in Malaysia and the Philippines

Serbs have never lived in large open terrain yet they were the most common group kidnapped and sold to slavery
I meant that England was under heavy French infulence, not that their old saxon babble was somehow similliar to Old French

What a shit poster. Looks AI generated.

>magic sword
>can only be unsheathed during the night
It's a fantasy movie?

They should have gone with this for the international poster

Attached: The Northman poster.jpg (1600x2000, 1.03M)

>But they were enslaved the most?
When? In 8-10th century, probably because of all Ukrainians getting captured off by steppe people or vikings and all the serbs getting captured by Italians
>Or was that the oppressed Celts?
When? During Roman conquest of Wesern Europe, likely
>The worst slavers in Asia were the Iranun in Malaysia and the Philippines
who gives a shit you monkey

The posters are terribly misleading. Why does it look like a marvel movie poster with the triangle formation of characters from top to bottom? Where are all the kino fan posters?

True, it certainly was, I was just saying that, believe it or not, the vast majority of Latin influence on English actually comes after the Norman period. Its from the later Middle Ages and Early Modern Period for the most part, surprisingly

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He never actually stands on a cliff with an axe. Misleading trash.

>Or was that the oppressed Celts?
What, lol? There were barely any Celts left by that point. Celts effectively got wiped out by Romans and then finished off by Germanic peoples.
And they deserved it because they were evil af and did the exact same thing to others at the height of their power

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It should just be 2 Scandinavian guys making out in front of their adopted male African son

Better than DUNC and Batman, but has some serious pacing issues that prevent it from being a 10. What we got was still good, though. It's a really simple movie, and it's a lot less smaller in scale than is presented in the trailers and posters. Soundtrack, mythological elements, and the overall visuals saved the film from being generic swordshit. Will gladly watch it again when the HD web rip comes out.

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They never actually sail a viking boat in the open sea. Misleading trash.
>b-but the boat in the storm!
that was a slave ship

DUNC sucked I don't get how it has 83% on RT

It's alright for being the first of a 2-parter. It's a decent 6/10. Definitely not best picture material, though.

>fjords surrounding the ship
Clearly not the open sea

So its really poor considering its Eggers then? His last 2 films were 9/10 (WWitch) and 11/10 (The Lighthouse) for me
I knew him doing a Viking film would be a bad choice, Vikings are the capeshit of historical kino.
He could have done Slavs or Celts for something refreshing and original, or he could have done the Bantu expansions if he wanted to do epic historical kino, maybe even Proto-Indo-European expansions.

Well, the only time you see a raiding ship sail at all in the film was in a tiny river surrounded by forests on both sides. Try again.

Unclear. There's a bunch of weird shit that happens that it implies is a dream or vision (like to get the sword, he fights an undead viking, then the camera pans back over and he's still standing where the fight begins as though it never happened). But then there's shit like the sword, which can only be unsheathed at night but this is a proven physical attribute because one of the dude's enemies tries to open it in the day and it literally won't come out of the scabbard. There's also shit like Odin appearing very briefly during one scene to rescue him when he's tied up, but the actual rescuing is done by a bunch of crows pecking at the ropes.
It's very ambiguous. Some people even suggest that the vision of him fighting the undead viking was a fucking out of body spirit battle but did actually happen.

Was the final fight actually in hell or was it just a color grading thing? The volcano wasn't that red before the fight started


I don't like horror films so the VVitch did nothing for me. And I didn't like the Gayhouse either, so make of it what you will.

They were inside the volcano after it erupted or something. The fight was pretty kino but I got massive Anakin vs Obi-Wan vibes from it.

The real question is: what is the thing we take away from this movie? That women are the cause of all evil or that sometimes the people you idolize are pricks?

>the Bantu expansions if he wanted to do epic historical kino, maybe even Proto-Indo-European expansions.
Do you seriously think any studio would give him money to make those films? There is no interest or even awareness of those things in the general populace. I don't even think there is any historical sources to work with. Film about Bantu expansions, really? That would just be a bunch of Bantus learning cattle herding and farming and raping other Africans

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>mentally ill women bad (the queen)
>subservient women who just give birth and stay quiet good (Olga)
That's my take on it

Not going lie
.The first 30min of the film was interesting and even entertaining. The cruelty of been a viking and it paganism really showed the beastly nature of man. Everything after that was a boring generic revenge story, to the point I just wanted it to end without a care.
Aya was hot but that not hard since Im a simp for her. anyway I give it a 5/10

What I took away from it is that you cannot leave unfinished deeds and walk away. You have to settle the score. So much so, that even divine intervention comes into play to make it happen.

I think they forgot because at the end he unsheated it in the day...