Why are they doing this to MCU?

Why are they doing this to MCU?

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>and you're sure this will sell our movies

It's profitable

the 40k responses suggest that they did very much cry about it

Feminism + BLM, the ultimate combo


40k is the likes. It got 1,000 responses

or the responses are redditors celebrating it like the original tweeter is. be honest with yourself, faggots who watch comic movies love niggers and strong womyn

they're gonna do a lot more than that

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>twitter screencap thread

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Anyone who watches Marvel shit is already a cocksucking faggot so why would Marvel fans be opposed to this?

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Id be more demoralized if I gave a shit about the MCU. I stopped caring early on and I stopped watching after Endgame which was a terrible movie. If they wanted to demoralize they should have done it sooner

>Reminder, Jewish corporations are demoralizing my own race and importing millions of nonwhites who hate my nation.

They're staying true to the comics, look forward to asian hulk, strong black female iron man, female hawkeye and muslim ms. marvel (already on the way)

I liked Falcon and I was fine with him taking the mantle but Falcon and Winter Soldier was so horrendously written, stupid and boring that I just don't care.

You're noticing now that they've realized that none of their characters can support their own movies anymore so it has to be crossovers every single time. Strange in Spider-Man, Wanda in Strange, GotG in Thor, etc.

dubs of truth. the comics got SJW'd long before Feige did... problem is, comic book readership is at an all-time low because of the pandering and the MCU is looking like it's going the same way

Because that's what happens in the comics and you can't keep extending contracts forever


I D00H8 this.

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>cap is no longer a cute aryan /fit/chad

Tbh, captain America Thor and Hulk also couldn’t support their own movies back then

>your best is race and gender swapping iconic white characters
Cool. Well done revealing how creative bankrupt and you are.

I'm crying because captain america is black and thor is a woman, I'm mad that they built up Bucky to be Captain America for like 10 years only to give it to the other guy for no reason

The people love you Hollywood, they really do

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If anyone is going to cry it is Disney when the numbers from china come back.

Any Yea Forumsfags here that can shed light on if these characters have had success with their comics? As far as I recall early Jane Thor had 'girl power' shit and no one gave a fuck about Riri

Why would this bother me? They aren't changing the characters. Those versions of the characters exist in the comics. They're adaptations of those characters. That's all I care about.

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Nobody cares about the MCU. Especially now after Endgame fucked the dog and ruined everything. The only "fans" they have left are dipshit leftoids. They're simply appealing to the few remaining fans they have.

cry? i just won't watch them lmao

anyone who was an actual fan of marvel before disney poz set in checked out at endgame.

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why do you watch capeship as a chud?
its for women and soys

And more than 80% of them are bot accounts

They were a bad idea in the comics too. Just like most of the new characters they’ve created the last few decades.

>kikes are kikeifying their kike propaganda
Only a retard would be surprised

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dunno seems to me that the focus of the newThor movie is still Chris Hemworth, not the new Thor

Wait is Falcon really going to be Captain America? I thought it was a joke lol. Anthony Mackie isn't a fit at all.

MCU died with End Game

He's been captain America for like four years in the film's
Nevermind comics for over ten

Endgame -> NWH -> The next thing that isn't [completely] pozzed

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you can probably tap out of the mcu now. even if they werent doing this, i dont really think theres any comic plotline they can do thats gonna be worth the anticipation

>prop entire MCU up with strong white men
>switch them all out for stronk women and niggers at the end
yes surely it will work this time

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No Way Home doesn’t count, it stands on its own

>it stands on its own
lmao, this film stands on 7 preceding spiderman movies and 2.5 avengers movies

>Hawkeye show: Hawkeye is a guest star, it's about a new female character
>Loki show: It's about female Loki mostly
>Thor Ragnarok movie: blonde valkyrie gets replaced by strong independant black woman with zero personality
>Thor 4: Thor makes way for new female Thor character
>Black Widow movie: This movie actually happened and guess what? Mostly women. Even the villain, a known popular male villain, was casted to be a woman.
There's probably more but honestly I barely or haven't watched any of this crap. It's like paying for a Netflix subscription. Why would you do it to yourself?

There are people on this website who consider themselves to be politicly astute, and they also think the race/gender of Thor and Captain America is a serious issue.

Cape shit peaked with End Game; it's all treading downward now. I hope western are the next big thing.

finally got around to watching it the other day. why the fuck is everyone crying in every scene? 90 minutes of this shit and literally fucking EVERYONE is crying. my fucking god


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I can continue not paying for this all I want.

Well, just like in old tobey movies

whor and captain africa

>when the shareholders ask where the audience went

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It’s a Spider-Man film and Spider-Man doesn’t need the MCU, the MCU needs Spider-Man

Yeah FFH works so well without Endgame.

This. 23 year old millenizoomer here- everyone I know has seen all of the MCU movies from Iron Man to Endgame, and none of them havewatched anything that came after. Personally I checked out after Civil War, but the point is that everyone knows the main shit has already gone down.

It's like how most Harry Potter fans couldn't give less of a shit about faggot beasts or whateverthefuck. It's very easy to tell when something is just tacked on and it puts people off.

>why does this steaming pile of shit smell like shit?

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>Spider-Man doesn’t need the MCU
True but not for Holland's Spiderman
>the MCU needs Spider-Man
Yeah it was doing so bad until Spiderman showed up lmao

>23 year old milleni

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Marvel literally watched this exact thing happen to the comics and thought they'd give it another heave

Is that why Hollywood's overall box office numbers keep shrinking every year?

I'm a straight 36 year old father who has been happily married to a beautiful (fat) women with enormous tits for 11 years.

I know I'm technically a zoomer but come on, it's borderline. I don't relate to these tiktok dancing kids.

>23 year old millenizoomer

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I liked parts of it but it really does feel like they carved out a good 20% of the plot or more.

It's a bait and switch. they lure you in with mostly inoffensive familiar capeshit, heavy dose of light hearted quippiness, then flip the script to the agenda they wanted to push in the first place.

now it becomes preachy and completely one dimensional. capeshit fans will say it wasn't too bad but have no enthusiasm going forward. a brave few might actually say it sucks but instantly called out for the racisms and sexism
>you didn't like because (insert victim group) replaced a white male.

when in fact woke characters will always be flat, one dimensional and boring. zero flaws to overcome and zero skills or lessons they need to learn. generally weak villains because the villain isn't there as a challenge the hero, just a vehicle to show how great the hero is. the movie ends when the hero gets bored.
you've seen as taste of this with Captain Marvel now it's coming to Thor and Iron Man.

they'll claim capeshit fatigue, make increasing shitter shows behind the Disney paywall. eventually even the most die hard capeshit fans will move on, not complain just move on

Yeah my car goes pretty fast when it falls off a cliff too.

Not exactly box office is getting bigger due to tickets prize increase but the number of sold tickets has been falling for 20 years

We had this entire conversation back in 2015, she isn't Thor BECAUSE THOR IS HIS BIRTHNAME, but socialists know nothing about comics, mythology or anything else for that matter, so they don't know that.

Spider-Man can definitely support his own movie. No one bought a ticket to see fucking Dr. Strange in that film, I promise you that.

He's also the least pozzed of the remaining heroes. Even if they bring in Miles Morales at least that kid has some fucking balls to him. Spider-Man will always be the best Marvel character which is why Snoy will never, ever sell him. No one else even comes close.

>cry about it

Why are these faggots so antagonistic?

So fucking rude seriously this is why people hate liberals who the fuck is he even talking to?

>fat woman
pic one nigger

Oh they had a reason.

I actually don't mind Falcon getting it. Him and Cap also go way back so it wasn't completely out of nowhere. They should give him the god damn Super Serum though.

And people on this board are not?

nobody has paid attention to comic for at least a decade. If it wasn't for Disney Marvel Comics would have went out of business a long time ago. it has nothing to do with print is dead meme because Manga is killing it. nobody like woke except the oligarchs and twitter troons/the söyhadeen

now do 2022

And tons of millennials don't relate to antifa retards, doesn't change what it is.
You were born after FF7, you are zoomer.

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>Endgame fucked the dog and ruined everything
How fucking delusional are you? Everyone loved that movie dude. The reason people stopped watching is because it felt like a proper ending and there's nothing interesting happening anymore.

Endgame was the end to many people and then No Way Home happened which essentially killed all normie interest in anything the MCU has going, we reached the point where that Sony exec was right when he said over 20 years ago that nobody gives a fuck about the rest of Marvel and they only care about Spider-man

No other MCU movie will get to a billion again unless it features Spider-man and Tobey Maguire, it's over

kek captain America looks just like the early Yea Forums giga nigga

I think Thor has a chance though it won’t have China

>The 2022 Oscars attracted an average audience of 15.4 million viewers to ABC on Sunday, bouncing back by more than 50 percent from last year
Still below the 20 million mark

I don't care about blacktain america, but Mackie cannot carry a movie that big, he just can't

Female Thor is stupid and no one thinks its cool when they're being honest with themselves

>Average black man can fill the boots off a super soldier white man
What did they mean by this