this was 11/10 in the 40s-50s
This was 11/10 in the 40s-50s
Dude looks fine
sure but not "top sex symbol"
>this was 11/10 in the 40s-50s
>implying that this body's not a 10/10 even in today's reality
how do you go from this...
dont do it
You'd be surprised. Steroids weren't mainstream back then and the ideal masculine aesthetic wasn't super lean/dangerously shredded like it is today. Some muscle, deep voice and a masculine face was all you needed.
even bts looks better than him
he looks like regular gym zoomie
Men back then actually did manual labor
to this
ok fatty
He would still slay puss today. Face is masculine and women prefer bodies like that. He didn't really work out either, that was mainly from manual labor. Dude stopped giving a fuck and became his own architect.
Please, he needs to lose fat. You can't even see his jawline that's how tubby he looks.
He looks fantastic.
A lot better than all those roided up manlets.
>full cheeks and no jawline
>can tell he's probably lifted weights but still weak, definitely not 1/2/3/4
Don't lie about him slaying, retard. There is Chad and unChad, he is most certainly unChad
my 50s 11/10 is picrel. he was a relentlessly, beautifully handsome man.
Yeah I'd suck his cock
>boomers considered this "ripped"
brando had a squirky voice and an odd face, how did he make the cut?
wtf why were boomers so hairy
Henry Cavill is hairy.
Most modern day actors get completely waxed for whatever reason.
>Tfw built like James bond
Women love hairy with muscle and like 15% bodyfat
That's not 15% lmao
Yeah that's more like 25%
20 tops on Brosnan, probably right about connery
Seek help or NGMI
Looks like a healthy amount of fat, it's an odd angle and he's looking down
No, they considered Arny ripped
Real men have hair
You're both idiots. Shit thread.
I did a reverse image search and found other photos from the same shoot. Guy's face is a bit tubby. I know because I have been in this mode before. You get the traces of a jawline but it's obscured by the fat and your cheeks are full.
I think that's a great body. I like just a bit of soft beIly fat though, it's cute.
The reason is summers have gotten too hot to not shave
what kind of meme shit is this. what does shaving have to do with heat
Are you retarded?
post your torso
A man is not a man if he doesn't have a bit of belly and mantits
Still, Marlo is based because he fucked half of Hollywood and then got fat lamo
He radiates testosterone.
You look like you crush zoomer skulls for breakfast.
that is kyriakos grizzly
peak male performance
He looks really fucking strong.
>this was an average 20 year old man in the 1950s
What the fuck happened?
this picture really doesn't do him justice, needs another person to show perspective.
girls dont care about muscles.
sedentary life, xenoestrogens and corn
Microplastics, feminism, race-mixing.
weak genes get destroyed during wars or depression during time of peace this in common knowledge at this point
i prefer looking feminine and cute.
you're a faggot and wont be remembered
Part of me suspects this is cope, a bit like how people rag on about how there is estrogen in whole cow's milk. Yes there is, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to what a healthy male body naturally produces. Therefore the estrogen in a glass of cow's milk doesn't do shit to do. I suspect this may be true of xenoestrogen/plastics. It technically does raise it but not enough to make a difference and lazy, fat/skinnyfat soi cucks (not to say you're one though) use it as an excuse.
>nooooo i can't be a fit chad, the plastic xenoestrogens are stopping meeee!
Shit like that.
Fuckin unit
It's unreal how healthy and beautiful the average person used to look a few generations ago. People today look like mongrelized abominations.
dubs of truth, but also you forgot that faggots and sick died young
Average person wasn't a 6'6 clint walker specimen and it's retarded to believe so but I see what you mean. I am thinking specifically of images of Californian beaches from the 50-80's. Everyone is lithe.
plastics, sedentary lifestyle
Young Harrison Ford was handsome and masculine as fuck, without being a muscle-packed gymnigger
So why exactly is low body fat so pursued nowadays? Have our brains become female-like?
We aren't exactly dependant on hunting our food anymore, so the extra fat is more hinderance than helpful.
sean connery actually lifted when he was young
motherfucker was 6'2 , i guess it was harder back then to gain some mass
Why do girls love kpop looking men now?
>weak genes get destroyed during wars
Tell me how being an alpha stops machinegun and artillary fire?
Because it's pretty clear how being unfit for service helps you dodge those.
It's hard to say since we've only really started giving a shit about it and our fucked up life style choices all contribute massively but we've got some data from animals heavily exposed to our toxic swill that's pretty disturbing like alligators downstream from urban areas have dicks half the size as those in less polluted water which probably aren't driven by gators bing watching netflix at 2 in the moring while chugging cola and eating icecream.
Id boof him