Protect yourself edition
Protect yourself edition
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Star Trek?
That died when Voyager returned home.
No, that died when Trip died.
It died when the Federation won the Dominion War, and Sisko abandoned his unborn child.
I just rewatched the episode of DSIX where Odo has incel rage over Kira finding other men attractive (for the 8th time). I need that TLOU edit /trek/ can you save me?
Also why is Quark the most wholesome character in the whole show despite being a jew?
Wrong! It died when doctor Lester became Kirk.
It died when the Enterprise went back in time to meet a Doctor Who knock off.
nah that was hot
It died when they replaced Jeffrey Hunter with that hack Bill Shatner.
I mean, if Jeffrey Hunter had stayed, Star Trek would have died with him in 1969.
A friendly reminder, just two more weeks until Star Trek: Strange New Worlds premieres on Paramount+.
Excuse my ignorance but does is that meant to be number one from the cage on the left?
Thanks! I can't wait to not watch it!
Thanks for the reminder! I forgor lol
A lot of folks are saying that Strange New Worlds might actually be good. Let's hope so!
It will save Star Trek! My Paramount+ (it's a mountain of entertainment!) account is ready.
It certainly is! Would you like to know more?:
The ending of Voyager is the most nonsensical, abrupt, wet fart that they possibly could have gone out on. Every other Trek up to and including Enterprise had satisfactory endings (not including TNG era movies fuck those) except Voyager. Time travel Borg shart fuckery boring fucking two parter with wet sloppy fart ending. Fuck Voyager. Waste of time.
When did Stewie turn into a woke faggot, I heard in the past that he liked it when he wasn't recognised as picard.
You're doing the Lord's work, user. Making sure we're all caught up with the latest Star Trekā¢ news!
In Trek news, the Paley Center in NYC is having events and screenings from the Trek Universe, including an early showing of the first two episodes of SNW:
He was always an asshole who bullied Diana Muldaur on set. He just learned to pretend to be chill.
Lmao no where near as ENT's "it was all a simulation". Biggest fuck you to an audience in history.
I think it's good. Better than DS9's Dukat and Sisko wrestling into a volcano. And Far better than ENT's holonovel ending
Only last episode was simulaton faggoty
Wasn't the implication that the entire show was just a simulation? Honestly I haven't watched ENT in a while so I forget.
Eh, Sisko turning into a god was corny but I liked it and I like that it linked back to the very first episode and had some kind of payoff to all the wormhole alien stuff. Voyager was just "oh I guess we're home now lmao that was easy". Didn't feel earned. VOY could really have done with a bit of serialisation for a few of the last episodes imo.
Imagine if Borg weren't so retarded that they let enemy soldiers just walk about on their ship rather than assimilating or killing them on the spot because "they aren't a threat". Honestly Borg only ever lose because they have to be gimped to hell by the writers to make it feasible. The Federation would get utterly annihilated by the Borg. There would be no hope.
The pillars behind captain chair were present only in last episode
There are other set errors
Proving the simulation was not accurate
DS9 had a better ending, with Jake and Kira looking out at the wormhole.
>wife gets pregnant
>"Prophets" call me away
Go back.
how did we go from this?
to this?
>Bashir and O'Brien splitting up
>Garak off to commit suicide off screen
>Odo reuniting with the Great Link
>"The more things change, the more they stay the same."
DS9's ending was maximum fucking kino and while I'm not thrilled about the fist fight, Sisko's ascension was actually well done.
i thought there was too much for one episode. they should have closed it out over 3 sodes. 1 to end the dominion war. 1 to wrap federation stories and one to wrap everyone else.
Pray tell, where?
>wet fart
>shart fuckery
>wet sloppy fart
I agree with your opinion on Voyager and it's ending but your fixation on wet fart imagery is somewhat concerning. Consider seeing a GI specialist or at least laying off the vindaloo.
I don't know. Maybe Uhura got a breast reduction in-between SNW and TOS. We'll have to wait and see how Kurtzman makes the canon.
Reddit, twitter, discord, or any other shithole that spawns trannies that speak in such an easily identifiable manner.
Enterprise had its moments.
Since you're clearly a /pol/ack fighting the cultural equivalent of the Winter War, let me modify that user's use of "folks" to be more acceptable to you.
>der Volk
I flat out don't believe this
>Write like a tranny
>Get called a tranny
How tiresome.
> CG insists a word that's been around since the 14th Century is "reddit":
Please don't have another meltdown and spam today, okay?
As someone born and raised in the rural South it really pisses me off that using shit like "folk" and "y'all" gives a really different impression tan what I would expect given my upbringing. This isn't endorsing either horse in this race but it just seemed a good moment to vent about it. Carry on.
The word nigger been round a long time too
In recent years lots of trannies have started using those words online for some reason.
>another thread where cutting board retard does his usual passive aggressive bullshit
Imagine how Australian people feel about the word cunt.
Ain't just the trannies. ShWs been using them for the past decade nearly now.
>while I'm not thrilled about the fist fight
the book is 'How Brands Grow'
Today's 'sode club pick is VOY 'Eye of the Needle'. Watch party starts now. Maybe take some notes for the discussion afterwards. Or comment stray thoughts about the 'sode while you watch.
Link data or at least post page pic
Here's the data link.
Haven't seen S1 desu
It's the eye of the needle
It's the thrill of the gay
Rising up is your dick in your paaa-ants