/who/ - Doctor Who General

Vindicated Edition.

Clyde Lamger:

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>you're so great yaz you're the best person i've ever met, hey remember that river lady? nothing compared to the greatness that is yaz

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Wake up cunts

I'm awake

Can someone explain to me why Tegan and Ace are returning next episode? Is Chibbs going to make Tegan and the doctor a thing since she's a canon lesbian now?

Also hows big finish going

>comes out during your childhood when the audience is still impressionable and not yet demanding & jaded

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I was twelve the first time someone called me jaded.

>ywn have 80s sarah sutton gf
why live

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Series 1 and 3 are still two of the best NuWho seasons and you can't convince me otherwise

Davison banged her, didn't he?


You just know.

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by Russell T Davies

Was shit.

Clyde Langer

The threads beyond saving at this point but have one last bump on me

Matt Smith is the best Doctor.

Apparently according to latest rumors Flux has caused all time and space to collapse in on each other, resulting in all those who ever travelled or had long been associated with The Doctor to automatically pop back to one place it all started - Unit HQ. Unfortunately for her this also means some of her old foes are returning too.

It's there with her most beloved companions fighting her most deadliest enemies, that The Doctor finds herself trapped. That when she decides to make noble sacrifice to save reality itself. This is how she regenerates.

>giving a shit about River Song in the Year of Our Lord 2022
Every new era is a soft reboot. I never want to hear River Song's name ever again in Doctor Who. It never happened.

According to /trek/:

>Modern Who is probably the most Tumblr show ever right after Sherlock.
>Old Who is for weirdos.

>Science fiction vs science fantasy. Dr. Who can literally just wave his "sonic screwdriver" at whatever the problem is and boom it's fixed. Characters in Star Trek have to work for a living.

>Dr. Who is dumbed down and fantastical because the average British person has an IQ of 60 and literally believes that trolls might get them if they walk around in the hills at night.

Is this true? Has Star Trek always been a level above Dr Who?

>the average British person has an IQ of 60 and literally believes that trolls might get them if they walk around in the hills at night.
Well this one's certainly true.

Star Trek is dry utopiawank for incels. Doctor Who is retarded but full of imaginative whimsy. Autism vs schizophrenia. The schizo wins every time.
Also trolls exist.

For me, it's Doctor Who: REDACTED

what was it like being bummed by RTD

like watching Star Trek.

>Doctor Who
>imaginative whimsy
>Let's go to London
>And after that, let's go to London
>And then we'll go to London

Doctor Who ended in 1966 you must be talking about something else.

How did it end?

doctor who pooed his pants

only toddlers enjoy this shit

>to one place it all started - Unit HQ
Chibnall you hack, it started in a junkyard.

>Characters in Star Trek have to work for a living.
Quick Geordi, technobabble us out of this one!

I knew you enjoyed it.

I hope they will retcon The Timeless Child nonsense that the Doctor won't turn out to be the Timeless Child. I would rather to see the Master will turn out to be the Timeless Child and the Doctor is the Other/Hybrid.

The Other is still the same "The Doctor is literally the most important person to the history of the creation of the Time Lords" bullshit. Just let him be the weirdo renegade Time Lord who helps people.

Cast him in series 14.

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>Blasted into atoms

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According to new leaks
The Master will be revealed to be not the Master, but a future incarnation of the Doctor posing as the Master, corrupted by the Timeless Child information, seeking revenge on his past selves. He will try to get 13 to regenerate into him, but she will refuse leading to him being erased from history and Gallifrey never blowing up (again)

The Doctor should not help people. He should be a based egoist like me.

Would be shit so I believe it.

Then the show can finally die. I would be ok with this desu

So... The Master was actually The Valeyard this whole time?

Did nuWho ever explain why UNIT never mentioned that they worked with the same alien that Torchwood was literally founded to fight?

Yes, kind of

I wonder if in a few years time if all this subversive political non-sense calms down; we could get some really interesting Big Finish stories around Jodie's Doctor. Would be cool to see what could be done with the character in the hands of more talented, less politically minded people who don't suffer profound mental retardation. Similar to the 6th Doctor's Big Finish stories. Bad TV run but redeemed by the BF audio dramas.

Only the Spy!Master will be revealed as the Evil!Doctor
I think, if it's not cut, there will be a mention by him about Missy/The Master, about how useful that name is but that he haven't heard from them since "that whole Black Hole business"

>I wonder if in a few years time if all this subversive political non-sense calms down
Mate we're going under RTD's thumb again. He is the gayest most diverse most woke and most political writer in the show's history and this is very evident in his era. The show is not going to get less political.

What's political about 13?
She defended a Mega-corporation and put the Master in a concentration camp

Actually, this is what happens

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Those are good politics.

Because she basically got a whole episode that was this literally this Green Lantern page. And that she's a woman.

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Why is everyone so thirsty for the Valeyard to come back? There was a guy in the last thread who wanted the whole of nuWho to have been a plot by the Valeyard as well.

I'm not, but it's what the leaks say the current Master is
I don't think it was planned from the start however

le old thing from classic = good and has to come back

>niggers even demand hand outs from intergalactic magic space police

The idea behind the Valeyard was kind of interesting, plus he's probably the most iconic classic villain that hasn't appeared in the new series. Although I'd rather he didn't come back in the Centenary Special, as Chibbers would fuck him up.

>Jodie Doc being a dream scheme by the Valeyard is a big middle finger to woke leftists

How? Even fucking H.Bomberguy realized that Jodie Doc was going to be absolute shit.

the Valeyard was always kind of a shit idea that railroads the Doctor into becoming le evil in the future without the Trial of the Timelord serial having to come up with any explanation or logic on its own, just "dude the future will make it clear"