“You are everything someone out there is looking for”

“You are everything someone out there is looking for”

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>i hate women so much bros
>bros my life is missing a woman so bad
i will never understand incels

Its ironic how those two sentiments feed into each other

Shut-up hole.

but if either were really felt, even for a single second, it would annihilate the other

>tfw had a 9/10 try to make small talk with me at work several times and I fumbled the bag each time
>she stopped talking to me ever since

I’m not a bad looking dude I just clam up around beautiful women. I’ve only every dated 6s.

How do I regain self confidence into myself?

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Y-yeah s-s-sure...

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>t. armchair psych pseud

wow yeah it's really deep psychological analysis going on there to see two contradictory claims. You have to be a fucking intellectual wannabe professor to see that there's an inconsistency there.
Look - perhaps you are upset because you feel attacked. But the post doesn't just condemn you it shows the solution to your suffering. Just pick one of the positions and let go of the other. The craving is gone

the duality of man

You lose alot of motivation in life once you find out women don't have Souls.

My female therapist keeps telling me shit like that or that I'm hot/handsome. What do they get from lying like this???

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quit seething retard
you made a stupid comment, just live with it

You think people enjoy reading your little-kid pouting? My nephew when he was seven had a short phase of acting like you
>I always lose the game
>I always stuff things up
And it was fucking annoying because it was obviously baiting for sympathy. Fuck you for thinking people reading are stupid enough for your posturing to pass as a genuine sentiment

You're a shitty uncle.

In what way?

Claiming a 7 year old would fish for sympathy.
Do you have like 0 mirror neurons?

Lol I had the same phase myself at the same age so you're a fucking dumbass. And because both he and I saw that we didn't get any particular reward by pouting we stopped doing it within the week. Unlike the poster in this thread who was, I guess, cursed with some kind of response that made him think that that's a good way to be in the world.

Psychopathic behavior.

(btw just because someone isn't explicitly calculating that they're going to pouting and play it up, doesn't mean they aren't pouting and playing it up - it's just a thing people try because we don't know what's real. 'Maybe the feeling is real so let me try it out.')

I think that more you want it, the further you distance yourself from it. Because anytime that’s worked out in my life it was because it just happened I didn’t force it really…

Nah you just aren't taking into account that people have agency, including over their feelings. You feed a feeling or cut it off. When you're growing up you play a lot with feeding it. But you're supposed to learn that that is fake otherwise you end up a histrionic faggot like r9k posters

its called cognitive dissonance.
its funny how everyone uses this term without actually knowing what it means.
TLDR cognitive dissonance = cope

another route would be incels turning into trannies
because they're so desperate for affection that they'll turn fag, mutilate themselves, and convince themselves of a lie just to get a chance for affection
it doesn't work though and it only makes them hate themselves which ultimately leads to self destruction and suicide

I stopped believing that when I turned 23.

>I think that more you want it, the further you distance yourself from it. Because anytime that’s worked out in my life it was because it just happened I didn’t force it really…
All that proves is that you have no idea what you’re doing and that dumb luck seems to be infinitely more successful than your actual efforts. How contorted does your perspective of reality have to be? Jfc see a therapist. Your magical thinking is extremely worrisome. Maybe if you flip the lights on and off 7 times the world won’t end. Holy shit... do people really think like this?

I had a girlfriend once. Never again.

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Wow we were all so interested to know too. Tell us more.

or it could be that women and people in general can strongly sense and are repelled by desperation and "I'll fuck anything even you you fat ugly cunt. Hey what's the problem?"

I turned 23 and I stopped believing that's true.

>cognitive dissonance = cope
No it doesn’t. Are you a fucking retard? >I had a gf
I’d bet she’d be surprised to hear that actually think that.

frogposters need to die slowly and painfully

>I’d bet she’d be surprised to hear that actually think that.
Kek. Projecting much? We broke up, simple as. Bet you never even experienced love in your whole life.

No, it’s 100% you. Take responsibility for yourself you fucking autismo retardo. You’re an embarrassment to actual adults.

Samefag ignored

What did she say? Just like, hello user? Cause that doesn’t really count

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i'm not the guy who said don't force it. I wouldn't say that because I don't think you guys have a chance if you just chill out. It's not like the fact that you cheered on random womens deaths just for being women, etc is going to be dropped out of your personality

The fact that you’re so angry, on top of your desperation, and the fact that you project that others need to “take responsibility” for themselves gives me a feeling that you’re a really sad person. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re worse off than me with getting laid.

What's wrong with enjoying women getting killed?

same. I feel ugly all the time. Multiple 8s and 9s have told me I’m either decent looking, or a couple have said hot. Yet I only talk to literal 5s and 6s, have only ever had sex with 6s and ONE 7. Idk what my problem is. How do I find confidence. Times running out.

oops this was meant for
Yeah nobody wants a friend/boyfriend that forces everything. The more you “try” to swoon a girl the worse off you are

If they say you’re hot and you think they’re hot what is the problem? Just ask them to hang out autismo

nothing, unless you want to have a gf and love her and have her love you, it's fairly incompatible with that. As long as you only pick one of these you're good

Have you considered that not all women are pussies like you? I think you'd find likeminded people on forums that start with the letter R.

I don’t want to meet the kind of person that would be looking for a kind of person like me.

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>want everything
>do nothing
this describes 99% of you.

i mean this is just silly but for rigor's sake, the problem comes in where you changed "enjoy seeing them killed just for being women" into just "enjoy seeing them killed". You're now talking about something else

I literally just curbstomped a nigger

>It's been one of those days, huh Yea Forums?

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1% reporting in.

You are such a midwit bitch lol

>wanting a loving gf is everything

No, that’s like the bare minimum of an average life. You’re right about doing nothing though

>they think they can force someone to love them

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This but unironically. You may not be what EVERYTHING someone is looking for, but get close enough and they won't even notice.

Incels... READ this and UNDERSTAND it.

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hating black people stems from your insecurity. you need someone to consider inferior so that you can convince yourself you have some inherent worth... you lazily settled for "skin color" because it's the most distinctive physical trait.


you can easily get a loving gf. i bet if you lowered your standards you could find an incredibly loyal and affectionate girl.

Here's your (YOU) retard.


But I'm not looking for anyone, though. I shut myself off to this jewed world a long time ago.

here's your (You)

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Fuck her in the pussy, you retard.

Women think attraction is an organic and effortless process because they are passive participants in it. They think everything just flows~ because the man is literally doing everything. Making conversation, setting up romantic dates, initiating every first step of all intimacy.
It is impossible for a man to "not try." Yes, even Chad has to do things.

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As a married fella I gotta say: this is not true lol.

Thanks op, it's a nice reminder. I know it deep down but other negative feelings overshadow it sometimes.
>"Even in the deepest darkness, there will always be a light to guide you. Believe in the light, and the darkness will never defeat you. Your heart will shine with its power and push the darkness away."

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lol sounds like you’ve been listening to your incel pick up podcasts too much

I don't hate them. They're like roaches. They're pests in my house. My WHITE house.

Women were a mistake and I look forward to the day artificial wombs make them obsolete. Men are better than women, always and forevermore. A woman (any woman) is a collection of fuck-holes and nothing more. Why shouldn't women be allowed to drive? Because there's no road between the bedroom and the kitchen.

Hopeless anons. Pretty sad desu

want to address any of my points? one more of those and i will accept my victory.

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I’m too retarded and freeze. Fucked it up with an 8 who was very clearly into me by being a socially inept faggot.

Alright so like... uhm, I agree? Like obviously y'all better be proactive in your relationship and being emotionally vulnerable and communicative. But... if you're some boring dude who spends all his time on the internet playing games and watching anime, it's not gonna help you to keep asking her out even though she's too nice to say no, lol...

based retard, I accept your concession

I love this image. Why would you want a man who's falling for a pyramid scheme kek that's like saying I only date scientologists.

Too bad. If you didn't want women you shouldn't have deceived Zeus by offering bones covered in fat while reserving the meat for yourself.

Funny how you think only incels think this way

She's not saying she wants a man with all five. She's just correctly noting that tall men with big dicks don't invest in crypto.

i play video game and watch anime and girls fuck me at anime conventions.
how about you stupid thots stop telling men what to do

What? Quite the opposite. The future is looking bright. Bright and white. After the race war which we'll obviously win things are finally gonna be white side up again.

they should look harder then

Ohhhhhh well that explains why I don't invest in crypto

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The phrase "the duality of man" exist for a reason. Everyone on the planet holds genuine yet contradictory ideas, ideals, and beliefs in some way or another.

Are you joking? Kids constantly fish for sympathy. I worked at a school for a year and certain kids would fake injuries all the time to get attention.

If it makes you feel any better I'm glad there are people with better genetics than me who still manage to fuck their life up through sheer stupidity.

lmao cope