Why didnt they call the Justice League??
Why didnt they call the Justice League??
3rd world shitstains are so uppity they actually believe america ceasing glassing their shitty villages due to domestic public pressure is a "victory"
if america wanted to invade your rinkydink "country" they could do it. they could do it 30x over in fact. they could do it with only the trannies and women that have joined the force in the last 5 years and still occupy any country in the world. stay obsessed, thirdies.
Oh look another "poopskin seethes about his superiors when no one asked" thread, how original.
cry harder mutt
>cry harder mutt
Dont be upset. Im sure your foreskin will regrow any day now
Why does America's mere existence make brown people seethe so hard?
I had to contain the commie fucks.
>that was a bad idea
This lol, without Jane Fonda and hippies, Vietnam would have been overtaken easily. Certainly destroyed easily. Same with Afghanistan and Iraq with the Abu Ghraib shit. The US’s biggest failing is not going balls to the wall like they did against Japan. Especially with asians, you need to be even sicker than they are to win.
>nooooooo I only pretended to lose
>I could do those things but my mom won’t let me
>needs his hands to piss
Shouldn't you be digging up worms and catching rats to feed your family, paco?
>reddit spacing
Didn't read
>domestic pressure
>Jane Fonda and hippies
Holy shit, imagine thinking the American government and military industrial complex care about PR and "domestic pressure". This dude here thought Jane Fonda got the government to stop a war.
They got internet access in your mud hut village now?
>we can occupy any country
>can't occupy its own border
do americans even own the land they live in?
nope, lol
Maybe I live in too much of a bubble, but I find it absolutely insane that in a 'first world' 'western' country you need to constantly be on guard and account for the fact that any random person might pull a gun and shoot you.
I live near a main street which is known for its clubs and nightlife, the amount of retards I see getting into fights, trying to act tough, and being general menaces is astounding. If you were to add to that the factor of every person over 18 being able to buy and carry a handgun with them it would be total chaos - wild fucking west. Imagine getting into an argument at a party or in the street and having to account for the fact that the guy you are fighting with might just whip a gun out and kill you - no chance to run, no chance to fight, just dead.
How do Americans do it? I feel like having to worry about that shit all the time would be so draining.
Lol imagine thinking they don’t. America mogged Vietnam with Agent Orange and shit; and the arabs with Abu Ghraib. But they had to stop for PR reasons.
But America will always be hated by the Chinese for easily mogging their nemesis, Japan. Japan raped and mutilated chinese women and children and China could barely retaliate. America gets the military spot blown up, nuke time.
>Lost 10,000 aircraft
How? DId the Viet Cong have an airforce? Soviet/Chinese equipment?
All they needed was Dr. Manhattan.
Disqualification still counts as a loss, retard. Maybe if you didn't have corn syrup coursing through your veins you would know that.
>if america wanted to invade your rinkydink "country" they could do it. they could do it 30x over in fact
But the fact is that they didn't. No amount of military power was able to beat your dumb ass politics.
Imagine thinking the US didn't want to win vietnam. They instituted a fucking draft lol. What a huge cope. Take the L boomer
Americans ARE the brown people
>3rd worlder trembles at the mere thought of a gun
Kek Vietnamese men let their women get fucked by American drug addicts and hid behind their children and STILL try to look chad. Genghis Khan would frown upon you modern gooks
Not American but I guess it's like worrying about a car crash everytime you step into a car
Eventually you stop caring because it probably won't happen
If you or your parents weren't born in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Liechtenstein or Switzerland - you are, by definition, not white.
Watching Americans argue about whiteness is like watching two pre-schoolers argue about who is cooler.
>wild fucking west
The "wild" west times were the most peaceful in American history precisely for that same reason. People aren't so quick to pull out guns when everyone else is known to be carrying them too.
Americans are me. Fuck you. We are Americans.
Whiter than you, Achmed
>mass reply
Didn't read
>Start war
>Fail to achieve war goal
"N-no this wasn't a failure because of [excuses]
Cope harder lol
>meds aren't white
Damn, I guess that bumps whites down to like, 4th best race or something
I'm not vietnamese you inbred fuck. The point is that your military left, didn't return and actually "try" to win, and therefore lost. Cope.
This guy knows what's up
I like hamburgers but their leaders are dumb.
>lose war because of faggots in Hollywood selling you out
>lose war because asians hide behind women and children
It’s an unfair fight, soulless bugs vs actual human beings that feel bad even after using effective bug spray that destroys them to the point where they still cry about it being unfair.
Nice chart but it’s for homocide, not gun-related deaths or even gun-related murder
I never voted for them. I voted for Hillary in 2016. I never vote again.
>"The war was UNFAIR"
Holy shit imagine coping harder
What is there to win? If they won you would say they abused to poor asian man like you did with the middle east for like a decade before Biden cucked at the end. America will never be supported by people like you, so it doesn’t really matter.
Meant to quote
Yeah. It’s crazy how Asians cried about Agent Orange being oppressive because it was effective at the time, and now act like the supreme winners now when they hid behind women and babies to use faggy sneak attacks after playing the victims in America.
Americans literally always had guns. If ownership was the main factor in homicides, it wouldn't matter for the purposes of this data.
I don't care about what they do after they won. The only thing you left us here was liberal cancer. The entire argument was with Vietnam, that you lost. It's a simple fact Americans still can't cope with almost 50 years later.
t. someone from a place where America actually won and made it slightly better
Everyone calls Americans the losers in the Vietnam war. Not just asians. Because they lost. Fucking retard
THINK for one second. the vietnam draft was a ploy to to eliminate any chance of civil war
Do you have any supporting evidence for that or are you just a schizo?
Yeah because they hate America and always have so they always try to besmirch the country because it mogs their shit country.
The US still lost.
>doing some deconstructive bullshit because you know I’m right
lol America always mogs countries in war, then “activists” from america and foreign countries whine about it, then when America stops mogging the other country those same activists brag about how America lost.
And Vietnam still cries about Agent Orange being unfair, and Arabs still cry about Abu Ghraib.
Damn, what an old image
>Objective of US involvement in Vietnam was to stop the spread of communism
>Vietnam became communist and too this day is still one of the five communist countries left in the world
>Objective of US involvement in Afghanistan was to stop the spread of Islamic extremism
>After 20 years of US involvement, Afghanistan and the surrounding regions are currently controlled by Islamic extremists
It's okay to lose sometimes, guys. Just dust yourself of and try a little harder next time you invade a third world country :)
Better to whine about the enemy's methods than crying about losing lol
>my women got raped but I still get to live in an oppressive regime where life sucks and even most vietnam vets leave to America or elsewhere
Vietnam has its problems, been there a few times (white people can afford to travel) so I would know.
You still lost to them tho :)
Not really lol, acting like a badass because you cried to the teacher about racism and unfairness to win seems pretty lame.
>I lost, but at least I lost to an opponent that sucks!
I don't care what activists say. Every place America has lost becomes an irredeemable shithole. But yes they still lost.
OP is a brazilian shitskin from int pay him no mind
And American soldiers raped and killed their kids and wives while the asian men hid like bitches Lol. But hey they still got those documentaries to act like Genghis Khan, even though he would frown upon them.
American soldiers are inhumane monsters, we know. That was well documented and I won't argue that point with you.
I will just gently remind you of this fact tho:
The American Military lost to the Viet Cong :)
Oh Noez!!!11 Ameriga has declared war on your nation due to military aggression on it or one of its allies!!!11
Here's the best case scenario: your nation is put through literal and unironic hell - firebombed, invaded with ground troops with technology far exceeding your own, in numbers far exceeding your own, with combatents far outclassing your own. This goes on for years. For so long, in fact, that America's OWN PEOPLE feel bad for the aggressors even though some arbitrary "objective" the MIC set from the beginning to be unreachable, hasn't been met. Yeah, they're totally invading Vietnam to stop the "spread of communism" lmao. Yeah they're totally invading Afghanistan because of the uhh "war on terror!11" and shit. Or some similar vague and nebulous "objective" that is unreachable. Note how its never "capture their capital," or "kill their leader and subject their people." That would be easy, and obtainable in weeks for America and its allies. It's something vague so that America can occupy, bomb and rape the land to their hearts content under the guise of "keeping the peace" or whatever the fuck. After so long of this, the American liberal bleeding have enough, OR the MIC itself realizes there's no more to gain from the conflict and so they stop the raping and pillaging. Somehow this counts as a win in the thirdie's worldview.
Option 2 is that your country gets completely and utterly annihilated in two or more nukes.
>I won even though I never retaliated against my enemy after they killed my kids and fucked my wife
Yeah I know you think they’re monsters, that’s why you cried to the teacher about how unfair the war was, when Vietnamese “men” were basically strapping babies to themselves as armor
America is becoming more communist with each passing day.
In a weird way, its almost like the Vietnamese are conquering America.
The Viet Cong are looking down from heaven and smiling knowing that even their most powerful enemy has adopted their ideology :)
Who is this teacher you are talking about? What on earth are you going on about?
Your country is a devastated shithole and will remain so for the next 50 years
Americans carry on as usual oblivious to the fact since it doesn't affact them in anyway
>HAHA you didn't rape or kill any of our kids and women so you lost
Americans are evil
The worst thread on this board in months.