>Gulf war is.... le bad
>shrooms are.... le good
>*humps stool and makes loud noises into mic*
Gulf war is.... le bad
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he's not wrong
You mad op?
Drugs are good. People who promote drugs are based. Expanding your mind especially with shrooms is good for society. Wars are bad. Being spazzy is bad. Chilling and relaxing is all you need.
He specifically talked about how the US and British governments supplied Saddam Hussein with the weapons and military equipment that Iraq used against Kuwait. The US-led coalition then went to war with Iraq for doing this. Not many people knew this at the time, nor do they now. Fair enough, if you don't think it's funny.
>they burn these people alive because the message they want to convey to you is "state power will always win. we will paint you as a child molester and we'll paint you as a methamphetamine manufacturer. we'll say any lie we want over our propaganda machine, the mainstream media, and we'll burn you and children in your fucking homes. so just be apathetic, America, you stay docile, and don't ever forget: you're free to do as we tell you."
this is the one conspiracy theory i actually believe
wow that sounds really funny really good stand-up just what I wanna listen to when I take a night out to have fun
we'll have time for chuckles at the suck and fuck when we remove the parasites from power.
LSD was responsible for a major shift in my personality. Went from an ancap fedora to a socialist catholic. Generally made me a lot happier and opened my mind to different perspectives.
Go watch the redneck comedy tour instead.
Tool seems to be obsessed with Bill Hicks
Tool fucking sucks
Therefore Bill Hicks fucking sucks
Hicks was 100% right on Waco too
Most overrated comedian ever, he's like Carlin except with zero charm and twice the edge.
>Conservatives make fun of dindus for being murdered by police for minor infractions
>Participate in dinduism when whites are killed regardless of how many crimes they break
Tool seems to be obsessed with Bill Hicks
Tool fucking rocks
Therefore Bill Hicks fucking rocks
Tool blows, faggot
>defending ZOG
you just know he'd be the biggest blue check faggot if he was still alive
The better and more accurate comeback is Tool only made one good album like Hicks only made one good special but that doesn’t exactly roll of the tongue
He's somehow even more insufferable than Carlin. At least Carlin didn't think do "LE DRUGS xD" shit and wasn't a spergy retard on top of all of his heavy-handed politics bits like Hicks does.
what tool album is good? none album that's the answer
is this alex jones' brother?
>Pointing out hypocrisy is a defense of the state
Wew, way to play into the dichotomy they constantly try to reinforce. Definitely not playing into anyone's hand there
Lateralus is a flawless album
aside from the fact it's fucking horrible sure it's flawless
You're the one perpetuating it by thinking there are "conservatives."
Are you just pretending conservatives don't exist? Come on, buddy.
>the fbi, the atf, janet reno, up to clinton are liars and murderers
>if they had any honor at whatsoever would commit harakiri if they were true human beings
yeah, typical blue check mark talking points
I literally started stopped shitting when I found out Alex is in his 30’s
>Weak man
>Bad times imminent
I always get him and Sam Kinnison confused. Fat fucks should have worn signs.
you’ve had 2 stand-up fluffers and 5 drinks by the time bill get on stage and if you got any american pulse in you you’ll start cheering
Kinnison was way better.
For you
yeh nobody ever says things for attention and then changes when they get more popular
>butthurt zoomie because dad likes bill more
>38 years of age
the hell? is that bone broth worth it?
That's literally the angle they're taking with China now.
>anti castro pigeons go coup coup coup
How so?80dpy
Constant crying about fentanyl on top of everything else.
>He specifically talked about how the US and British governments supplied Saddam Hussein with the weapons and military equipment
and? It's not like they gave it to him so he could invade Kuwait (which he did because Saddam couldn't or wouldn't pay for upkeep of his army which was the 3rd largest in the world IIRC) he blamed Kuwait for stealing his oil and invaded.
He was called by the US president prior to the invasion of Kuwait. They basically said "do what you want" then backtracked immediately when he did invade.
The Chinese are literally pumping fent into the US and elsewhere. The only country wide prop the US is disseminating propaganda ankurnis Russia and has been in the works for a decade
The US are fucking shitting themselves royally over China. They've weaponised the entire western media sphere against them.You've got to be fucking blind not to see it.
Unironically there's something to it.
There’s some but they’re not gonna piss them off because something might happen to their sweat shops and China is doing tons of fucked up shit
Youre talking about Joe Rogan
>gulf war is le bad
>shrooms are good
They're all controlled opposition who don't dare offend the Vatican or TelAviv
>dindus for being murdered by police for minor infractions
I'll take Things That Never Actually Happened for $200, Alex.
meds retard
Where they really such a meme? /k/ and most military historians I've read push the idea that they were a serious threat.
binary thinking will get you killed.
I love the bit about Kennedy
you just dont get it zoomie
Based and accurate
glad he died
unfunny twat
does this mean the shrooms were good or bad