Look how they massacred my boy. Damn you critics

Look how they massacred my boy. Damn you critics

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This movie sucked

Thats a three word sentence for any thought too big for little minds

>closeted b-list netflix actor
>b-but he’s just like us guise!!!111
that’s a y*kes and #cringe from me

to be fair, you had to have a pretty high IQ to understand BvS

I've only seen the extended cut and actually enjoyed it. Batfleck is the best Batman as far as action/combat/infiltration.

one of the worst superhero movies ever made. jesse eisenberg as lex luther???? was snyder on crack?

This is the only DC movie I like, because it's just like Dragon Ball Z.

Why would a movie that condemns the big media be hated by critics?

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I watched this movie and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was entertaining. I showed this movie to two people as well: my best friend who is reliably non-partisan, and my brother who is rapidly partisan and went into this movie hating it.

My brother predictable hated it. My best friend said "that was a lot better than I thought it would be."

BvS is a fine movie; critics don't like capeshit that takes itself too serious and they really don't like conservative alphas like Snyder.

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Damn marvelbots badmouthing my kino

>conservative alphas like Snyder.
>the same Snyder that openly voted for and shilled Joe Biden.

The massive campaign against this movie was something else. 80% of the bad reviews was complaining the movie wasn't an escapist fun or too hard to follow.

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Funny how Yea Forums got tricked into hating Snyder kino by reddit critics. Same thing happened with Michael Baysed.

BvS just speaks to the Republican heart.

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Leonard Maltin is unironically right. Capeshit is just dudes with superpowers in spandex underwear and capes defeating the villain and saving old ladies from danger. People taking it seriously is a sign that our society is falling apart.

Wtf is this old cunt talking aboat?

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The amount of normies that got filtered by this undeniable kino is astonishing. reddit cape shitters weren't ready for meaningful themes in their movies yet. Also it does require a higher level of intelligence to fully appreciate.


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I don't see how you can watch BvS or Man of Steel for that matter, and not come away with the impression that Snyder is conservative in his bones.

your movie was shit and was a failure

I watched the Ultimate Cut only and that was 4 years ago, I still remember parts of it, it was that damn good.

It was too hard to follow and too serious.

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The Ultimate Cut is great. The Theatrical Cut is terrible because they cut out half an hour of footage to avoid an R rating, it's no surprise at all that it bombed.
No idea why they let Birds of Prey get an R rating years later.

It's wild how DC just butchered all their IPs over the last decade or so. It's so easy to make superman content. How did they fuck this up so hard?

The only modern DC film I saw was man of steel in theatres. It fucking sucked. Grim-dark was already tired when it came out and they only ever doubled down on it.

> Man of Steel
> Grim-dark
How can one man be this filtered? Man of Steel was about Superman finding his place in this world and attempting to live up to Jor-El and Jon Kent's ideals. Jor-El literally told him that he would bring hope and an ideal to humanity, and "in time they will join you in the sun". The villain was someone who believed humanity was worthless and deserved to be wiped out.

The visual aestetic was very grey and drab, the destroyed city scape suggests hundreds of thousands died, "you should've let those kids die, clark," superman snapping a dude's neck in front of children

I'm sure there's more, I haven't seen it since it came out. My issues weren't really with the narrative so much as the visual aesthetic of the movie. It's like it took place in the gears of war universe, you know?

Superman doesn't quip so it's grim-dark
>t. every hack critic ever

>superman snapping a dude's neck in front of children

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>the destroyed city scape suggests hundreds of thousands died
yeah I do agree they went overboard with the destruction. There is no way you level a city filled with skyscrapers and don't kill thousands of people.

I am small indian village boy

Director's cut was somewhat better, I'd give it maybe a 6/10, but the theatrical cut really was that bad.

>There is no way you level a city filled with skyscrapers and don't kill thousands of people.

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Marvel heros kill people constantly and cause tons of collateral damage and nobody accuses them of being grimdark (see Guardians of the Galaxy 2 for instance). People got filtered by the Zod necksnap because Clark was clearly horrified at taking a life despite it being completely necessary and justified in the moment and your average capeshitter can't comprehend seeing your enemy as a human being. The same people are on Reddit right now saying we need to nuke Russia.

Bruce Timm by his own admission doesn’t like Superman and did a terrible job with him in the DCAU. You’re not helping your case by using him to defend Snyder.

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>Some fag would've contrived the same garish scenario
Why should I care? People trying to make the infinitely corny superman grimdark. So much so they changed his costume to exclude the iconic silly underwear. Superheroes are silly kid shit. Trying to make this dark and serious is cringe.

I just wish they hadn't gotten so serious with it. Superman isn't all that deep, why not have fun with it?

I hate marvel content for different reasons. I can accept absurd collateral damage so long as it's not playing into a grim dark aesthetic.

>I just wish they hadn't gotten so serious with it. Superman isn't all that deep, why not have fun with it?
There are a bunch of other Superman movies including Superman Returns if you want a lighthearted romp. Snyder gets biblical; deal with it.

I loved how all the "causality" caused by the Avengers in CIVIL WAR was so fucking low.

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Congrats on finding one Superman writer, one of the most mediocre ones at that, to defend Zaddy. Meanwhile all the Superman creators worth a damn called out Snyder.
>The Smallville guys
>The S&L writers
All think he sucks

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Capeshit fucking sucks
I leave this shitty ass board for a couple years, I come back on a whim and you faggots are still having bitchfits over your shitty children movies

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Yeah Civil War claims that exactly 74 civilians died in New York, which feels like an unbelievable under-count.
Though at least the Chitauri mostly weren't leveling buildings and didn't leave a massive gaping empty hole in the middle of the city, like what happened to Metropolis

Grant Morrison loves MoS and BvS. The fuck you are talking about?

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>including Superman Returns if you want a lighthearted romp
You should go rewatch it retard, Returns is the same as Sneeder’s flicks. Pretentious boring Jesus imagery over a paper thin plot with a weird cuckoldry shit going on too. There’s even a campy Lex who “kills” Supes!

What kind of argument is that? Yes, that guy never has to make tough moral decisions about life and death since he is never in any situation that calls for it. That's different from a fucking super-hero that is out there saving lives and battling genocidal maniacs from outer space. Vigilantism is also illegal.

The fuck are YOU talking about retard? That pic I posted is literally Morrison criticizing MoS ending. He also criticized Snyder’s evil Superman plans. You must be retarded to think he’s a Snyder fan, that pic you posted was him talking about what he hoped BvS would be. After BvS came out he’s never praised or defended it and again, criticized Snyder’s retarded evil Superman plans

>Snyder gets biblical
I wish. Superficial allusions to Christ doesn't make a work "biblical," it makes it pretentious. If they would've kept the grimdark aesthetic but had superman actually act Christ-like and resolve the conflict through self sacrifice rather than killing, I would have a very different opinion of the film.

>What kind of argument is that?
One that points out it’s retarded to claim Superman killing people is “realistic” when Superman himself is inherently unrealistic

>That pic I posted is literally Morrison criticizing MoS ending. He also criticized Snyder’s evil Superman plans.
Then right back and praised BvS. He changed his mind.

>tfw the best DC film flops

also, has anyone noticed that The Suicide Squad abbreviates to The SS?

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>that pic you posted was him talking about what he hoped BvS would be.
That pic is him talking about his Action Comics run and how that relates to BvS.

>That's different from a fucking super-hero that is out there saving lives and battling genocidal maniacs from outer space.
The only reason Superman kills is because Snyder is a man child who thinks killing is cool. Nolan wanted Superman to banish Zod to the PZ, and if they had stuck with that DC wouldn’t be the shit show that it currently is.

>If they would've kept the grimdark aesthetic but had superman actually act Christ-like and resolve the conflict through self sacrifice rather than killing
Literally BvS.

As I said earlier in the thread, I've only watched man of steel. If that's the case, maybe I should watch BvS

I have zero respect for any of them. Morrison's Batman was pretty good and I love that he gave Dick Grayson a chance to don the cowl.
I've said it before and I will say it again: people got filtered by the Zod necksnap because Clark was clearly horrified at needing to take a life and your average capeshitter can't handle viewing your enemy as a human or putting weight on the act of killing.

>The only reason Superman kills is because Snyder is a man child who thinks killing is cool.
No, that's because Superman ALWAYS kills General Zod. He did it in the movies beforehand and does in the comics that MoS was adapting.

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If you watch BvS make sure it is the Ultimate Edition. The Theatrical cut had a lot of important content cut out and is borderline incoherent.

>Then right back and praised BvS.
He praised the MARKETING for BvS, not the movie dumbass. That interview came out BEFORE BvS released. Find me an interview after BvS where Morrison specifically praised BvS because pic related is the latest word
>He changed his mind.
No he didn’t. He never said that MoS was good or praised Snyder

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Superman doesn't become a tyrant because Lois Lane died, but because Darkseid corrupted him with the Anti-Life equation.

> if I can handle it, Superman can handle it
> superman reacting to Lois being murdered by becoming a tyrant is "ridiculous"
Why are you pretending this guy is credible?

>No, that's because Superman ALWAYS kills General Zod.
Except Zod is running around alive in the comics and has never been killed so that’s clearly not true you casual fuck. Imagine being so dumb that you think Superman kills Zod every time because of one bad Byrne story that’s been retconned out

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>Except Zod is running around alive in the comics and has never been killed so that’s clearly not true you casual fuck.
Because DC comics is always retconning and rebooting its own shit.

>Grant Morrison is not a credible source on Superman but Hack Snyder, the man so retarded he fucked up a simple Batman vs. Superman story is
Here’s some advice kid: Injustice is not an accurate Superman story. If you think Superman snapping because Lois died is anything other than character assassination you need to go read Superman stories. Actually READ them not just copy paste out of context panels to try to defend Zaddy.

I mean Superman does sacrifice himself, to kill Doomsday. It's not really Christlike. No one is arguing that Superman is the Prince of Peace. But he does sacrifice his life in a nod to Excalibur.

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I didn't mean credible source on Superman I meant credible source on writing.
Superman is a godlike being trying to be a sheperd for humanity, it's entirely conceivable that a sufficiently traumatic event would make him become a supervillain.
And Injustice (games and comics) were both garbage.

If Snyder didn’t want people to think Lois dying is the reason he turns evil he probably should have made that clearer. Regardless DCEU Superman is a massive piece of shit who makes the world a worse place with his presence

Which Zod?
Pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths Earth-1? Post-Crisis on Infinite Earths New Earth Zod from pocket universe? Post-Crisis on Infinite Earths New Earth Russian Zod? Post-Infinite Crisis Earth-0 Zod? Post-Flashpoint Earth Prime Zod? Post-Rebirth Zod? Post-Dark Knights Zod?
Which Zod?