Heard sisters...are we in trouble?
Heard sisters...are we in trouble?
if a gorgeous woman makes you feel like a million bucks, odds are she's crazy and will use you until you're a husk of a man
Imagine being team /turd/
This is a Depp board and we stand with our brother against the gold digging roastie bed shitter
I too am on team Depp, but a Heard turd is neutral. It's no longer hers once it leaves her body. At that point it's Depp's. And all of us can appreciate that and live vicariously through his tumultuous life
They both deserve death, as do anons who simp for them
im pro depp but im only pro-depp becuase im anti woman
Do we actually believe a known drug addict has never hit a woman in his life?
nobody with more than 3 brain cells still believes amber heard in this, but both of their reputations are ruined anyways.
Men literally can't be physically abused by women, anyone that thinks they can is a moron.
some men just have an inability to deal with conflict, in those cases yes a woman can physically abuse a man.
Depp should do a movie with Spacey, directed by Brian Singer. The ultimate comeback movie for the ages
I want to watch Amber Heard squat down and take a shit on the floor in front of me, as I beat off to it.
My literal sister is supporting Depp. I don't think there are many Heard backers in this trial regardless of gender
Amber is the kind of person who wont break. Thats why im team turd. I hate to see johnny fall fromgrace but its his own fault really. He stod up with this crap for too long instead of just giving her the boot. If your team depp your team ”i will never learn” and you will never win a fight. You might get some dirty hits and feel good for the moment but ten years from not johnny will still be broken while amber fucks chads and travels the world.
those aren't men though
Heard is one of those women that need to be tamed unironically. If you can do that you'll have the best woman you could imagine. If you can't, you'll end up like Depp.
I often how people would react to what we say here and this post is horrid lol
She should just fart in court
shits in pew before verdict = kino uh uh uh!
She wont "break" because shes insane. Narcissists cant ever look at their real self because it doesn't exist.
Also youre a dumb nigger
They can be physically abused. Especially, if they dont hit back.
You do realise we haven't heard her testimony yet? She and her witnesses are going to expose Depp's lies.
When I was a freshman in college in 2016 we had to attend this stupid group discussion about rape culture and one of the fat bitches giving the talk casually mentioned Johnny Depp being an abuser because of Heard's bullshit. I'm glad he got vindicated.
did she really shit the bed?
My mom used to slap my dad all the time. Even spat on him once.
He still hasn't proven he didn't abuse her.
No. It was the dog.
Impossible. A women of her status and wealth will never need a man. Add crazy to the mix and there is nothing you can do. Fuck and run only.
Is she not wearing panties? What the hell.
i love that her cynical smile from the first days of the trial is gone now.
she's fucked and she knows it
These words will damn her in the end. It's likely by estimation that this is a mutual-abuse situation; that Depp likely has never laid an untoward finger toward any of his exes, but that this bitch brings out the absolute worse in him. But even if he really did rape her, by taunting him this way on tape, she basically made it impossible for any reasonable person to believe her.
defamation cases are nearly impossible to win
ironically, this case in itself is a form of character assassination of Heard in the public eye.
Johnny has that going for him, he won't win legally, but public opinion is on his side.
we will go to the depths to defend our guy depp
amber heard turd fffffecal matter. a heard grumpy.
I don't know if this is the US. But let's be blunt here: the current Supreme Court has been looking to weaken protections by both the press and individuals on this for some time, particularly now that a solid majority exists to do so.
A lot of these recently dismissed cases will be brought back up one Times v. Sullivan is struck down, and once protections against defamation are weakened.
These tapes don't mean anything. It doesn't matter if she hit him. What matters is if he hit her. He still hasn't proven that her article was defamatory.
It's not about needing a man.
Lmao, you're retarded if you believe this. France don't mean shit here. You say something like this on tape and all other considerations just disappear.
I hate Depp but I hate women more.
Simple as.
This isn't an abuse trial. This trial is about if her article is defamatory. There's been no proof that the article is even about him.
Also, there's audio of him saying he headbutted her so he looks just as bad.
And she basically told a jury that she would lie about him and ruin him if he criticized her.
You're just a fucking retard if you think a jury will hear that any other way.
Nothing sounds worse to a jury than audio telling them that you will lie to them.
Who cares if she "can't break." All the more reason to throw her ass into a psych ward and penalize her for a couple million.
Depp himself has told multiple lies in his testimony. The cross-examination is going to destroy him.
Yes it is. Women only stay with you if they see it as advantageous. If you have no value its just a matter of time and women like that see value in nobody
I would've asked her to shit all over me while maintaining domainance with rimjobs, although he is for freeing apedo that killed lolis. I hearby judge 50/50
Man she looks awful now. What happened?
Women are awful. Men will just beat/murder you. Severe, but honest and straightforward. Women will manipulate and emotionally devastate those they abuse. Much more insidious imo
It won't compare to audio of her taunting him. You have 'evidence' of it, but you don't have him saying he intends to lie to a jury that isn't even impounded yet.
she's down playing her power level.
psych word makes them worse, it's just a joyous timeout for them. You have to groom to bloom
what if im a billionaire? or a multi millionaire? wouldnt that be a loss for me?
>Heard sisters...are we in trouble?
Lawyer here. No, Depp is wasting everyone's time with a frivolous lawsuit. It's not about domestic abuse; Depp is alleging that Heard libeled him, in an op-ed she wrote where she never mentions Depp. This is all bullshit.
tripfags get the noose
If two people fight and one of them breaks who wins?
Diarrhea man
dubs sets them loose
liquid Diarrhea, her panties are soaked on shit, and probably her pussy too, as there is only around 1 inch of distance between the vagina and anus.
imagine the cleanup
simps please kys
my gf is like amber
how do i exit this relationship without getting rekt
she’s already threaten if i breakup with her she’ll tell ppl i raped her
her dad is a lawyer
And she will face absolutely no consequences. When will you people understand that females do not experience consequences for their actions? Female is life on easy mode bay-bay.
First of all you gotta get that thread recorded.
Anal, then make her do rimjob- repeat
Also get a job
Kek you're finished.
>And she will face absolutely no consequences.
Depp is bringing the lawsuit, so exactly what kind of "consequences" should a women who is being sued expect?
Forgot, act like her dad
>as there is only around 1 inch of distance between the vagina and anus.
someone post that copypasta about making women insecure by bringing up the fact that there pusy and asshole is right next to each other
Supreme Court Justice here. Amber IS fucked, Depp will probably win the case and be legally allowed to beat and rape the shit out of Amber due to the double jeopardy doctrine.
Seems legit.
The same that a man would face for domestic abuse.
ex president here. amber heard will be forced to shit herself in front of a crowd while little children look on, mocking her and as she cries. johnny depp will be given a birthday party as chuck-e-cheese's as he is rebirthed upon the victory of his legal lawsuit against amber heard's turd factory. i went to yale
The lawsuit isn't about domestic abuse. It's about libel.
Something tells me you have no clue what is even going on right now.
It's satisfying to see such a devious woman like Heard, who has been handed everything all her life, squirm as she faces consequences for her actions for the first time. No amount of flirting can get her out of having to take the stand and being confronted with her lies.
Amber Heard mentally and physically abused her past gf as well.