Lmao did anyone watch The Masked Singer tonight?

Ken Jeong throws a bitch fit and stormed off when he saw who tonight’s unveiled costumes singer was. Whole thing seemed staged to me but hard to tell

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hasn't he done this shit before? how many good goy points do you get on twitter for a stunt like that?

This is the second time they’ve done the Giuliani bit where everyone walks off. Desperate for ratings. Quit shilling it here

>did anyone watch The Masked Singer tonight?
No because I am:
a. heterosexual
b. under the age of 50

I think it was reported months ago but it finally aired tonight. The footage was never seen until now

I could have sworn this already happened months or maybe years ago. I'm having serious deja vu.

Wow that was so crazy! I had a great time watching it with my friends (who I don't share my password with since that's illegal!) on AppleTV+!

based. that traitor should be in jail.

come on hangover wasn't that bad

>Ken Jeong

I don't even know who that is, but CHING CHONG WING WONG you soulless microdick chinsect Ken Jeong. lol

Yup I just watched it live it was hella friggen epic.


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Giuliani appeared in the Baron Cohen movie so clearly he just wants to poke around in show business for whatever reason

>did anyone watch The Masked Singer tonight

Did they do a similar walk on when Sarah Palin was on a few years ago? Or is she okay because she didn’t work for DRUUUUUUMPFFFF AHHHHH TWO SCOOPS DEADLY INSURRECTION!!!!!! IMPEEEEEACH!!!!!

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Based anti-vaxxer Jenny and the other chick not being faggots and staying to enjoy the Rudy song

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Ken Jeong is a Hollywood sycophant who is entirely spineless because his DREAM is to work in Hollywood so he will think, say, and do WHATEVER it takes to secure his position among their ranks.

this thread is glowing. I don’t give a shit about politics, I will never vote

Everything on TV is staged. Everything.

old people be havin opinions

Why are Leftists so fucking sensitive and fragile?


Why WOULD you walk off just because a person on the show happens to be someone the TV told you to dislike, other than being a femmy little snowflake bitch?
Why is it THAT hard for Leftoids to act like actual adults rather than children and histrionic women?

This guys whole career is playing the Asian stereotype and now he's trying act like he has morals.

How many times are they going to milk this?


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I agree all lefties do.

>google amp
You nigger. YOu big black monkey NIGGER

heh like it when lefties try and act like they're not snowflakes when people call out how silly they are.

Also Jan 6th was a good thing and all those involved were patriots.

Robin Thicke had raping to do

Based Giuliani making libshits seethe.

Ken is a known chicom asset, so yes.

Didn’t everyone used to love this guy before he got involved with Trump? Before they were all HES AMERICAS MAYOR and HE HELPED US HEAL DURING 9/11 AND CLEANED UP ALL THE SMUT IN NYC



Anyone that gives a moment of fame to the old fuck deserves to be ignored. Dude had two good weeks in 2001 and has been a fuckstain since.

Stop kikeposting on Yea Forums

No. Lefties hated him because him cleaning up garbage in NYC was fucking over muh precious nignogs

Remember when lefties said trump was going to jail?

Still waiting. 2 more weeks right?

That's a pretty fucking smart move desu, any publicity is good publicity. I even bet that 90% of the female audience doesn't even gave a clue who Rudy is

Lefties were mad he cleaned up New York because he correctly assessed the city's problems (Democraft graft and black criminals).

Remember when trump said Hilary was going to jail? Still waiting. Works both ways retard.

Name something he did outside the 2 weeks where he was bold enough to say terrorists attacks on America was bad. Hard mode: you cant say niggers or jews.

don't bother replying. rightoids run on being disingenuous. they depend on it so dearly since not even they can make sense of their own beliefs. it's the same reason they employ so many dog whistles too

well he is suing her and that could lead down the road.

Thanks for the link, bro.

Broken Glass & stop and frisk. Still doesn't change the fact donkeys made the city unbearable.

Lefties entire ideology is based on emotion. You and the op prove that very easily. IT's why you're called snowflakes. The fact that his post makes you seethe so much shows that you use politics as a cope for your mental state.

NYC used to be a scary gritty place before he got rid of so much of the crime and hookers and scummy sex clubs place used to look like scary Taxi Driver NYC before that tho in a way now NYC is nothing but white hipster faggots instead I almost miss when it was overrun by dangerous thugs (*cough* blacks) I’ll take them over these white faggots

he lowered the crime rate in NYC by double digits?

Your kind can't be expected to honor your word, why should we be anything other than disingenuous with you.

>Works both ways retard
No u
ok stay mad.

somebody tried to sell this show in my country. Tried.

rightoids are more successful in life than your average lefty it's why we pay the most taxes. You're welcome btw.

Based and true


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Why did the mods allow Yea Forums to become a colony of /pol/?
>always was one
No it wasn’t, you fucking gamergate/election tourist piece of shit.

you seem upset

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yeah people say nigger all the time now wtf that's against the law

What a fucking snowflake. Kek.

These 'panel of judges give fake praise to kill time' shows are the worst thing on tv

All European countries just straight copy and make a local version of the trash shows from the UK and the US. There is a Swedish version of Idol, America's Got Talent, Dragons' Den, Taskmaster, the Bachelor/Bachelorette, Paradise Hotel etc. They all keep rotating the same B tier celebrities as the hosts

Yea Forums is /pol/ always has been always will be.

Think of Yea Forums as pol + hobby.

I bet people laughed at this guy.

Classic liberal behaviour. They refuse to partake in open conversation, they refuse to negotiate with the opposing side. They demand submission, subjugation and conformation. They cry about free speech yet try hardest to censor differing opinions. They will collapse our society all to feed the greedy elites with their left wing giant green energy corporations and shove their environment destroying windmills and cancer causing solar panels on us all the while under the guise of "saving" the planet.

litterally the tourists on this site are all the reddtards lefties that came to this site after the now defunct sites like heavy and mic. used to write articles about Yea Forums being the spawn of "le alt-right".

He proved the only way to clean up a crime ridden city was to enforce stop and search on minorities, which unsurprisingly saw a huge drop in crime.

How heckin brave

Pussy leftists are excluding themselves from society now that the worm is turning on them.

Hilary was too infested in the swamp to be taken down. Trump will win in 2024 and he'll throw her ass in jail when the demonrat party capitulates.