Paulie did the prep work. He was doing a year for contempt, and he had this wonderful system for doing the garlic...

>Paulie did the prep work. He was doing a year for contempt, and he had this wonderful system for doing the garlic. He used a razor, and he used to slice it so thin that he used to liquefy in the pan with just a little oil.

Is it, really?

Attached: goodfellas-garlic-meatball-recipe.jpg (1280x720, 48.52K)

Wait Paulie was in Godfather?

It's a very good system

I don't see why not, he was a good fella after all.

gangster movies are the best comedies because they are true(ish)

You should see me break up some fine fish scale up

how did they get their own apartment?

No, it doesn't work and you waste a shit ton of time doing it. Guidos are idiots.

Never tried it, sounds like too big a hassle.

Wouldn't it just burn? I can't imagine garlic liquefying

It was a very good system

Bribes + the need to keep them separated from GenPop so they wouldn’t get killed.

Alright I'll give it a shot next time

Why do Italians insist upon themselves and their food.

You can literally just chop it up normally and get the same result

at least they have cuizine

Attached: Ogre and an Elf.png (1245x580, 828.79K)

because eating together is one of the few moments where people in the criminal world can feel happiness.

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me on the left

Does garlic actually melt? Anchovies "melt", but garlic?

>Sacre Bleu! I have invented spaghetti and meatballs!
lol ok

>he was doing 3 days for posting sneed

>gang of organized murderers needs protection in prison

do you think they sent out a memo to all the niggers?

UM NO SWEETIE I DON'T THINK GARLIC CAN LIQUIFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 FUCKING KIL LYOURSEF NOW

You put too many onions in da sauce, user...

me on the middle right (or middle left)

It was a good system good system.

Fellas, you ever sit on just one side of the table and face the same direction with your homies?

Bitch please in a local prison you find out as soon as someone is in who they are with.

I'm gonna go get the digits-get the digits.

>Sacre Bleu!

Attached: 1644431760281.jpg (600x600, 49.1K)


>there was sneedposter, janny, tardfrog, gookmoot and ofc, he had me, his pal, trannyfaggot.


that's not a tripcode ya dummy

>Sacre Bleu!

Attached: 1570786974034.jpg (950x961, 147.91K)

Never tried it, but if you want to dissolve the garlic anyway, why not use garlic powder and mix it into the sauce?

Personally, I cube the garlic so you get good sized chunks in the sauce. I like getting a bite of garlic when I eat italian

But it is le tripfag.


I only put three onions faggot

go to reddit

>garlic powder
Not the same flavor as fresh
What you'd actually do if you wanted 'liquefied' garlic is make garlic-flavored oil in advance.

>make garlic-flavored oil in advance
How? Sautéing garlic in the oil before hand or something?

How many tomatas you putindare?

perhaps. although that doesn't mean that they wouldn't ask for protection or that the prison wouldn't give it to them automatically. its like how they keep pedos and celebrities and high profile people segregated from general population

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it's because they're receiving their wagecuck employees

Always think of this scene when I cut onions.

>Always think of this scene when I cut onions.
Now that's just silly, you can't liquefy onions.

He was a interior decorator.

Eyy skibbity boop bop cut the onions Pawley fuggedaboudit.


Sopranos beats every single scorcese movie combined out the ass, its not even fair

You infuse some olive oil with garlic, warm up the oil with chopped garlic in it without getting it too hot and then use a filter or screen to extract oil sans solids kind of like brewing beer in a way

His apartment looked like shitAre you fucked?

Oo! Marone! That's Satan you talking to!

Based hell trips

It's not about doing right by them. By the early 00s, keeping violent incidents down became a metric prisons were judged by. So they started doing this.

>you can't liquefy onions.

Attached: The Pizza Is.jpg (1304x687, 148.12K)

the heat from the garlic cooks the pan

I can imagine Ramsay saying this

I know what vid you got this from

garlic doesn't melt, it just shrivels into a black piece of shit


t.shit at cooking
git gud

or roasts into a delicious brown nutty thing.