Realistically speaking, could we mitigate an asteroid crashing into our planet? I realized this scenario has been done in many movies but it's always some hyper unrealistic story.
Realistically speaking, could we mitigate an asteroid crashing into our planet...
only real way would be in a deep underground bunker but that would only work for a very small asteroid.
btw there is a comet heading straight for earth while we shitpost right now
>btw there is a comet heading straight for earth while we shitpost right now
plz tell me it isnt going to take decades to hit, i want to die now!
All we need to do is eat the bugs.
Asteroid of that size? no way
It depends how early you got to it.
Just impacting it with a probe years ahead of time would be enough for it to miss Earth. For short term just detonating a nuke on the right side of it would unironically work
>missed by a billion miles
fuck off when do i get to die?
The Bogdanoffs may be dead but their quantum immortality curse lives on.
Yes, by not only using our entire nuclear arsenal, but also by creating about 10,000 more thermonuclear hydrogen bombs, and sending them all to the comet.
That many impacts would send it off course, enough to miss the Earth. Would take like 10-20 years though at a minimum. If we’re too late, then we’re all fucked.
Unlike climate change, the asteroid was a real physical object that could be observed. The movie failed in its liberal analogy.
Easiest way to do it would be to detonate a nuke near it so it alters it trajectory.
Yes, it's actually not even that hard, in cosmic scale even the slightest force / change in trajectory would be enough.
>the analogy wasn't 1-to-1 the same.
>for this reason, it has failed.
nigger what
you wear the mask and take the jab like the government tells you to.
If we tax people enough and move diverse people from poor countries with low carbon footprints to western, white countries with exponentially higher carbon footprints, we can create enough carbon tax credits for NGOs and oil companies that we can deflect asteroids with pollutants in the atmosphere and lower the temperature of earth.
The user is correct. You are a stupid magic particle worshipper cultist.
Yeah, that's literally what Jupiter and Saturn do, so there's never anything to worry about
what is a whoa-jack?
>chemistry isn't real
When I was a kid I used to think an asteroid would have be like the size of the moon to destroy earth, which is obviously silly. But I also never thought something 5-10 miles wide, which is not even 1% the length of the earth's diameter could destroy almost all human life.
Yeah one magic particle will tell the future what was I thinking? How foolish of me to consider any of the other things that exist other than this one particle. I so dread when it might change the temperature a fraction of a degree in 100 years. You are delusional.
us DoD proposed an idea in the 90's about firing a low powered laser from a satellite. the idea is the laser will melt and evaporate parts of the asteroid. the ejected asteroid matter will act like a thrusters making its path way off from earth.
the project was was being handle by lockheed to this day.
No, you can't say that. "Chemistry" is one particle.
The planet is already running out of nuclear fuel, we wasted all of it on dumb shit and now humanity is unlikely to ever escape. Long range space travel is entirely dependent on radioactive materials.
There's plenty of nuclear fuel in the form of thorium.
so what, we have plenty of different planets in our solar system and asteroids to mine nuclear material from.
I think the real question is at this point, would we even want to?
Well that sounds clev
>the project was was being handle by lockheed to this day.
Did you even read this shit
Yes, but it would be expensive, might fail in execution (thus not working at all) and depending upon the circumstances might cause a lot of damage.
If they locate the asteroid/comet far enough away then they can absolutely launch large rockets to send a nuke to knock the asteroid off course. Problem is depending on trajectory it might have debris that will still hit earth at speed and depending on science that isn't quite settled will cause an amount of radiation hitting earth - possibly a shit ton, but not something that will kill everything.
But our chances of deflecting a big asteroid were much worse from 2011 to late 2010s due to lack of available large rockets. You'd need a really big one, like a Saturn 5 or shuttle, to get into outer orbit and carry a very large nuke payload. But there was no such rocket so you'd have to launch multiple smaller ones - one for the nuke, one for the space rocket, one for the fuel, then assemble a rocket in low orbit that flies into outer orbit.
But today if we spot it early we're pretty safe, simply because of how how good SpaceX is going. They have so many rockets available they could easily do all this themselves if they were provided a nuke, and they could also probably assemble a single rocket to do it all in one go if they had a year. And then NASA and maybe ESA & JAXA combined could work on 2 backups.
Anyway, the reason deflecting an asteroid is an "issue" is because people want to figure out a reliable way to do it without using nukes and potentially irradiating the world.
what about the realistic possibility of sending oil drillers to blow up the rock
What? You can get practically unlimited acceleration from solar panels sending electrons bouncing down a metal cone, you dummy.
>not just moving the solar system
Dyson spheres solve all problems
This thread is off topic, but gets to stay up.
what the fuck are you talking about dude? where did you hear such a thing? your post reads like some ken M post where you just say something totally retarded in a very matter of fact sort of way.
>thread discussing the plot of a recently released film
>off topic
well the earth is flat and "outer space" is total made up bullshit, so we're not even at risk of such a thing happening in the first place.
Obviously no, that's much dumber.
Humans are heavy and need a lot of stuff to live and the biggest issue with space travel is getting mass into orbits.
Each crewmember is like a little snowball that rolls down a hill and turns into an avalanche of space suits, waste system, waste storage, oxygen, water, food, heating, cooling, sitting space, suit storage, airlock that all needs to be flown into space.
There's a weird sort of conspiracy theory-community based around that idea that nuclear propulsion is 100% the only way to go.
>he fell for the one conspiracy theory that is basically proven to be a psyop
You can physically see space though. Most of the planets were discovered around the Babylonian era.
It's not discussing the plot, it's using a plot point to discuss that subject matter. By your logic, simply post a pic of a movie with sex and now discuss sex and it's on topic. Show a gun used in a movie, and have a 200 reply thread about gun control. Show some ugly jews in The Passion of The Christ and discuss how hideous jews are and it's all on topic. brb I'm going to post a pic of Buffalo Bill and discuss how insane and demented trannies and crossdressers are, since it's simply discussing the plot.
I just want humanity to have one intergalactic war… please bros
>By your logic, simply post a pic of a movie with sex and now discuss sex and it's on topic. Show a gun used in a movie, and have a 200 reply thread about gun control. Show some ugly jews in The Passion of The Christ and discuss how hideous jews are and it's all on topic. brb I'm going to post a pic of Buffalo Bill and discuss how insane and demented trannies and crossdressers are, since it's simply discussing the plot.
All seems good to me user, go for it.
sorry user, God is letting the show continue. Humanity is still interesting enough.
go suck janny cock, faggot
I'm saying jannies are arbitrary and biased in their deletion of threads, bigbrain.
that shit is just a hot air balloon.
>Realistically speaking
That's fake as shit. You think cities glow like that from space?
We could attack rockets to it and push it away. Or attempt multiple nuclear impacts to smash it so small our atmosphere would turn it into nothing but a small shotgun blast.
But this movie was hilarious in that they don't realize that the very people it worships are those who cause the divisions that making dealing with such a thing impossible.
For an analogy to work, it must be analogous. And this simply wasn't.
They do from an aereoplane
oh and by the way, they're doing a netflix adaptation of the original moon landing.
>With Artemis missions, NASA will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon, using innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before. We will collaborate with commercial and international partners and establish the first long-term presence on the Moon. Then, we will use what we learn on and around the Moon to take the next giant leap: sending the first astronauts to Mars.
I mined mine from un'goro crater
This is just cover for the fact that the absolute retards at NASA lost all the institutional knowledge necessary to land on the moon, and they have to discover it all over again.
>we totally went to the moon guys, b-but we destroyed all the tech and footage from the missions by accident whoops
They don't. You see the lights, not ridiculous glowing like that. And it would be less bright when viewed from space.
>The inverse square law of light defines the relationship between the irradiance from a point source and distance. It states that the intensity per unit area varies in inverse proportion to the square of the distance.
Ya I cant see stars when looking up either
The big problem with this theory is, the Russians would have known and would have screamed bloody murder if we didn't do it.
But they didn't. They didn't even attempt to assuming we did do it. So why?