Star Wars

Who was the worst?

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Oi boipussed Jar Jar

Luke Skywalker

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Jarjar is kino

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Rey. Jar jar was endearingly awful. Rey is bitchy and not in a cute way. Boring.

jar jar is so bad he warps back into being funny

If you try hard enough you can twist Jar Jar into a "so bad it's good" angle because it's meant to be comedic. But Rey was meant to be seriously likeable the way Luke is, and that failure feels a lot worse.

nice. also quinn.

I was about 8 when the Phantom Menace came out. I realized a couple years ago that as a kid I owned the Jar Jar Lego set, which meant that I probably received it as a gift, which means that I probably specifically asked for the set, which means that I probably liked Jar Jar and was basically his target audience.

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Rey. Jar jar is not an mc. He gets a pass

Anakin desu

jar jar is good character you fucking turbo retard redditor

Jar Jar's antics are fun to watch. The dislike toward him was mass hysteria.

obviously the john boyega character what ever his name was

Jar Jar is the key to all of this, how could be be worst?


This is

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>Meesa be bypassin the Senate now, okie-day?

Both characters were meant for more but fan response made them change the story.

Nah dude I got two of those at the same birthday party from my classmates

Rey, Jar Jar redeemed himself in The Clone wars show.

they both want to make me ejaculate so I'm gonna have to go with Sio Bibble.

You were the worst


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Everyone forgot he exists


Quads of truth

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Rey's antics are fun to watch. The dislike toward her is mass virginity.

So sexy

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Jar Jar is the worst character, because he actually is a character.

Rey is not a character.

The retarded, pink-haired, rebel commander from episode 8.

When lego had soul.

Lucas fucked it by not having enough balls to give us Darth Jar Jar.

Horse lady

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His name is Finn.

At least Jar Jar has sex appeal.

Rey Is the worst. At least jar jar has gold teeth unlike Daisy Ridley

Hang on. In the hyper advanced civilization of Star Wars, black women don't get guns?

Jarjar is heroic, has hidden talents that most characters are unable to see due to his demeanor, is treated like dirt but takes it in stride, has a real character arc, is cowardly but overcomes it in his special way, serves as the link between the conflict of the two peoples of naboo, enables the entire last act by his connection with Amidala etc
Peoples missed the point severely. They could only look at the outside, like the jedis do, because they are unable to sympathize with someone so lowly and clumsy, someone so “uncool”.
But jarjar is a very good character, even if he’s intolerably comedic and unserious to starwars “fans”.

By contrast, rey is a vacuous nothing. Played by a barren, sterile actress that can’t act, written by a worthless conglomerate. Spotless, clean, marketable. Not a blemish on her. Entirely without magnetism or charisma.

I honestly don’t understand people harping on about rhe character or the actress. At least Portman had a fertile, feminine grace on screen, and she portrayed a teen princess well. You could easily be attracted to her. Rey has literally nothing. She berates and beats people up, changes on a dime. Very telling of the creative process or lack thereof behind the character creation.

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Or is he?

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Donald Trump

Imagine the smell

bad bait my friend. I regret even giving you a (You), but I feel this must be said.

>Rei Palpatine Skywalker-Solo
Who came up with this?

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He's right though, incels hate her

women literally need to have sex with us or else the entire human race will die out you retard.
why do you think rape happens?

fucking whores won't even give me the feces im entitled to

well a big theme in the original story is blood and heritage, so naturally the brave MaRey Sue has to be everyone's child whether by blood or by adoption.

of course the most intelligent post all week isn't going to get any replies

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>What if jerry lewis were a star wars character....?

How does Daisy handle being mogged by the theme park version of her?

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>Peoples missed the point severely.

No...people entirely get that, the problem is he's still a terrible character.

>even if he’s intolerably comedic

that's the problem, even Lucas admitted it. He's actually not comedic, he's horribly, horribly unfunny. He completely fails at what they were attempting to do with the character. And when you got a failure that big in the story (and why the FUCK is he such a big part of the movie in the first place) then it drags the rest of the story down as well.

Literally not an argument.

I still have my original Jar Jar toy and bought the Black Series version when it came out. I've never even pondered about adding a Rey to my collection even when she was dirt cheap.

jarjar sucked but he wasn't the main character for 3 movies, so rey is much worse

jar jar for sure. Remember he was the reason for the empire to take the entire universe

>not even the hottest theme park Rey
Still, they all mog film Rey.

Rey overall did nothing. She will never be remembered

JarJar ruined one movie
Rey ruined three

Why didn't the naboo have an army? They werent worried there's these frog fucks with a giant army a mile down the road from them?