Why did Better Call Saul decide to be a really bad stoner comedy for one episode?
Why did Better Call Saul decide to be a really bad stoner comedy for one episode?
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at least we got to hear based CHAI
i mean based CHAI kinda redeems it does it not
The whole run those guys went on.
50% OFF!!!
it was fun old guy
>my personal opinion is fact and because I didn't like it everyone else has to not like it
it was kino
This. So fucking hilarious. I loved when they got in a shouting match with that Mexican bitch over the meth. Druggies are so fucking stupid.
I think you mean one scene
You must be new, because it's been a running meme for years that you overexaggerate the amount of time a scene takes.
>show up in that car and flash a massive stack
You know they ripped off another dealer
Lmao, n ever noticed
I cracked up when I saw that shit
>50% off?! That’s almost half!!
Lost my shit there
Should I rewatch breaking bad before I start this?
No, watch Breaking Bad during the break between BCS 6A and 6B (rumors suggest the latter will half take place after BrBa)
ok will do
Worst episode in either series. Mike’s uncharacteristic outbursts towards Kaylee after she happens to press all the right buttons just reeks of hack writing.
Fuck off
It’s not rude when what you’re shitting on is a great episode. You don’t have to be a no fun allowed boomer
they will be on again. They meet Tuco and Skinny Pete while waiting for trial in jail.
Right on
if you ever met meth head retard junkie fucks you would love this episode
also mike doing that did feel weird but that’s what happens in bb so i guess it’s canon
My parents and all of their friends were tweakers. I never met anyone so stupid that they didn’t know 50% was half. Whole episode felt like it was written by a teenager.
Okay poorfag
it was fun and funny
Because it's a boring as fuck show which has been dragged on for too long. The writers actually had to say Walt and Jesse will appear in order to get the viewers from Breaking Bad interested enough to want to give a shit about this show after they had given up watching it during the first season. An actual prequel about Saul Goodman would of been cool if done right and wow did they ever fuck that up. No one asked for a Law & Order SVU copycat ripoff with some guy who's trying to get his old skitzo brother to love his ass.
Yes by all means. I assure you that once youre done watching Breaking Bad you'll wonder why you wasted your time watching this boring Jimmy guy crap.
My friends brother was a junkie skitzo retard and was one of the stupidest fucks I’ve ever met. He’d just sit on his filthy lazy boy, eat potato salad and play Pac man world all day. He almost killed one of his pugs because he thought it was a scorpion. He also would try and fight his parents and would run straight into the wall and knock himself out
Where is this from?
Cause it's not real right?
At that point Mike was more upset about being reminded that he's no better than the people who killed his son than actually being reminded of his son.
Holy shit
Just like all of you, Vince was a rich suburban Gen x'r and this is how he perceived users. Completely sheltered nerd. This is why the government put this series in his hands
Exact same narrative in BB
I think the Breaking Bad episode where they spent the whole episode trying to swat a fly in the lab was worse.
They obviously crafted the show for 13-year-olds to become drug addicts. This includes Pinkman's character, I knew a dealer 30 years ago who looked like a county sheriff. Guns everywhere in cases
No, that’s the best BB episode. Five-O and Pimento are on the same level though.
I don't remember this at all, what episode?
Vince had nothing to do with this episode. Wasn’t even in the writer’s room. He did say that his biggest regret with BB was not making Jesse / Badger / Skinny Pete’s addictions more prevalent and authentic.
Ok bro. Why are they not selling to Steven Spielberg? Or women in Bel Air? Wake up and smell the crank
"Passin the torch". Skinny and badger arer the most authentic characters in the entire series. They experience hesitation, regret, joy. They act their age.
"Better than ever!"
Here you go young lads. This is a California series that they decentralized by placing it in Albuquerque.
thomas schnauz is that you?
Fuck you that scene was great
and gay
It was just a funny sequence, even though it was pretty retarded. Then again there are dummies out there who act like that or worse, but they're usually black.
The most retarded part is that they get the munchies after smoking meth
Why is that retarded