BRO! did you hear that?
Ghost adventures
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Umm maybe turn the lights on, Zac
I smell a psychosphere...
Has anything paranormal ever happen to you?
DUDE something just touched my ass!
Yeah I heard odd whispering breathing sounds when I was a teenager in my room and then felt a deep spiritual peace.
where can i watch this masterpiece?
Has Michael Cera been working out?
once I heard somebody run down my hall and jump in my shower clear as day. I got my gun and went in to confront a home invader but there was nobody in there. I heard the steps and the shower curtain and everything.
It was Warwick, he was hiding in the toilet bowl when you came in
My cat was asleep and suddenly he jumped out of the bed looking very stressed and nervous. I grabbed him and tried to put him in the spot he jumped from but he immediately backed up and tried to scratch me if I got him there. It was a few minutes until he calmed down.
Uh oh guys got wall jannies. You need to leave out hot pockets or blank checks
When will he make a guest appearance?
no they were pretty heavy steps
>show becomes severely Zak-centric once Nick leaves
What did they mean by this?
is ghost adventures actually good or is it way over the top? Im looking for a comfy paranormal investigation show, but it needs to be at least to some degree grounded. whatever that means for a ghost show. most of these shows are either a borefest or completely exaggerated
The first 3, or so, seasons are great. It does get kind of hammy with re-enactments/Zak antics, but it feels less manufactured than Ghost Hunters. Of course, as the show has gone on it's gotten too... off-track. It's basically the Zak show.
Watch the 1st season, at least.
thanks, user
Did anyone SEE that? There was a shadow that just—oh no!— something just went up my asshole?!
pockets full of gold will do that.
>*Turns tv off*
It's too much for me, bros.
To any ghost that is in this facility, I will pay you $200 USD to show yourself.
now playing S02E01 Preston Castle in the cytube
Super comfy. I haven’t seen all the seasons start to finish, so I can’t speak about the quality over time but seems fine
>It's a lock the cameraman in a room with no lights for an hour episode
What’s his name, Aaron? I fucking love when Zac volunteers him for that
>fuck you little bitch ass ghost. you don’t have the balls to possess Aaron.
>ok now just sit tight in this room for a while
watched the first episode of ghost finders on amazon and it was actually better than ghost adventures and the witch they have is kind of hot
is this real
also I found a bunch of lucky charms I'm not sure what that means but they were delicious
The Kenny Vs Spenny haunted house episode will always be kino
The best paranormal show out there right now is The Osbornes Want to Believe. Jack just showed Ozzy and Sharon a bunch of ghost/UFO/cryptid videos and gets them to judge how spooky they are. The banter is the best part. Ozzy doesn’t give a crap about ghosts but is a huge believer of the UFO videos.
The closest thing I consider paranormal that happened to me was I had a dream about someone I hadn't talked to for years that died a few days later. It was probably my subconscious connecting the dots to their death with background information I had gathered. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but sometimes I think it was paranormal. Other than that, I possibly witnessed a UFO and "heard" another.
My friends and I were taunting demons in the dead of night and the TV started flickering and we heard something run up and down the stairs that were right by us. I also felt a breath on the back of my neck
I heard my father's bedroom door slam shut when I was the only one in the house
My sister saw a woman standing over her bed
My mother saw a shadow go into the bathroom
There's literally an explanation for any paranormal
activity that has ever happened
Maybe you're just a family of schizos
I woke up in the middle of the night and someone quickly leaned over me from beside the bed, imagine bending at the waist as fast as you can. Was just a silhouette darker than the room. Not sleep paralysis either, I jumped out of bed and ran down the hallway.
Night terror
are ya spooked stayvun?
I didn't wake up afraid.
>My mother saw a shadow go into the bathroom
she was getting that BBC late at night and had to convince you it was a ghost
>jumped out of bed and ran down the hallway.
Uhmm so just for exercise?
I was playing with cards once and said
>'this is card is going to be a six!'
>it was a six
or it was BGC
When I was younger we lived in an older house and all of us saw weird shit. Some examples include, one time my mom and I were in the kitchen and the faucet handle turned all the way on by itself, I saw someone's shadow on the wall one night and my brother saw someone standing in his room.
stop trying to rape your kitty
all reality tv shows are shit.
Except for MTV's Fear. IT WAS THE BEST
>show guy being hestiant to cross a bridge
>cut to psychic standing by the bridge in the day light
>psychic: "Oh, oh they shouldn't have built this here"
>cut back to contestant starring at bridge.
I was spending a week in jail in King County, WA State for doing something stupid in the city of Federal Way. The third evening I was there the security dudes brought in a new inmate. It was a black dude about 18-20 or so, pretty skinny, but very agitated, loud, and giving the guards problems.
They kicked the guy into solitary and he was bouncing back and forth between crying for help and muttering / then yelling about how he would "get them all".
I started praying for him (yes, Christians get into jail for being stupid sometimes) and his rants went 12/10 on the loudness scale, incoherant, and steady at full force. The inmates in my cell asked "what's his fucking problem?"
"I started praying for him." I replied. "I'm going to finish."
So I did. He screamed through all of it and then went silent after I said the words "In Jesus' Name, Amen." like he had been unplugged.
The guy was taken out the next morning. My cellmates and I talked about it a little and then let the subject drop.
lmao, a daring synthesis
I wish there was a ghost movie that never shows a ghost, but there is a dark presence in the building. Maybe you just see a shadow?
fuck off /x/ back to your board
Big Greek Cock?
also I'm trans not sure if that matters
>Is there someone in the room with us now?
>"I don't know"
>I woke up normally.
>See black shadow person bend over to look at me.
>Jump out of bed.
But that said I used to sleep walk and do other weird shit occasionally while asleep, so it's likely some kind of sleep fuckery.
For what it's worth, that night changed my life. I made amends with my family, got work, saved cash, got an attorney, got my record expunged 2 years later and have lived a clean life. Once you experience something that is absolutely real that you absolutely can't explain, it leaves a mark on you.