Who the fuck is even watching this?

Who the fuck is even watching this?

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Since when was it about viewers user?

no one, the show’s entire production is an elaborate money laundering operation

propaganda and demoralization come before profit

considering their plummeting subscriber count, nobody

no one apparently

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Black Rock

what your children will be groomed with and im here for it

you people are retarded, even with the drop Netflix is still the most subscribed to streamer with over 180 mil subs.

i know normalfags who watch it and think its funny but call anime creepy

jewish women and unironic pedophiles

>you people
bet you typed goyim but had a rare moment of clarity. happy birthday, hitler!


Nwrdoux desperate for anything to stay cknfir their legacy. No one is subbing to watch this edgy dog crap LMAO

pretty much the only people left with an active netflix subscription

time for bed and sleeping this off

>Show exists that I've never even heard of
>It's in Season 7

This is like a daily occurrence for me, it feels like there is just too much content in the pipeline to even filter it all. it didn't used to be that way

It’s ratings are consistently high and it’s one of Netflix’s top shows. Blame the audience for watching it

When you market your shows to fewer than 1/5th of the population, and then subsequently include themes only 1/50th can relate to, it's no question that the other 60+ percent of the population will inevitably get tired of it.


Okay? Didn't ask newfag

You lost?

>tfw offended by a cartoon

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I was at an antique mall where the boomers who run the place sit around talking and I overheard this creepy old fuck telling the others about how he really enjoys Sex Education on Netflix because he's a big fan of Asa Butterfield. I was so disgusted and creeped out I had to leave.

Nick Kroll's dad is big time swiss banker

>Who the fuck is even watching this?
A lot of Americans actually watch this, you'd be surprised. Remember all that hype and shilling when Arcane came out? Big Mouth still had bigger viewership in America. Based USA.

>offended by a word

Must be a lot of them then given their ratings

Six seasons already??? Jesus, this garbage must be super easy to outsource. Are the episodes written by AI too?

>Faps to hentai and watches underaged waifu somilator moei garbage
>fanatically defends known pedos like Michael Jackson and Hitler and Kevin Alfred Strom
>hangs around on pedo sites like crippledchan and gab
>gets worked up over this
I don’t get it

I do, it kind of feel a void left by the simpsons and family guy since those can't deliver anymore.

At least you see some character changes over seasons

This site is 90% normies you know.

vinny beedle

>Who the fuck is even watching this?
"""People""" who should be rounded up and shot, in Minecraft.

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>t. jew or autogynephilic Yea Forumsmblr troon. Or both.

His dad unironically did 9/11.

Retards who smoke weed and have monster decals on their Civic that barely works but has a can on the exhaust so it's loud as shit

/pol/ is almost never wrong.

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Oh yeah? Let me see those ratings. Surely Netflix must release them publicly, right?

Unfortunately, current-year normies are probably the kinds of people who love this show, not the ones against it.


Life is a fucked up mess.

>, in Minecraft.
Fuck off with this gay meme you Chud retard.

I often wonder that too. I have a theory that they go out of pocket for their shows that really push their degenerate messages.

Everything about this show is just an attack on the senses. Visually its ugly , the voices and "Songs" are terrible. I have "normie" friends and none of them watch this.

They were going for the fujoshit audience with Jay and Matthew lmfao

I only know of a single person that watches this, my little sister.

She's a real piece of shit. Stupid, worthless education in a less than worthless field, which she doesn't even have a job in. Does casual drugs and sex. Leeches off our mother well into her late 20s now. Extreme leftist, defends tranny kids. Fucked all kinds of nasty losers then became a "lesbian" lmao.

So, that's who.

Nice try glowie

Do the Jews even know what they're doing anymore. Or if they even care.

First, most people on Yea Forums don't do points 1 and 3.
Second, you're comparing the dregs of the internet- pretty much the edgiest shithole that can be accessed via Google- the only place where saying meanie words hasn't been outright banned- with the entire mainstream, which cheers on and celebrates Big Mouth and shit like it. Many Yea Forums users wouldn't even be on here, if their previously-ubiquitous opinions weren't forced off the rest of the internet.

It's bad enough that loathsome pedo shit exists on . But it's a lot more alarming that society has been conditioned- groomed, you could say- to openly back increasingly-similar stuff.

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Jews unironically are descended from the Neanderthals

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How many times do I have to say it

Their ultimate goal unironically is satanic Marxist jewish feminist genderqueer pedo white genocide corporatist communism

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The hypocrisy tho

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Jews are based for waging war against body shaming and being afraid of your own appearance.

It just comes across weird.

Thats disgusting

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>dude we’re forced to be pedos because muh free speech culture war BS

So National Socialism apparently has a supreme leader but Antifa is just an idea

Honestly Lefties are literally just gaslighting retards

Honestly when I watched season 1 it was absolutely hilarious.

But It was not interesting enough to keep me watching.

Plus I cannot stand Netflix.

You know you can hate Jewish degeneracy without being a national socialist right?


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I don't do any of that stuff you retarded nigger faggot. Holy fucking shit, imagine simping for THIS show.

I guess someone must be?

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Wasn't Hitler a transsexual too? I also heard he was gay.

Make way for the superior specimen!

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>if you don't me to talk about my genitals in front of 3rd graders you're a Nazi!

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These are, of course, the same people claiming that whites (the majority of the population, for now) are overrepresented in movies and TV, and need their numbers reduced for """equity""".

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Wtf is that real? Holy shit they’re so brazen with their hatred of goyim.