>let's put a quirky goth girl in our crime drama
Let's put a quirky goth girl in our crime drama
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don't mind if I do
please do
awoooga hummina hummina hummina boing
Christ, I've never been able to get over her fat fucking head
I miss actual goths that aren't e-girls
goth girls are the best aesthetic
too bad they became so rare
she's like 60
>mall goth e-girls
they hot, but are goth girls basically just normie thots who wear black now?
I'd prefer a six year old hairless Philippino boy glistening with sweat.
Since the mid-2000's, most people claiming to be goth are posers, or as another user mentioned, mall goths, who only adopt the fashion and couldn't care less about the culture.
these are whores playing dressup
what even is a real goth
I don't even know anymore
you have to listen to depeche mode for starters
You gotta at least be past a yellow on the punk-o-matic scale.
At its core, it's mostly a fandom centered around goth rock and adjacent genres of music. There's some overlap with punk, but it's more subdued as a subculture whereas punk is louder and more brazen.
that's all they ever were
that's all, music? they're not in some satanic cult trying to summon demons or something?
Based. I was gonna call him out, but this is better than me
they don't even look like they do heroin
>sex pistols
>more punk
Crass would like to have a word with you.
Poop is pee therefore it's poop
You do realize that the satanic panic was a moral panic, which means that it was based on falsehoods perceived as truth by the masses, right? Most of the "satanic" elements are exhibited by fringe groups, and even among those fringes, most of those people are only into it because it's edgy or they find the imagery cool.
These are all kind of true. The original scene was nightclub- and music-driven. Not so different than what was later raves and then I guess the EDM scene. And people were into vampires the same way the next generation got way too into zombies.
Interview with a vampire 1994
The Crow 1994
>let's put a hairy troon in our crime drama
tldr being a goth is actually super lame
Goths have been around since the 80's, man.
Ok faggot
I can tell you from full experience that goth girls (specially the ones that dress like that)
Are super frigid and hate sex. Irony. But these girls dress like fetish porn to go out but are super lame in bed
There are a lot of people here who still believe Satanic panic shit is real and still happening.
Trips wasted on this gay bullshit
first couple of seasons are based, especially the pilot.
The only good thing about being goth was being close to emotionally vulnerable teen girls
aren't they embarrassed doing this, literal circus in the streets
Yeah haha there aren't any real satanists around.
commie bullshit
I don't entirely disagree with all the points brought up here but it's so smug and reddit that I hope the author falls off a hiking trail and shatters both his legs and dies of exposure after two days
I didn't say that. Of course Satanists exist. But they're nowhere close to mainstream and most of them are harmless, hedonistic pussies anyway. Fucking wicca has more weird ritualistic shit happening on the regular than satanism. LaVey himself wasn't radically different to someone like Marilyn Manson.
it unironically is. High ranking members of our military have literally opened Satanic temples. Take a peek at the IRS building, or the layout of DC.
The Satanic panic was misplaced and unfocused.
This list is fucking shit and normie. Remind yourself that punk is a label, and labels are for marketing. The sex pistols had a manager.
Why are there not more mono-color fashion styles? Like chicks that dress in all red, all white, all purple, whatever
I think saying that you could find a goth scene in most of the USA in the early 80s is pushing it. But yeah if the scene really came together in the late 80s, then it hits Hollywood in the mid-90s. Adds up.
I demand pimp-wafius, all purple, huge hats
The fact that we never got to see her naked is a travesty and a crime of nature.
I'm guessing because most colors are not neutrals, which can more easily fit any setting. That, and black attire is just attractive to humans. It's the only color that can hide detail as well as it does, so it's easier to add an air of mystique to your look with it than any other color. Plus some people perceive it to have a slimming effect.
Because black has been special in our civilization for a couole thousand years.
All good points, thank you user
punk bands cant play instruments for shit kek
Gail the snail isn't allowed to be hot. Get this the fuck out of my face before I cum and get mad.
Malcolm McLaren? What the fuck?
Fat kids, you gotta google this stuff before you post retarded dog shit nonsense, okay?
if anyone alive today has heard of the band then it was not punk.
punk was about "the show" and the process, not the band or even the music.
Plenty of punk bands are sophisticated instrumentalistsm. It's not the 70s anymore
What about...two?
what the fuck is punk then? besides the autistic post above?
the feeling of punk is the frustration that they can not play guffaw
Please tell me left isnt a troon
yup..and it worked great
>604 area code
It's possible....very possible....but I think it's a lady.