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the point is that he wasn’t a pedo and that you should instantly doubt children who claim to be abused and assume they are evil liars and the people they accuse are totally innocent and dindu nuffin. if a girl reports abuse to you, just ignore it and assume adults never do anything to harm kids and kids are always lying about it. that’s the message. not pro pedo at all
Proof that this board is dumb as bricks when they can't even understand the point of this movie.
a funny thing i noticed. this movie takes place in what appears to be a very literal paradise of safety. 10~ people attending the needs of a handful of children, kids safely walking the marked and arrowed streets to stores alone (hell, klara's even alone at one point at some store), some guy literally lives in a mansion.
and the women at the first chance to interrupt that harmony do so. unbelievably unapologetically just full steam ahead "let's spread this assumption this guy fucked this kid and 20 others".
like a virus that just spreads and spreads until everyone bar a few actual men resist.
makes me think of the women's movements through-out the years where it seemed they had a very safe and harmonious life, a la 50's/60's.
why are they like this bros?
But it's true imagine being attracted to kids how would you satisfy that urge? videos? no its illegal atleast gays can assfuck themselves with a dildo or download grinder but a minor attracted person will never know peace from that even if they want to change the attraction will never go away.If they tell a therapist he might go to the cops or get him to a nuthouse no freedom just for being attracted to kids they can never be honest with anyone about their feels it must be hell But in the movie he wasn't a predator the kid was just lying and her brothers were the predators 80% of child abuse comes from a family member
So it’s pretty much confirmed he did it, right?
They make it obvious that he didnt.
That movie is uncomfy as hell, why would anyone want to watch something like this?
You’re fucking stupid. The point of the movie is that as soon as someone is accused of being a pedo, people will have that opinion of that person for the rest of their life and they’ll be alienated whether or not they actually did it. False accusations and lies are the point of this movie but you’re a closet pedo that somehow came to the conclusion that pedos are misunderstood. Dumbass
are you retarded?
who do sex obsessed fags and deviants act like a fetish is this all consuming life destroying urge? just don’t fuck kids. you aren’t a “victim” or urges beyond your control, you are a weak willed hedonist who wants an excuse, like all gays and pedos and trannies. i’m not falling for it
he obviously didn't do it
just fuck an adult lmao it's not hard
You should rewatch the movie. You missed a couple things having to do with nuance.
mads in cunny kino? now this I have to see
The fact that so many incels aren't rapists and so many pedos are points to the fact that pedos are sick beyond simply "having an attraction".
And btw you actually can go to a therapist. They aren't going to report you unless you say you're going to commit a crime.
Dude most people on this shitty board are hebes (heebs). You’re not gonna gain much support brah
The place he lived in actually looked like the comfiest place ever, especially the mansion his friend owned. That’s what made the hysteria in the town hit so hard
ok groomer.
you are glowing so hard
he's literally me
loli/shota art i guess
there are way more pedos than child molesters that’s bullshit.
this, he should go to reddit instead. anything slightly critical of pedophobia is censored instantly there
i think people are overly dramatic about this shit. i jerk off to loli all the time and i don't lament over the fact that i'll never get to live my most depraved sexual fantasies. seriously. it's not that bad.
dude you can tell the same to people that steal without a reason or the retards that have ocd its uncontrollable takes a very strong willpower to get under control
Conservative American (Mutt) Mindset.
>The place he lived in actually looked like the comfiest place ever
It's a pretty accurate depiction of small towns and villages in Denmark. There's lots of places that has that sense of comfy community.
t. dane
did you even watch the movie or did I just get hooked hard on your bait?
pedophobia is a mentall illness
But you literal posted child porn?
yes it happened off-screen
I’m not an amerimutt, I just don’t accept your bullshit attempts to pathologise deviancy and selfish behaviour. Nobody seriously believes you can only be happy fucking children and have to fight some mental war whenever you’re around them. It’s just obvious horseshit. Just fuck adults, we all know you’re attracted to adults as well as kids, it’s just a fetish for you.
yeah stealing from the shop or turning the light on and off 50 times is the same as raping a child because you like how it feels lmfao
it’s supposed to be ambiguous whether or not he actually molested the kids. the director has said as much
>b-but he didn’t have le basement!
it’s easier for kids to get confused about some small detail rather than make up an elaborate story about being molested.
I watched this with 10 people and at the end half thought he did it and the other half didn’t. Personally I think he did it (men who choose to teach kindergarten should always be under a cloud of suspicion) And personally, I think the gun shot at the end with symbolic of the divine retribution he will face. But no one can say for sure one way or another, it’s up for the audience to decide.
Okay, erm.... gonna derail here for a bit.....
is this movie any good? I liked druk and pusher.
(pic unrel)
If he had done it, he'd be doing it again during the movie. Pedos can't help but diddle kids.
The ending made me cry.
why don't those retards stop then? it's qn urge they were born with it they didn't choose that same as gays lesbians and paedos
I wish Mads had molested me when I was a kid. He can molest me now if he wants.
>born with
I guess you’re expecting me to be on the brainwashing level most other people are? You are 100% not born being a klepto or whatever, it’s always something that develops psychologically like anything else. Why do you think child molestation victims are far more likely to go on to be abusers themselves? Chance? It’s obviously because trauma and other confusing shit at a pivotal developmental stage in your brain will give you subconscious obsessions and fixations. fags are made not born
what happened to Jag one through nine?
if you're referring to OP pic movie, yes. it's a bit heavy and uncomfortable and will make you feel a huge sense of injustice on the protagonist's behalf, but it's good.
I don't give a shit what the director said. There was literally ZERO evidence of anything shown in the entire movie to make him seem guilty. You're literally believing the lies like the townspeople. Holy shit please be sterile along with the idiot half of your friends.
Denmark apparently has sane immigration policies as well so small towns like this can continue to exist
Alright, might check it out, thanks fren :D
It's the same director as Druk.
>people still falling for Huntposting in 2022
nice, what a life!
how do you explain the first fag?
>the director has said as much
Source is your butthole
like the first vampire, cursed by god
>Mads Mikkelsen and the Druk guy also made a pedo movie
this is news to me lol
Fuck right off you lying idiotic piece of tras
I love Jagtenposting
>divine retribution
The director never said it. Dude is baiting.
0:09:55 in the movie we see Clara's brother and his friend watching porn on an iPad. They see Clara and go "Hej Clara. Prøv at se, Clara... Den stritter lige ud i luften" (Hey Clara. Look at this, Clara.. It sticks straight out into the air) as they show her their iPad with the erect penis on it.
At 0:11:25 we see a scene where Clara makes a heart out of beads that she then puts into an envelope to Mads' character. In the following scene we see Mads playing with some boys until he gets exhausted and lays on his back. Clara crawls on top of him and kisses him on the lips. He pushes her away instantly.
The next scene is Mads pulling Clara aside to talk to her privately. He says that he found her love letter in the pocket of his jacket, and that he thinks she should give it to one of the boys instead. She says "it's not from me". He answers "it says it's from Clara". She responds "someone must be pulling a prank on you. It's not from me". The camera then slowly zooms in on her face, depicting the turning point of the entire movie. It's very obvious that she's feeling ashamed, upset and embarrassed about feeling rejected.
After that we see Clara sitting in darkness in the office of the kindergarten leader right before closing time. This is another pivotal scene that depicts the point where Clara has decided to lie about Mads to get revenge. She talks about how she hates Mads, that he's stupid, that he's ugly and that he has a penis(common thing for girls to say about boys because it's "eww" to them).
This is yet another scene that is extremely obvious. The kindergarten leader jokingly responds "most men have one, even your dad" (in response to the penis thing) while laughing. Clara responds "yes, but his(Mads') sticks straight out into the air" which is just her repeating exactly what she heard from her brother at the beginning.
The entire plot is explained within the first 15 minutes of the movie. Clara lied. Mads didn't do it.
I dunno but it must have been rough to make him touch a whole town's worth of kids
That’s just your analysis on it. I thought it was all but confirmed he did it. That’s why god shows up at the end and shoots him
Lmao this nigga posting timestamps
If you want to bait, you can at least put some effort into it.
Holy brainlet. Please, never watch a film again. Here's something more your speed: youtu.be
I've seen a dozen or so The Hunt bait threads recently, so I just decided to spend 5 minutes to write it out, that way I can copy/paste it into every The Hunt bait thread from now on to dab on the baiters.
i see you're subscribed to mauler.