What expression she's trying to convey?

What expression she's trying to convey?

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Lust for that dyke judge

>When this is over, I'm gonna beat the fuck out of you again, Depp.

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>hot as fuck
>crazy which means 10/10 sex
>possessive which means she deeply cares about you
Is Depp gay or something? What is the issue here, why would he ever leave such a catch? What a faggot.

>possessive which means she deeply cares about you
She was partying the day Johnny's mom died

She even wrestled him when he tried to leave, chances are she was all oiled up for it too
Depp may indeed be a fag

based amber

Obviously exaggeration from Depp, from all that we know she was enchanted by his dick and only became mad when he didn't give her attention or threatened to leave her. Which is a red flag cause no sane man would want to break up with Heard.

I wish she would hold me and call me fucking disgusting and spit on me bros

Why is Depp dodging questions about which films he was doing? He can remember details about random things but not that? And why are they asking him about it if they can just look it up on imdb?

>tfw no gf who would lovingly shit on my bed

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lying under oath is a crime, whether you meant to lie or not

Literally the perfect woman, probably enjoys being beaten or manhandled. She was too much of a woman for his twink ass

lol owned

Her Lawyer too.

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what??? but he is lying about not knowing, it's ridiculous to claim that you don't remember a single film that you did over a period of years

She looks sad :(

QRD on the shoe thing? did she really freak out coz he took his own shoes off?

idk if he's trying to play word games under oath, but that's all I can think of as to why he would say things like that

>I dropped a grumpy

Putting a timeline on things makes it easier to disprove all the shit he's making up

I hope Amber divorce raped Depp so fucking hard he ends up a drunk homeless man rambling in the streets

For sure absolutely bro, I too have come away from this situation concluding that Amber must like domestic violence

>possessive which means she deeply cares about you
She cheated on him with Elon Musk and James Franco iirc, so I doubt she cares about him outside of his status

god I wish I had millions for her to take in a divorce

>She cheated on him with Elon Musk
Wait really?
Based Elon.

She looks walled

Amber literally did nothing wrong and you can't prove me wrong

We'd never get divorced, because I'm not a fag like Depp.

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that's it bros I'm rooting for her

Imagine being rich and wasting your time and energy in court instead of just leaving your husband. What a dumb bitch. Lol

she could play nurse Ratchet in a remake of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

She looks great honestly, she doesn't have any eye makeup in the trial.
They're suing each other though lol

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>I’m a sociopath trying to mimic sadness but am unable to do so due to so many years of being a calloused whore

she looks old af

So honest question. How many dates before you should go to the funeral of a parent/sibling/friend of the person you're dating?

Clearly something needs to be official, and the 3 date rule means your pass the screening phase most likely, but it isn't REALLY a relationship until at least a few months have past. I figure 3 months is a good rule of thumb. But it might be a bit insensitive to not offer even after only 2 months from the first date.

And I like milfs.

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She’s fucking insane, that may not be a big deal to you but to normal dudes that is an instant turn off. No pussy is worth getting pots thrown at you

Make ups should be outlawed

what would happen if her song is played backwards?

It doesn't get bigger than world's richest man, if she wanted that she would've dumped Depp. The truth is she was crazy about Depp and doing her usual woman shit tests(but amped up cause she's crazy) to play mind games on him. All she wanted was for Depp to be a man, beat her and keep her in his leash but I guess she overestimated his masculinity

>t. johnny depp

>Look, if you pause right here you can pinpoint the exact moment that her hopes for winning break in half



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you think she's unattractive without makeup?

>Absolutely. Sustained.
>Repeat ad infitum.

>Johnny's lawyer: Objection! Speculation, your honor.
>I'll allow it, sorry.
>Repeat ad infinitum.

Nigga she's a man-hating psycho dyke lmao Also if she just wanted a macho man to just throw her into a a wall and fuck her she wouldn't have paired up with a nerdy dork with issues like Elon Musk.

Nah, I wouldn’t take that shit, I’d bust her up bad and go to jail for it but that will never happen because I never date a woman who is mouthy and aggressive. She only did what she did because she knows if Johnny swings at her she takes him to the wringer in court.

>wasted trips
you're just not man enough and obviously can't handle real woman. If a woman is not psychologically and physically abusing you that's mean you married the wrong one

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Lol, we are talking about a bitch who doesn't "love" in any normal sense of the word. She's sadistic and johnny depp isn't, she'd only be happy with some politician or someone she could share in schemes with.

timestamp on the bedshitting part?

t. mouthy obnoxious woman

you are repulsive to men personality wise and that’s why you can’t get long term relationships

What did they mean by this thumbnail?

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Did a picture of it come up in the trial or something?

That was mind games for Depp though, you do not understand the fundamental nature of women like I do it seems.

Shes only sadistic cause Depp didn't have the balls to man up. If we wasn't a weak beta pussy he would have a willing kinky 10/10 sex slave at his disposal today to do as he pleases, instead of having to slog through boring trials and banalities.

What about this topic do the jannerinos not like?

you need to grow some backbone sweetie

Narcissist women aren't sated by sex. Their enjoyment stems from humiliating their partner and then manipulating him into crawling back. When you stand up for yourself over and over, eventually they get bored and leave.

Of course, as evidence

they hate /ourgirl/ amber

Is this true?

based. passive women are boring


>user who posted her red carpet pic looking hot gott banned
what the FUCK is going on with this board man, holy fucking shit

is that amber heard?

the new jannies are the cringest, most left of Mao, retards hiro could find. Fairly certain CNN reporters are mods here too

Why didn't he beat her like a normal person would?