Everyone says watch The Office is kino

>Everyone says watch The Office is kino
>Start watching it for the first time
>S1 Episode 2 Diversity Day
Yep its woke cringe shit no thanks

Attached: the office.png (1600x900, 2.59M)

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S1 is the worst

That premise was just there so they could make racist jokes.

Season 1 sucks because its Americans attempting English humour.
Every other season sucks because its Americans trying to go humour

this. whole episode is basically a way to tell these jokes and make it okay because it's followed up with a "it's bad, okay??"

also this. same deal as parks and rec. took me 3 tried to get into either

Karen > Pam

Parks and Rec is better

Watch the first EP for character introductions, skip the rest of S1, that one sucks, it tried too hard to emulate the Bri'ish version

Sounds like a cringe show

Then go find something else. No one cares if you watch it or not.

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Spotted the zoomer

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>there's a redhead at work that will sleep with you if you just ask
>nobody takes her up on it

You should learn to think outside of memes.

>You should learn to think outside of memes.

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You'd get all the STI's

and also blacked

You didn't deny being gen-z

lol, well played fake (Me)

it's just a slightly adjusted version of the britbong script for america

You don't have to deny ever retards accusation. Do you unironically try to argue your straight when someone calls you a faggot?

>filtered by season 1

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S1 isnt good

How do you not know what getting filtered means

t. filtered

the opposite of that you said

No it means one bad season filtered you out of a show that gets vastly better after 6 episodes, but you couldn't make it through (filtered)

If this is meant to be a measurement of wife/gf material Jan and Angela are terrible women and belong in D or F tier.

really I thought it was kino that's so high over your head your unable to appreciated it so you get filtered

Angela isn't terrible and Jan is a milf. I stand by my decision.


It depends on the context

>Angela isn't terrible
Bitch is a cat lady and stick in the mud who cheated with two men at once.

I stand by my decision

>>Everyone says watch The Office is kino
Yeah, I've heard the same thing for years and I still haven't watched this show. It's pretty easy when you don't care.

>Yep its woke cringe shit no thanks
Low IQ opinion.

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>You're a terrible driver
>Oh man am I a woman?

This. I always start with season 2

How the fuck is that episode woke? I swear to god /pol/tards are insufferable go back faggot

She doesn’t have a uterus it probably feels different

>Bro just skip S1
This is the sign of a bad show

Its actually just a sign of a bad season

US Office > UK Office >>>>> The Ricky Gervais Show > Stephen Merchant episode of Norm Macdonald Live

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S1 is almost unwatchable, Michael Scott is so fucking annoying

skip season 1 and bail when Ed Helms joins the cast

>Stephen Merchant episode of Norm Macdonald Live
One of the worst. How did Stephen get filtered so hard?

Scott is the best part of the whole series.
You will know this when the quality of episodes sharply decline after he leaves.

I didn't mind him for the first little while but he overstays his welcome

>Michael Scott is so fucking annoying
I think you're onto something here...

No i mean Michael Scott in s1 is fucking annoying as shit

erin > pam > angela > jan > phyllis > bob vance, vance refrigeration > karen

Garbage opinion, Erin is awful

Kelly would have fucking got it.
By it I mean a bullet to the head.

Yea Forums slang doesn't need to have a concrete definition, it should have just enough so that people get what you mean

Ok OP here, just finished S2 EP1 and it was funny as fuck

I like season 1, just not episode 6

For me its my pure wife Esther. She makes home made tendies.

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Ed was a great addition to the show because most offices have a faggy yes man like him. He really only became too much near the end, but by then the whole show had gone to shit anyways.

For me it's the stripper nurse

It's like Abbot Elementary. It only exists to push woke propaganda bullshit under the guise of "comedy"

Being a /pol/tard is cringe

Yes you are

no u
see what I did there?

Yes, you are a schizo after all

>you are a schizo
you mean like how you schizopost pretending to know who people are, based on a single post?

Seems to really bother you doesnt it, schizo

no more than I am bothered by a tard eating his own boogers, maybe slightly amused at how you manage to contradict yourself on every post

Whatever helps you sleep at night schizo