This is Taweret, a literal sex goddess. Say something nice about her

This is Taweret, a literal sex goddess. Say something nice about her.

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Well hello beautiful

why is goddess wearing scarab sign of another god?

Ep1 was pretty good, was expecting schizo kino but instead the show feels kinda generic

Scarab=Egyptian is probably why. Not really expecting accuracy from Marvel.

She's the cleansing water washing the dead in preparation of judgment. Among the other things.

Do you think she dislikes being known primarily as the sex hippo then? Or would she not really mind?

She's not a sex goddess, just the childbirth goddess, flushing the children out with the womb's water. And flooding the Nile to bring new fertility to the arable lands.

She seems pretty positive, so my guess is no.

I've fucked worse

What was it like being in LOST

Bast is hotter

unironically more attractive than 99% of black actresses being pushed by hollywood

Nephthys. Embrace peaceful protective lady of death.

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Is she American?


literally hand crafted for big croc cock

the scarab symbol was just a generic egyptian religious symbol

For me, it's Bastet, Sekhmet & Mafdet.

will be finally get a Shin Megami Tensei movie?

For me, it's Neith

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Had no idea Leslie Jones was in this.

but gods are not wearing other gods symbols. they have onw insignia.
scarab is khepri, solar god 'moving' the sun. its not generic symbol

genric symbol would be ankh, as multiple gods are portrayed with it, such as amun, isis, hathor and whatever. meanwhile scarab is literally khepri god himself. gods do not "wear" each other, thats nonsense

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Fuck you, don't compare Taweret to that thing, Taweret a cutie.

the scarab was a generic religious symbol, the egyptians used it in everywhere from jewelry to signature stamps

Still a smaller nose and mouth than black peoples

this is what liberals actually believe

as something to celebrate khepri, it was god-specific, used everywhere indeed but still god-specific

there are symbols that were generic too but not associated with any god. for example ankh already mentioned, or also solar dik used by horus, between horns of hathor, also later adopted by aten and so on.

scarab is as much of khepri symbol as long 2--feather crown for amun. it's dead giveaway. other gods were not using symbols used by different gods. tawaret 'wearing' khepri makes as much sense as seth having amuns crown. not acceptable.

you guys will nitpick the smallest of things when you can't find anything real to hate about it

its not small thing, it happens every time hollywood touches egypt. recently they confused seth with god of death, who is either anubis or osiris. hollywood should stay away from egypt because they cant get shit right. tawaret wasnt just a hippo. should be hippo with feline limbs and crocodile spine

either do it right or dont do it at all. egypt is already hurt by incorrect info forced by hollywood. seth is god of fucking desert and chaos, not death. anubis and osiris are gods of death. theres more of such bullshit that seems not much but in fact it spreads misinformation among general population.

better than the comics at least

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This better not awaken anything in me

how would a film or television version of picrel work?

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Childbirth and fertility, not particularly sex.

nooo w-what is thaat?

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Why do you fags ask that question? You can make anything work in tv/movies. Dumbass NPC.

And they say there aren't enough parts for black actresses.

I am OWED an anthro GF.

imagine suckling those niples bros

>those fat nigger paws
perfect casting desu

wheres thoth

You can't spell Thoth without thot.

the future I EARNED

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Eurotrash are the absolute most pathetic and stupid posters on this goddamn website.

Its funny how much of our understanding of the world before modern science was just based on food and water. Ancient people may have been ignorant but they are wayyy smarter then us.

you're alright kings

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Looks like George Floyd

NPCs the lot of them

I hope she blesses me with many nights of kinky sex with a short haired tomboy in the near future. Please Taweret, I, your humble service, pray for this small request.

Episode 2 really dropped the ball, episode even more, but this episode atleast has shaken things up.

This, at worst Steven is just a quirky dude, not psychotic like he should be, also the violence is way toned down from what it should be seeing as it's Moonknight

Got to admit, was really cool seeing Lemire style "Maybe Marc made up the whole thing".
I think the violence is pretty good by Disney standards. We had an undead priest ripping a guy's organs out to put in jars, and they do put blood on fists/walls.

Will Kek show up in this?

speak for yourself dumb bro

actually retarded

don't even bother you're dealing with a mouth breathing cape shit retard

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Is there porn of her already?
Please tell me there is

GOD i wanna shoot my thick ropes in that hippussy

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>he doesn't know the rules

I prefer Hathor

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lizzo got dreads

episode 1 was fucking horrid what are you niggers on?