You have to delete one of there filmographies from existence, who do you pick?


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Am I allowed to do two? Nolan and Kubrick

Nolan. That was really easy.

2001 was his only good movie and it wasn't even that good.


ofcourse Nolan

Easily Fincher.

Tarantino, because his movies already exist under other names.

Nolan, but Fincher was really only saved by Se7en.



All of them

no contest

Kubrick and it's not even close.

Nolan. But he ruins the purpose of this pic and shouldn't be here because you obviously select him so nothing of value can be lost.

I just went through all their filmographies and realised if you delete Spielberg then nothing of value is lost

Spielberg ruined cinema plus he’s a pedophile.

Jurassic Park and Indy movies bro. Best american blockbusters ever.

Spielberg or fincher can go

Nolan. No contest.

jaws is better then both but I mostly agree

Fincher and Nolan can realistically go. Tarantula and Spielberg if I had no other options.

OP this image sucks make a good one,
Who are you getting rid of?

Fincher and it's not even particularly close either

I just chose the most popular directors, and a good amount of people aren't picking Nolan so it's fine

This, I'm not a huge Spielberg fan, but there's no way I'm giving up JP, Indy and Jaws for anything Nolan's done.

>21 replies
>8 say nolan
>multiple non nolan answers are clearly a meme like Spielberg/kubrick

Scorsese. Italians are fucking gay. The Departed is inferior to the original. Silence and King of Comedy was good.


It sucks to lose Fight Club, Se7en, The Game and Zodiac, but I ain't deleting the only good Batman films we have. Fincher's the easy choice



tarantino or nolan
both make garbage normies love for some reason


I've only seen robocop, total recall and starship troopers. there fun movies but I think people overrate him. starship troopers is good but not a satirical masterpiece. Verhoeven also seems pretty out of place in this list, unless I'm a dumbass and you meant someone else.

so many contrarians in this thread, literally no one on this planet actually believes fincher or tarantino or nolan are better than kubrick

Tarantino, around 99.5% of all the pretentious film students will disappear immediately and the world will be a better place.

Fincher has contributed nothing of value.

Nolan. He's the only one that did capeshit.

I don't even know who the fuck Fincher is.
So that guy?

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Spielberg did ready player one which is basically capeshit

Nolan, and it's not even close.
The other director's films have artistic and intrinsic merit, while Nolan is just stupid blockbuster shit that follows the trends of its time (TDK and terrorism, TDKR and OWS, Interstellar and Reddit's obsession with science and space + Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Dunkirk and Brexit, etc.)

Tarantino Or Spielberg.
Hopefully both.

There i just saved cinema...

>Interstellar and Reddit's obsession with science and space
Total midwit take. The movie keeps filtering people left and right.
Also Memento and Prestige are genuinely good movies.

Nolan. I'd delete Spielberg and Tarantino too if it were necessary to ensure the others remain.

I like at least one movie from all of them but probably Tarantino. I would love to erase much of Kubrick's filmography but Dr. Strangelove is a masterpiece

Spielberg for sure

>Total midwit take. The movie keeps filtering people left and right.
>Also Memento and Prestige are genuinely good movies.
But they aren't as good as Kubrick's artistic movies or Spielberg's blockbusters, so no.
Get rid of Nolan.

It explicitly dabs on science.

The thing is Nolan and Finchers films are easy to ignore, if you erase their films nothing would change.

Spielberg on the other hand basically ruined Director driven films and consolidated Studio's search for "blockbusters".

Tarantino and Kubrick fans are very annoying but otherwise i dont' care.

Scorsese. Who needs him when Francis Ford Coppola exists?

no he was kind of out of place, I agree. I was having trouble thinking of another director people love, Felini I think should be replaced as well. I didn't want all the directors to be americans. But Orson Welles should've had a slot, maybe Hitchcock as well both influential as well as controversial which is perfect for that sort of list.

yes, but in the dumbest way possible.

This. Spielberg is an overrated hack.

watch his kinos
even on a purely technical level he's a very committed and meticulous filmmaker

All of them, all I need is Snyder

Seriously? Do people really think anything would be lost if Fincher and Nolan vanished? They’re so wildly un-influential and postmodern. Their work is worthless in terms of impact and biproduct.

After that my vote is for Spielberg though, just to see what cinema would look like without his schmaltzy hollywood style

Nolan easily. Not a huge Tarantino fan, but i wouldn't like a world without Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction. So many great quotes

Fuck fincher, marry Marty, kill the rest

Nolan easily. Why is he on there with real filmmakers?

Comparing these hacks to Snyder is unfair. I get where you're going with this but it's not playing by the rules.


Nolan easily

Every Tarantino film has to go.

Tarantino or Nolan because I've seen them all anyway.

S Tier

A Tier

B Tier

C Tier

D Tier

Putting Tarantula over Fincher seems a bit far fetched tbqh

>Who are you getting rid of?
Easily all of them.

This. I like some of his stuff but his fans are Undertale fandom tier.

At least Tarantino tries to make his movies entertaining

Fincher is better than Spielberg and at least on par with Tarantino.

Fincher belongs in the dustbin of history
He makes shitty teenage crap

lol no.

Easy. Nolan and Spielberg

Fincher makes glorified Lifetime movies.


Films' soul purpose isn't entertainment and I say this as someone who regularly watches capeshit.
Next thing you'll tell me is that Wim Wenders or isn't entertaining enough and doesn't outclass Quentin Tarantino's selfish filmography either.

Fincher is Nolan for psueds. I’ll go as far to say that Momento is the best David Fincher film

retard takes

>Films' soul purpose isn't entertainment

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Fincher is an easy choice. Don't dislike him, but besides Fight Club the world wouldn't change much.

>memento is the best david fincher film
kek, you might have a point

Tarantino is the only one I wouldn't miss honestly

Everyone but Nolan.

Maybe not better than Spielberg (hard to judge Spielberg in general as he's only good at doing cliches but does them well) but he's better than Tarantino imo.

He directed Panic Room.

His fans are not typically fans of film. He is impressive to the normie because they don’t realize so much of his stuff is rip offs of other superior films.

I cannot engage you seriously when you have this poor of a command of the English language.

Getting rid of Nolan would remove Baneposting, I hope people realize that.

Woody Allen and fuck you that he's not an option.

Give three actual reasons for why Gone Girl isn't just a Lifetime movie with more marketing and budget.

Go watch Joss Whedon or something lmao

>no argument
I accept your concession
The two are nothing alike and there's nothing pseud about Fincher. He just makes generally well shot, well directed and interesting films. Nolan has nothing because nothing he has ever made is interesting or engaging. His low points are still higher than Nolan's and his highs are incomparably higher than Nolan's.

Fincher is solid, but Se7en is his only legitimately top-tier movie, everything else he's done is mostly good, well-crafted thrillers, but nothing all that special, and he doesn't have too much of signature that's discernible from the end result. Tarantino may not be everyone's cup of tea, but his movies are at least a lot more unique than Fincher's.

>he made a movie about a rough relationship and therefore all his movies are lifetime
nah, also gone girl shits all over any lifetime movie, which themselves peaked around the year 2000 and have only gotten worse since

Getting rid of Scorsese's filmography would be the more interesting choice because he's the one who has affected the film industry the most (yes, more than Kubrick).

mel brooks is the funnier jew

Zodiac is better than Se7en IMO. Both of those films are great.

>there's nothing pseud about Fincher

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>he's the one who has affected the film industry the most (yes, more than Kubrick).
Not true. Barry Lyndon alone has inspired period piece oscar bait to this very day

What is the pseud aspect? He's also among the more varied directors on the list

Imagine thinking that more than 20000 people on Earth actually give a fuck about this in the first place.

oh no

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he might have some pseud fans but his films are quite accessible and don't feel pseud to me.

Scorsese will never be as influential as Kubrick.
His films are already more dated than those of 'brick. He's a very earthly Americanized director, and he's good at what he does, but that shit isn't as relevant as Kubrick's universal cinema.

>He's also among the more varied directors on the list
oh jesus christ don’t make me laugh

Spielberg objectively affected the industry the most by creating "spectacle" culture that has defined Hollywood since the 80s

What exactly is pseud about Fincher outside of Fight Club? I don't particularly like Fight Club, but I don't particularly care for the story it's based on either. In general his films are just well directed, engaging thrillers, Se7en and Zodiac in particular. There's nothing pseud about those films. They aren't trying to say anything particularly profound.


You said it's lifetime movies but he's only made 1 that could fit such a description.
He's more varied than Scorsese for example. Although I wouldn't say he's better than him.

that’s exactly what makes them psued. They’re films as deep and contemporary as Nolan’s work that people treat like fucking Fellini

More shithead directors want to do their version of a Scorsese film than they want to do a Kubrick film.

not me you’re replying to that’s another user who said they’re lifetime movies. If you think he’s more varied than Scorsese you’re probably a twitter fag who just knows Scorsese as le mob man

Normal fags treat any competent director as if he's Fellini. Scorsese isn't Fellini either but he's a damn fine director for the most part.