Didn't post a premium episode this week

>didn't post a premium episode this week
>didn't even show up on camera or mic for the sam hyde collab
>just uses the patreon to post his shitty stand up dates

I hate this little nigger like you wouldn't believe

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I get the feeling he’s gonna kill himself or OD very soon

I doubt it since he is trying to get back into standup

They should reformat the show to be like a late night talk show. The guests could be anyone they know. It would be leagues better than any of the late night shows actually on TV

cumtown guests are rearely funny and add to the show.

he's not a good stand up though, he should go back to being a writer.

he can't he was blacklisted after the super bowl ad, no agencies will take him on now

Ian is always a good add

>didn't even show up on camera or mic for the sam hyde collab
surprised by this. not sure if it's fear of being cancelled/trouble for being associated with sam. it would be funny if that was true given shane was fine with being on cam when he's the one who knows how bad cancellation hurts (though maybe since he survived one cancellation he's just not afraid any more)

Not the point. Imagine how mad the tv networks would be to learn an independent production was more popular than anything they could pour hundreds of millions of dollars into?

user, cumtown is pretty much over. stav is branching out and actually having success. nick hates the podcast and is trying to get back into standup again, and idk about adam.

He's truly one of the worst stand up comics I've ever seen.

Nick hates anything that so many as one other person likes because he's such a gay contrarian.

their guests are terrible and any kind of structure is antithetical to the show. half of the humor comes from how lazy the show is, that shit doesn't work if it's not as loose as it is. also none of them are good interviewers and very few of the guest episodes are any good, ian fidance being a notable exception


oh well shit he's fucked then, might as well keep doing the pod because his stand up is seriously not good, he's an average comic at best and the only reason his shows are selling now is due to the popularity of the podcast, if he ends the pod then fans will stop caring about him.

where can i see the sam podcast for free?

he really is such a mopey faggot. youd think having a successful patreon, access to bitches and good drugs would put him in a better mood.

lol how new r u, nick got cut from a fucking super bowl ad over some cum town clips, no way is he getting a big shot tv deal especially which how squeemish corporations are these days

yeah he's delusional but maybe he thinks since it works for stav it will work for him?

You need to get real friends. These people don't know you and you don't know them. Stop using electronic friend simulators to cope with social isolation and try to actually solve the problem by going outside.

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i hope you get raped in prison for shitting up threads with this crap you fucking faggot

shane also isnt associated with lefty socialists. Nick is

quitting the podcast is a meme to drum up interest. as long as the patreon keeps paying they will not end it. they haven't even been sloppy with uploads for the most part, once that really starts then you know the end is nigh but we aren't there yet. they hate the podcast as an obligation but that doesn't mean they don't think it is very very worth it for the difficulty to payout ratio

don't respond just report

>goes on Sam Hyde podcast
>Refuses to be on screen
>Refuses to say more than a couple of words
This should have outted him to everyone. He's the cool tough guy on cumtown, he can't even be in the same room as Sam because he's so afwaid of being made uncomfortable or being caught in a clippable moment that his commie reddit will burn him over. Never have I seen someone talk so much shit just to be a cuck faggot mumbling in the shadows on another show

>go outside
>people take a natural dislike to me
back to my internet friends.

there is literally no difference between watching these guys and watching tv like Seinfeld

to be fair sam hyde did the same exact thing to him a few years prior. He was set to appear on cumtown but changed his mind last minute

it's moreso he didnt want to potentially hurt Stav's career. Because that mean Stav does a podcast with a guy who associates with Sam Hyde aka the "big bad nazi"

id take a guest over stav anyday

fuck Stav and his hacky lol im fat standup


that doesn't make sense because they both associate with shane and he was there front and center

What superbowl ad?

nick is such a opticscuck for someone who pretends he doesn't care about anything


>cuck faggot mumbling
TBF that's everyone around Sam Hyde.

shane said gook and has denounced Trump many times. Sam says a bunch of worse shit and supported trump. There's a difference

more like 5 am

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>listening to cumtown in current year when you could be listening to the secret podcast and warmode
ngmi cum bros, though mullens standup is pretty kino


stav is funny but completely insufferable with how hard he wants to fit in with the mainstream

But he still did the podcast, anyone who wants to take issue will do that for "giving sam a platform" there's no "Do the podcast but don't say much" have your cake and eat it too, option.

you will sit in this thread for hours mod

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>Do the podcast but don't say much" have your cake and eat it too, option
clearly there was

idubbbz gave him a platform and didn't even try to character assassinate him I don't think associating with sam is that big of a deal

so will you

I think this is very untrue. The goal of Seinfeld is not to simulate human interaction. The goal of Seinfeld is to tell jokes and to tell a funny story. Seinfeld is a particularly bad example for the argument you're trying to make here since the character are deliberately neurotic and obtuse - not the sort of people you would want to be friends with. However, podcasts/ASMR/twitch streams are primarily a coping mechanism for social isolation. Yes, some of them are funny and have jokes. But it's not like a TV show where there's constant jokes and a story. The content is simply people talking, and sometimes they are funny. People have been reading stories and watching plays etc. for hundreds of years. But sitting and listening to a lengthy conversation between random strangers is a new thing that's arisen as a result of the extremely alienating nature of techno-industrial society. Podcasts are the new incarnation of things like daytime talk shows for stay at home moms, not sitcoms.

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the narrative that Nick didn't appear on Sam's podcast to save his image literally makes no sense whatsoever. I don't understand how you come to that conclusion of all of them.

He's an autistic sperg that probably got nervous and wanted to give Shane the spotlight instead. It makes NO sense to think that he would somehow want to protecth is image when he has fawned about how much he loves Sam on cum town before.

stop being gay and fretting over podcast drama


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it's all passive entertainment though

Lovely models, they should be in television and film

Idubbbz was a gay bitch who tried to corner Sam and "confront him" on a joke comment he made 4-6 years ago. Also his documentary comes hit off the tail of mocking airsoft fatty, it's clear that it was supposed to be framed as morbid intrigue and not any kind of celebration of Sam's legacy. Also he cobbled the documentary together over the course of a week to pretend it was "just running late, I've been so busy" when everyone knows his bitch girlfriend didn't want him uploading Sam Hyde content

this is some cope. Nick clearly gives a couple shits about optics. Shane doesnt have to worry about his podcast host taking a hit financially from hanging with sam, Nick does since Adam and Stav are part of the nyc bernie bros club

>i'm going to be a pedophile to own the threads i dont like

cumtown has sucked since covid started and nick is now cringey-depressed instead of funny-depressed and stav somehow got more cringey

>goes on Sam Hyde podcast
that's how you know things are going bad

Nick said in the very beginning of that podcast that he just hates doing podcast that's why he didn't want to participate, just wanted to hang out with the fellas during and probably after the podcast, you're right about this stupid narrative everyone is pushing, if that were true than nick wouldn't said anything at all during the podcast and asked that they don't refer to him.

both have said the gamer word which is a bigger sin than associating with sam

all i have to do is make a post or 2 every 5/10/15/30 or whatever minutes
meanwhile the mod has to keep checking each time a new post is made

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I refuse to believe that Stav's threesome story is real. Maybe I could believe it if he said it happened post-pod when they just wanted the clout, but there's no way two women would choose to fuck some overweight bald poor stand up comedian from Baltimore.

>Like a fucking year into the pandemic
>They're still doing the podcast over zoom
>Not one of them knows how zoom fucking works and there's still audio issues
>They're still scared and crying because one of them sneezed and they're all going to die now.
Right when I had to stop, not for political reasons but Jesus Christ how pathetic.

>what nick says goes
he aint your friend
nick has said it inronically and in context. Nick isnt ever gonna be mainstream, but the dirtbag left will ostracize him, and he doesnt want that

Women love slobs.
Same as dudes. Don't want to feel like theyre being judged by the opposite sex.

kiss my sister?

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>Nick clearly gives a couple shits about optics
what the fuck are you talking about man? are you genuinely retarded? You think the man that spent 4 years doing retard, jew, chink, anti-vax, gay jokes gives two shits about optics? what are you even talking about?

literally last week him and adam spent a full hour shitting on communists on twitter, an entire episode

he absolutely lies about his sex life and I think nick and adam just let him be

yeah i dropped cumtown like 6 months ago but still listen to mssp pretty regularly (especially the old testament, that shit is so good). war mode is ok, don't hate it but don't listen to it that regularly. i like billy and spud tho

you're so fucking stupid

>reddit spacing
kek go back
>commies and liberals are gay
woah these aint your typical leftists

yea i stopped after like the 4th zoom episode. when i want to listen to cumtown i just go back and listen to the classics. rip.