These flying fictional sci-fi machines based on an animal who has perfected flying look dumb

>these flying fictional sci-fi machines based on an animal who has perfected flying look dumb
was this THE worst Dune review?

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>how did this ghost get angry when anger is brain chemicals
he knocked off points over that in some review. hes just a retard trying to come up with "logical" sounding criticsms because he has no natural sense for how to talk about art

Canine Fornicator


Fuck dogs

dog fucker

So does he only fuck male dogs or what?

he fucks dogs


he looks like he fucks dogs


>He gave Everything Everywhere All At Once a 9/10
He's just a meme that keeps on giving.

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I'm pretty sure he fucks horses. The dude has made that obvious enough, he keeps bringing them up and uses it as his fursonia or whatever.

He's said that Citizen Kane is the first movie with a narrative
When he was called out on being retarded, his reply was
>Whoops, yeah, fucked it up, sorry I just haven't seen a lot of old movies

Synecdoche new York is noones favorite movie and anyone who says it is just wants to look intelligent, and I mean that

was probably another flick he didn't finish because he was too busy fucking dogs

>that synecdoche review when he spent 15 minutes talking about how the movie title fades in and out

his take on the Kanye doc was so bad
even if you don't like Kanye it's not hard to see that his story is at least somewhat interesting, but adum says Kanye's rise to one of the most recognizable celebrities on earth wasn't worth seeing because he was already a successful producer
it was so braindead i was actually shocked

Yeah didn't he say at some point that he doesn't finish lots of the movies he reviews? That seems pretty retarded with how long his videos must take to edit. Surely he could just pop em on in the background at the very least while he's searching YouTube for clips of the movie and talking over it

Should Gordon Ramsay finish a meal before critiquing it?

Oh yeah that's what he said. The highest of high IQ food analogies

Dune was shit, chink.

Absolutely retarded analogy.

did he even actually give Dune a 6/10, I thought it was something higher and also contingent on the fact that it was only pt 1

>Those things dont look cool, the look stupid and impractical.
You can say the same thing for this.

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do you think he fucks any dog or only the male ones?

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He also ADORED baby driver which treated a guy with tinnitus like a deaf autist savant, but yeah Adam, let's talk about realism.

Its actually Kino.

dune has bat flying machines?

Not an argument.

>I did not finish the film
>it was bad so I give it a 3/10
>it’s close to a 4/10 than a 2/10
Guys I review movies my opinion for you.

No he had a good point of Citizen Kane being the first movie to truly popularize it and make it widespread. Yes there are countless of movies before it with on par cinematography, directing, and narrative but Citizen Kane was the movie that influenced mass amounts of people.

Citizen Kane uses a lot of techniques at the time unseen in other films. It was not the first film with a fucking story...

Yes he never made this point, it's a fucking stupid point that no one has ever made. Other films like Gone with the Wind could be argued to be Citizen Kane before Citizen Kane but the difference is is that Citizen Kane influenced more people than any movie before it did. It's why it was so revolutionary because it basically showed people what the medium of film could be

>posts his dick on social media
>admits to not finishing the movies he reviews
>tries to weasel out of repercussions with bullshit analogies
>fucks animals

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Yes, there were plenty of other reasons to hate that boring, sterile, cold, soulless, incoherent mess of a film

Any dogs, he once said on twitter or somewhere that he was gay first, furry second so forinstance he would fuck a ""humanoid"" female panther over a human male

there's nothing to enjoy about that movie
you'd have to be an actual masochist

I can understand why a mentally ill zoophile would overrate it.

imagine being so fat you look at movies and see food


I vaguely remembered him having a rant on some movie about the concept of love and its the most cliche'd fedora thing i've heard.


>he never made that point

Don't forget to subscribe

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He probably only watch the first 30 minutes like he usually does

Yikes, he will never be nikocado

is this real

The dogfucker is right on this one. That design would not scale up properly. It looks ridiculous, anybody within 30 feet would be sent flying from the air pressure

His favorite movie is actually Holy Mountain which is based, everything else about him is cringe though.

Based Dobson reference

>His favorite movie is actually Holy Mountain

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>citizen Kane changed how movies were viewed and made including narrative structure progression etc
This is objectively true. That is one of the reasons it is considered one of the best movies of all time

>It started narrative structures
This is not true.

>The dogfucke


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Is this Autistic Narcissism in the flesh.

Pretty much is though. Point to 18 examples before citizen Kane. If it was common and citizen Kane did not have a huge influence on this should be easy to name 18 movies

Uhhh sure thing bud, heres about 20 that came before


None of these movies have narrative structures in the way we know. Unless you want to say that Passion of Joan Arc, Cabinet of Dr Caligari, and Man with a Movie Camera (just to name a few) have traditional narrative structures prevalent in movies today

So now we're splitting hairs, okay Adam...

doggy diddler

its really good though

And which of these are responsible for kt being adopted?

its real but its not his account, just someone uploaded his stream clips

Linear story structure with acts existed before Citizen Kane.

Being gay first furry second would mean the exact opposite of your example though, unless that was the example he gave and he's a retard.

I uhhh. I agree....?