DS9 Coomer Edition

DS9 Coomer Edition
concurrent LD shill fag thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


I coom to quark feet

>This is the way I see it, Julian
>The Jem'Hadar, the Cardies....it's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Julian. We'll have every Cardie in this quadrant dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me die in a warp core breach on the Defiant this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the Federation.

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Why must history repeat itself?

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Jesus Christ be praised.

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>computer, display a Trill female, nude
>I want to see how far down the spots go

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These tricks won't work to nuke the comfort level of this thread.
Tomorrow is Yesterday was a pretty good episode, for the start of all trek time travel.

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do you really fap watching ds9?

N..no... Haha.

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while watching? no
afterwards? who can say

I like spaceships.

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tfw postin hapi neex =^_^=

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can Borg ships be considered greebled?

Not really, but there's some episodes that stir something.

I like spaceships too.
But I liked Jadzias legs better. I thought zz top legs would be a good theme song for her.

I miss practical effects.


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Just sayin the Dax Symbiote is about ready for getting passed on.

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Hoshi a cute
>Hoshi a cute
Hoshi a cute
>Hoshi a cute
Hoshi a cute
>Hoshi a cute

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>ages incredibly gracefully in your path

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Sol from spic is hotter

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some aren't so lucky

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Degenerate tattoos.

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we know what you're trying to do. it's not working

>I intend to calculate thruster ignition and acceleration rate to coincide with the opening of the V'ger orifice

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Is the vulcan salute really a masonic sign?

Why are you so upset at people pointing out that Lien JUSTed herself?

he said it was jewish thing in the con I attended

>The Vulcan "live long and prosper" salute is based upon a blessing gesture used by the Jewish priests (kohanim) during the worship service, and was created by Leonard Nimoy (Spock), who drew on his on childhood synagogue experiences for the inspiration.

Make what you will of this information

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Gene was supposed to be an atheist though, Are you saying he was up to some tricksies?

>keep yer shirt on, lieu-tenant

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Thank you user, this alleviated my fears of masonic influence in my show.
Jewish influence is another thing, however unavoidable.

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It was a long road indeed.

why would an irish drink pissbeer
real irish only drink guinness, maybe beamish

user they only drank synthahol on duty, this was talked about often.
Also it kept Miles from beating Keiko as often.

Oh doctor, oh doctor, oh Dr Bashir
Your cod liver oil is so pure and so clear
I'm afraid of my life, I'll go down in the soil
If me wife don't stop drinking your cod liver oil

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Holy fuck what is going on over at ??

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That's a very optimistic view of Ireland. There are even people who drink the likes of Buckfast here.

cant they make synthahol Guinness?

Don't even acknowledge it, user.

I'm just going to guess Discord.

Just shut your eyes and don't look at it user.

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Yes, this is a plot hole.
But we must understand that a man like Ira Behr could not understand the complexities of potato nigger society.

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>dyed beard
why, I never understood this

Well at least I can stay here in this comfy thread and Hoshi post with u frens

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Ira was pozzed before pozzed was even a thing.
Berman just beat the living fuck out of him and kept him in line.
In the end it worked out.

Unfortunately it's the only way user.
You see mommy and daddy just can't talk anymore without hitting each other, and things will be better if they live apart.
But you still have your frens.

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Its a question as old as Trek but a fun one

Does the teleporter kill you or not?


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The transporter is the least realistic thing in Star Trek. Probably even above time travel.

Kek they talk about this in What we Left behind.
Dukat was the fave in the 90s, and Ira is proud that Garrak is the fave among new viewers coming to the show (redditors).

Just put this one on and remember we have faith of the heart


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this thread doesn't show up as /trek/ on the catalog
what happened bros

He was the bad guy. Any chance he had to be redeemed died when he joined the Dominion.

That's it I'm gonna do it.
Haven't seen it since ent era reruns.

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Jannies are up to some tomfoolery it would seem.

It's worth it.

tran-tran jan-jan doesn't like it when more than one /trek/ is in the catalog, so this one is hiding

I-is it safe to be here?

A-ano....I think Defiant is cute.....

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you lost
make another one

Nah, this is comfy.
Go win your contest user.

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Actually the retard boomer geezer OP put "/trek/" in Name instead of Subject because he can't handle anything beyond a typewriter