Would you accept $5 streaming service subscription fee of your wish if you could be able to live chat with other users...

Would you accept $5 streaming service subscription fee of your wish if you could be able to live chat with other users or group watch it?

Attached: full.png (400x400, 35.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


1) I will never pay for anything

2) I will never use any forum that doesn't allow me to be racist

I'm willing to pay zero currency to any media ever. That's my last offer.

Wow I bet you are so fun around people and you bang alot of bitches.

kys leetroon

I really hope you die

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x153, 26.73K)

I would pay $5 to use a time machine so I could relive the streams of the Yea Forums user who broadcasted the oscars and played gay porn over the commercial breaks. Also he would play the "hey what's going on" song too.


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I was there lol


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Maybe honestly. I watch pro wrestling live on a stream with a chat and it enhances the experience 100x. I probably wouldn’t watch RAW at all if I didn’t have my fake friends with me to make fun of it

No I'm not, I watch my kino in peace at home in my bedroom under two blankets hoodie on and coffee warm.


Attached: E.png (690x121, 27.08K)

I read this 5 times thinking you meant I could pay for a wish subscription service like a genie in a lamp situation.

slit your throat

Attached: F.png (454x46, 12.87K)

maximum comfy but nothing comfier than having kino ready to play at any single time with bookmarks for basically pennies

You piratefags missing out


Attached: G.png (673x54, 17.04K)

what's fun there? bunch of people spamming oneliners mostly racist and rude


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Why you have to ruin every thread?

It’s funny seeing everyone react, if you go there enough you start to recognize others and can chat during slow times. Idk man it’s just entertaining , same reason zoomers like twitch chat I guess.

And are you really complaining about people being racist and rude on fucking Yea Forums?


Attached: J.png (626x165, 23.84K)

It is entertaining but chats go too fast

slit your throat

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Idea is good but you know there will never be a streaming service with rich catalogues.


Attached: N.png (915x141, 30.46K)

>he didn't watch Netflix in Party Mode

Attached: soapbox-the-return-of-netflix-party-mode-is-what-we-all-need-right-now.large.jpg (1280x720, 91.24K)

slit your throat

Attached: O.png (416x71, 20.35K)

fpbp and spbp

Attached: 1589310418456.gif (1080x1331, 727.24K)

This would NEVER happen. Someone would say nigger or faggot one time, and it'd be shut down

I hope you die Filthy Franc

And before you fags start implying,
it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough, it turns into Fagmark's pickle pony avatar.
Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, EZGif, etc. it can show both frames immediately

Attached: P.png (854x75, 32.9K)

Shill or moron or both


Attached: Q.png (649x102, 24.91K)

IG has censored those words, I got permabanned after hitting "post" on the mildly racist comment that was never visibly there.
But in private group chats I'll let rules be less strict.


Attached: R.png (985x63, 21.16K)

i don't pay for media


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slit your throat

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Yea Forums would be based if they embed some player and have kino nights

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You need to die

Trixie on the guy holding the crown. Luna above the black pillow. shining armour on the alter. royal guard on a candle. snips on top of the left arch. Celestia in the hand of the audience member with the white dress. Mayor mare among the statues. somepony between the cross carriers hands a guard?

Attached: V.png (507x158, 35.94K)


Attached: W.png (765x204, 34.96K)

for someone that hates p*nies you know alot about them, are you a schizo, i cant see any on that pic


Attached: X.png (859x159, 44.33K)

slit your throat

Attached: Y.png (1024x66, 22.86K)

You paid your internet

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Burn yourself

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You do know now media costs money to make?
If no one will pay for it, no one will make it

literally first post best post, based af, hello based department? you're going to want to see this, based chad, are you literally me?

slit your throat

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unironically die


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shut up you stupid nigger


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