Where does Yea Forums fall?

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Somewhere between microwave and radio

Doesn't go high enough

91 is the most spaghetti dropping scenario I've ever seen, it can't be common is it?

Is this what women are really like?

In addition to this spectrum being nonsense, I really, really hate women.

>who screams and fights the entire time
BASED spectrum acknowledging the possibility of the woman ending up loving it
This is my fetish

Heh, only 100? You little rape fags should check out my rape meter. ITS OVER 9000 THOUSANDDD!!!!!

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I was forced to penetrate a girl that I was not attracted to, because she took me into her room and took her/my clothes off and I was in fear that denying her would result in social exclusion/shame or a false rape accusation.

So like 95% but if I told a girl it would be considered more like 20%

I got arrested for a 29

Kek, based

Well if that culture doesn't perceive it as wrongdoing then why the fuck would it be rape by another's cultures standards?

>sneakily remove condom
huh? how is that rapey?

All sex outside of marriage is rape.

gotta love how these people have time to consider every sexual scenario ever, like all these people do is think about and talk about sexual relationships all day, yet its still a world that have virtually little to no experience on. fucking hate women

Cultural imperialism, globohomo fags love it

>not revealing transgender until after
Trust me, trannoids, people can can because your are wound will smell like shit and leaking pus instead of delicate pussy nectar

still a world that I have no experience in* god damnit i hate typos

So the lefties are actually the least culturally sensitive

>Down syndrome sex is less "rape" than some idiot getting drunk on a date and hooking up

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What about this, where does this fit on the scale?

This is as retarded as a "pregnancy spectrum" or a "death spectrum."
Either you fuck somebody with their consent, or without it. There is no middle ground.

This whole spectrum is just sexless people bitter about their sexlessness and thus they try to make all sex punishable. If they can't have it then no-one can.

Feminists are literally female version of incels.


leftist are literal puritans LOL

Then they make "consent" the debate/grey area topic, even though it's a simply yes/no question.

There's nothing called rape if it's ''female'' because they have no free will.

True. And since time is in fact without tense if you were to ever be married, premarital sex is cheating on your spouse.

Modern feminism and puritanism share the same completely insane energy, yes. There's a reason both puritanism and wokeism are the most prevalent in America

I want to see the non-reddit survey results because this is going to be obviously skewed towards left wing feminist sissiness

>I don't care if literally retarded people are getting taken advantage of and fucked, I care that I drank too much and hooked up and can't charge my date with rape!!!


>Not revealing being transgender until after sex

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Ergo, marrying a non-virgin makes you a cuck.

You're only partially right. A lot of it comes from frustrated LGBT people that are jealous they can't have normal sex without lubricants and toys like normal people but a big part of it are also decently attractive feminist college students who get to live in dorms financed by mommy and daddy and have sex every weekend. Also women in general simply get laid more, it takes no effort on their part to court someone.

All of the above

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I am the penetrator in 91.

>women claim to hate rape
>they always cum their brains out when it happens to them and most describe it as their most intense orgasms ever
Why is this the case?

I’ve done 18 and 46

authoritarians are always puritanical

Bros how do I get past lvl.100 and onto the NG+?

I have seen leaked celebrity nudes

If someone forced me down and started rubbing my dick I'd probably end up cumming, doesn't mean I'd want it. It's that simple.

because their body betrayed them

What number is jerking to a person and sending them a message that I jerked it to them?


I think my funniest rape story is that once I came back home after drinking all night, called a girl I was fucking who lived a few streets away, took a viagra, and my blood pressure was so low I passed out on top of her while in missionary. Fully asleep. Came back to consciousness about six hours later and she was nowhere to be seen kek. Last time I ever saw her.

It's also the single most common sexual fantasy among women.
>Why is this the case?
Bitches be crazy.

29, we are married now.

In the 11th grade I stuck my hand down a girls pants on the bus ride home and she let me do it

underrated post

So are you a rapist, or a vigin?
You're an inadequate human being either way.

>mfw two eagerly drunk strangers eagerly have sex isn't on the list.

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i rape myself every day

What number is discretely looking at a woman in the street while not being Chad?

>not revealing being transgender
How is that even possible? First of all, anyone who falls for a trans person is blind and even if they get into bed. Aren't genitals one of the first thing you see?

to see if you still feel?


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Ohhhh, you think your body is your ally?

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Where does he fit?

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I'm a virgin.
>You're an inadequate human being either way.
Why? Because I have morals and aren't driven by unthinking lust?

fuckin 91 LMAO
Imagine being the sperg just trying to be helpful

What number is having a penis?

a condom broke once when I was having sex so I just slid it down my penis and kept fucking. guess I'm a rapist.

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people can tell when you're lying to yourself, even if you can't

B&RP. Zoomers will never understand

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>only 9000
Look at my might, and despair.

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I've read a couple places that their worst (most degrading) sexual experience eventually becomes a fetish. Considering the amount of rape going on in current ((society)), it's not beyond the pale to think that this is a psychological response.
I suppose logically, making themselves overwhelmingly unattractive is a coping mechanism for this. The knowledge that your rapist was the best you'll ever have has to be awful.

Props user.

they only go the "make myself unappealing so it never happens again" route if they don't cum.

There are plenty of passing trannies. Not all of them are goblins in dresses.
And they could suck you off without you seeing their genitals.
The hardest thing to hide would be the voice. But there are some trannies who have good enough voices to pass as deep voiced women.

Because they don't want to be sued?

>There are plenty of passing trannies
not in real life

for 91 and 46(right) if everyone is aware of what's about to happen and consented, it isn't rape I'd say.

>"martial rape"

100, poseur's leave.

>There are plenty of passing trannies.
Not in America there aren't. You have to go to Asia for that, and it only works because every Westerner I know is faceblind.

I got away with a 46.

>Trannies and fags actually believe this

You would never be able to genuinely fool a sober man. The smell alone would set off a mans tranny senses if somehow you managed to succesfully not get noticed by all your other manly characteristics.

>sourced from twitter reddit and fetlife

we're not faceblind, all you gooks look alike.


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Thanks doc.

Rape: 73, 91, 100. Also the 46 on the right, and I'm surprised that one is so high. Similarly, I have no idea why 77 is so low, as that's definitely not rape. Out of curiosity, they should have broken that down into variants where the husband is (not) from an equivalent culture.
Luckily only arrested.
I have no idea how someone came up with that scenario as being something plausible enough to include on a spectrum like this.

>Because I have morals and aren't driven by unthinking lust?

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They also have a cheating fetish. It will never be rape or wrongdoing fucking someone outside of a relationship, these fucking hypocrites.

Lying? Who's lying about what

48 is hilarious.
>I said yes but only because I was getting mildly annoyed, so I was literally raped


>uninterested, reserved person gets very drunk on date. The other person is sober, they have sex.
Just found out I have been raped.

>Sex with someone who resists and says no, but who secretly really wants it
G..guys... I just realized... I've been raped...

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It's especially funny that it's below 42.
>I got tired of saying no, so I just went with it.
>Iwas against it, but the person just tore into me emotionally, filling me with shame, self-doubt, reminding me of the worst mistakes I've ever made, and then ultimately making me feel like I should have sex with them out of guilt.


Why am I not surprised that some of these things are clearly not rape.