
4/20 Edition


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I hate this.

What are we smoking tonight, /trek/?

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For me it's indica.

hittin the dab

too early

I don’t have any friends or talk to anybody so I can’t get any weed

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>I don’t have any friends or talk to anybody so I can’t get any weed
delta-8 is available at most vape stores and shops

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>TFW not rape gangs edition.

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It's just not fair.... why do the Marinlerchuds still get so much art with their transmisogynist lesbian erasure????

I find it slightly amusing that the showrunner looks like a Pakled.

Speak English or post on Yea Forums

I tried looking up based yurifics but they're outnumbered by Marinler crap 20:1!

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Which one?

/trek/ is a Christian general. We don't do drugs here

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The thumb who sold the world.

You can't post while you're sleeping.

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D-dont worry... Mike will come through for us in season 3....... right?

Isn't that the space rock t'pol was smoking

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no that was trellium d

t. autist

it was never meant to last
Still Jennifer will fuck Mariner before Boimler
they will never have this victory

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So much of ENT was haha what if a really sexy composed lady was a basket case coke snorting whore, haha.

alcohol is a drug and communion wine is a religious thing, christcucks BTFO

In your dreams, yuricel.

What's /trek/'s opinion on The Siege of AR-588? It's such a dark episode unlike most of the rest of Trek. It's probably Trek's best anti-war episode. That battle sequence along with the music in it was really memorable, in a good way.
Quark was also great in the episode, with him telling Nog about the Federation, and having to defend himself in the infirmary.

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I look at this pic every night to cope, but lately I've had a bad feeling, jenbros....

tfw postin hapi neex =^_^=

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Jennifer fucked more girls than you
seethe beta boy sissy

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Tawny will never let that happen.

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fuck weed

One of my favorite episodes.

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delta8 gummies 50mg

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crewanon said they break up at episode 5

mcmahansisters..... are we.... coping?!

I get that /trek/'s shitposting cadre are behind the curve on these things but the fears that this Jennifer crap is permanent have virtually dissolved after the panel.

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In your headcanon maybe. Alas, in Star Trek everything needs to be stated on screen to be canon.

based dabber

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He made it explicitly clear from the very first interview that this won't be the case.

It's okay jensisters... maybe mariner will let us kneel at the foot of the bed as she takes the BWC?

falseflager suck a dick

Are the fans turning on yurishipping?

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KEKifer bros..... should we kneel?

I-I k-kneel.

>This is the way I see it, Julian
>The Jem'Hadar, the Cardies....it's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Julian. We'll have every Cardie in this quadrant dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me die in a warp core breach on the Defiant this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the Federation.

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You know you don't have to pretend to be retarded shippers, in fact I'd wager that makes it easier for /trek/ to ignore your shitposting.

The war is over.

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Back to Star Trek.

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I can’t bear to look at this anymore. We lost, Jensisters…

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Well, was fun talking about the Prequels with you, anons. Now I'm off to play some based LEGO Star Wars vidya.

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Cute, who’s the artist?

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Mcmahansisters.... how come the cishet chuds art is so much better than ours?

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Because it's made by straight women and not men pretending to be women.

The biggest disappointment about Enterprise is no Trek series set after Voyager where Ezri got to be a part of the main cast for 7 seasons.

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Your mom's dick

fuck off, this is a LD shipping war thread
make your own ds9 thread to coom

Uh oh, the yuricel is throwing a fit. Sad, many such cases.

Hoshi mogs Ezri

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Never say never.

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Have a nice cancer thread.
See you on page 10.

Boimlerstacies..... I have no retort to this.... i-im sorry for ever doubting you.

I used to think Bashirfaggot as an obnoxious thread derailer

I would take them any day over these LD autists, why cant you take your shipping to Tumblr where it belongs

both are cute but Ezri cuter

>the yuricel
is not a thing

make your own and we will see who's the boss faggot

Imagine a Trek series with both Hoshi and Ezri.

Everyone knows that yurifags are incels who get intimidated by straight couples.

Do federation starships/stations let you replicate weed? I know Quarks would, for a price.

she looks like Jansa too much so I lose my bonner


off topic, kys

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>be me
>want dad to get into TNG because he liked TOS well enough
>finally he gets time and sits down to watch it with me
>episode opens and O’Brien appears
>oh! there’s colm meaney he’s from Dublin heh…. very good actor so he is….
>mentally I think yes I’ve converted him (literally all he needs is “oh there’s that random Irish guy I know….” to become interested in something)
>mfw the most stereotypical cliché bunch of Irish gypsies that could possibly exist appear on the transporter pad
>SOMEHOW in the fucking 24th century these niggas are still kicking and shitting up civilised society according to gene
>sit in embarrassed silence
>dad leaves the room halfway through the episode
yeah guys I think dad’s gonna stick to TOS, mission failed

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