What noblewoman of Westeros would you marry?

what noblewoman of Westeros would you marry?

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marry cersei, marry sansa, marry margaeyr and have them shut the fuck up while i sexem up

which one smells the best?

Objectively Margaery because she has the most power. Arianne because she's hot as fuck. Then shireen if possible because she'd have the potential to be queen.

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Alys Karstark

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Daenerys has more power than Margaery

Sansa because she’s cute and as long as you treat her well she’ll be an obedient fuckpuppet.

Margarey because she was hot and I wouldn’t have to risk my children being retarded because her family had smarts.

That big woman who's good with a sword (and not nearly as unattractive as everyone pretends). Only credible option.

i like big women but never seen the appeal of her. looks ungainly. blockish. rudely wrought

Probably either Margaery or Daenerys, didn't much care for the other women.

>I wouldn’t have to risk my children being retarded because her family had smarts.
Smart people have can dumb kids.
>Jaime and Cersei-retarded

she has a charming personality but yeah, appearance wise shes not that attractive, apart her size

Margaery for sure.

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You like ugly women

>Medieval noble women
Hard pass. Even today with running hot water that pussy stink. I'd just rotate through medieval peasant cunny.

I would creampie Margaery so often that she'd never get any sleep.

Myrcella, hands down. Margaery is a decent second choice, except that she's too old.

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It's not so much about her appearance but the character. The others are all weak and pampered and vapid, and even when they exhibit some ability like Cersei it's through deceit and manipulation and because of their relation to a man. The big woman is the only one who stands on her own merit and that alone puts her above most. A woman who understands honor, loyalty and hard work. Who wouldn't want that. And imagine the sons you would have!
plus short hair is pretty cute

A man of taste

I wanted to fuck Sansa ever since seeing her tower over a lot of her male costars in episode 1

Apologies for formatting, just read as SABCD tiers

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what about their buttholes?

Hottest: Margaery, Melisandre, Bad Pussy
Attractive: Missandei, Daenerys
Mid tier: Sansa, Ygritte, Cersei
Get it away from me tier: Arya, Brienne

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Sansa before she became annoying in s6

I wanted to see MILF Sansa

None. I would unironically have choosen Ygrette and ran away.

She's an English slag so I'm sure she got pregnant at 17

That's a man

>smells of expensive perfumes and flowers from walking around gardens all day
>smells of wine, cant be fucked to put on perfume anymore
>smells of salt water, couldn't wash it out her hair if she tried
>smells of sweat since she's not used to being in the warner south or she's been wearing her furs all day up north
>implying Yea Forums reads books

She would probably treat you better than any of the others as long as you were loyal to her family tbqh.

How do you know they all don’t have diarrhea and just Daenerys?


I just want to see her develop a massive chest/ass

Margaery isn’t vapid, she’s intelligent.


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Sansa because she would be the best mother to the gaggle of norfs I would put in her.

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that wildling cunt

Pure, undiluted sex.

>implying Yea Forums reads books
I read books. Just not pulp fantasy trash.

Tommen was a lucky bastard.

Thanks I'm diamonds now

Myrcella for the cunny wife

Sansa. I can not imagine the pent-up frustration sex after a long day of her running Winterfell.

This except book Myrcella. That show roastie is an old hag

Only correct answer.

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>current year
>not diluting your sex

low test

GRRM would have wrote about it in great detail.

whos the youngest

>very hot: Mel, titty snake, Missandei
>hot: Marge, Cersei
>pretty: Ygritte
>okay: Sansa, other two snakes, Shae
>odd looking: Arya, Brienne, post-wall architecture'd Gilly (formerly okay)

Shae's alright, she's a garbage human being but she looks like she excelled at being a whore

Maybe he just kind of forgot, or it’s going to be a part of TWOW/ADOS.

lmao what the fuck


Maybe they have constipation instead.

Aren't you fucked if you pick one and it turns out her blowjobs are terrible ? Modern culture is garbage but at least you can plan around this situation.

blowjobs are shit

blowjobs are but one of many stars in the sky, user

the friendship between margaery & sansa was one of the last interesting things to happen

Sodomites shall be flogged and must take the walk of atonement through the streets before begging forgiveness from The Seven.

Then you've never had a good one.
To be fair, they can be a rare thing, as most women are squeamish about them. But a slow, teasing BJ with plenty of tongue action is the best sex you'll ever have.