POV: Netflix has hired you to save their company

What show would you pitch to netflix to get them back on track?

What business decisions should they make?

>Hard mode: No mentioning wokeness or jews

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Personally I would pitch more original animated shows

I think an animated show with high quality visuals about the Vietnam or Korean War would be really cool.

cut back on developers' salaries

stop making shows about kids having sex it's creepy

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i would fire every leftist

And who would you hire to replace them?

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I would definitely eliminate all those job titles like "VP of inclusion" and "Diversity officer"
these people are nothing more than political commissars and have no business in an American company

>fire half of the stuff
>cancel half of the shit in the pipeline
>focus on everything that's left
>start selling individual movies

There are too many shitty teen dramas on Netflix

Do what based Red Bull did and fire all fags, remove bs HR depts, and dont apologize

that's all that's left of american companies

Sam Hyde blackface rape show

livestream of the genocide of all edomites and their golems

more shows won't change much. the streaming market is saturated

Netflix was successful at first because it was new and different. now that there's a shit ton of other streaming services, all owned by larger companies, they're a small fish in a large pond

they have to innovate their product if they want to sniff success again. no idea what that'll be but they have to do something radical, otherwise they'll be treading water until they dissolve

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based stoneshit poster

They should Grab all the old shit they can for the boomer market.
I mooch off my parent's account and all I ever watch is start trek and old movies or anime. So from my pov the wokenesd was never an issue

Netflix should become the official streaming platform of the white identity movement. It's a growing niche and theres no woke nonsense.
They'd also get Elon Musk and Yea Forumss support


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The Jewish Questions
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

There’s a whole blue ocean market for fans of adult animation that isn’t Flash animated dick jokes. It doesn’t even need Arcane level production values.

>starting a thread about a tweet tweeting about someone else tweeting about the subject you're trying to talk about

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King of the Hill with very high animation budget with Mike Judge in full creative control

> "We have decided to eject everyone from the board of directors"
> "They are to replaced by following people: Mel Gibson, the guys from Red letter Media, Alex Jones, Joshua Moon, Sam Hyde, Mark Wahlberg, Jordan Peterson, Zack Snyder, Denis Villeneuve, Vince Vaughn and 10 random posters from Yea Forums."
> "they have full creative controll"

Kino Time

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Anime just isn't that cool I guess, so Netflix has just too much anime.

They are past the point that a show will save them. I'm not a businessman, but they need a big ideas man to radically shift things, and fast. They took years to build up this ill-will toward the platform, and it will take equally long, if not longer to reverse it. In short - they are fucked.

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Stereotypically black version of Lord of the rings - youtube.com/watch?v=1HAD748zyLw

Netflix worked because they paid billions to license out the content people wanted and then sprinkled in some original stuff that hit (House of Cards, OITNB, Stranger Things, etc.) and when studios like NBC realized that $100 million in licensing fees is a drop in the bucket compared to what they could make on Office reruns, every studio scrambled around the same time to make their own streaming networks (Disney+, Peacock, Paramount+) and reclaim their IP. now, Netflix has dwindling legacy content and relies on the shows and movies every other studio passed on and if their relationship with Sony doesn't move the needle, they're fucked. I say let the ship sink and the free market will determine where everyone's eyeballs and money goes.

OY VEY!!!!!!!!!

This tbqhwyf. Theres nobody to recruit with a show. Everyone who doesn't have Netflix right this second doesn't have it for a reason. They need to dramatically shift their attitudes of society and their audience, and probably also get rid of multiple users on one account.

Make originals that are from talented people and try to replicate kino that can be seen from the sopranos and the wire. Also have a catalog worth watching if you can (probably will take years).

realistically, whats the budget for these

They had a limited window where they were absolutely printing money and they needed to use that limited time to transition into a profitable creative force.

They absolutely squandered that opportunity in order to pursue unpopular politics. Now the window is closed and they're fucked.

The business decision is to stop following larry fink diversity requirements, but if you do that you are locked out of easy lending. So beg for musk to help with capital and make normal shows. Straight good looking people, token diversity not front and center. No women protagonists. Only women characters are romantic self inserts in rom com.

Ever single show must fail the bechdel test lel.

$500K easily
It would be a documentary film. Very interesting one.

All the actresses with contracts must suck my dick. Even the ugly ones. Especially the ugly ones. They must eat my cum until they are no longer ugly, angry lesbians

I would subscribe and watch them.

They should hire Mel Gibson and let him make some kino.

I would actually pay to see these.

the time for infinite money with no interest may be close to an end anyway, I can see a lot western of companies going belly up in the next year

More cartoons and 3d originals. Less "diversity" dramas.

There's no reason to not make both wokeshit and unwokeshit at the same time
Becoming a Paid c. 2010 Youtube where anything that isn't child porn goes would give them a huge catalog vs. the big names who make a maximum of 3 watchable shows and 5 watchable movies per year

High quality dog porn.
No masks, no junkie girls, no ugly brazillians/russians.

New, competent writers for The Witcher season 3 and someone who understands what makes a good shot composition.


6 million

Just make this, if Neo-Nazi chuds think it's bad, it's actually good and something the everyman wants to see, if they don't like it it's also fucking awesome.because it's challenging.
If anyone doesn't like the current product it's because it challenges their authority or something super-FAGGY like that,

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I would love all these banker types to suffer, but they never do, you or I suffer. They will transition to the new scam, privatising the profits and socialising the loses. For netflix, with inflation how it is like 8% in the US? Now is the time to borrow big and spend big. Buy rights to all sorts of shit for your catalogue.

Redpilling the mass audience is very dangerous! Oy vey! Israel would demand US to shut down Netflix entirely.

not every show's casting has to be modeled after a benetton commercial also drop the overt/subtext antagonism towards "problematic groups" by the writing staff

>Do show of Resident Evil
>Have it not really be about Resident Evil, loosely (fucking WHAT)
>Cast literal who actors but one
>they're all black and latino for literally no reason,low key racist forced diversity making their casting choices seem ingenuine
>no attempt was made to hire better actors that looked like their characters and have it be actually be about the game
>again, "loosely"
I do like the guy that's playing Wesker, I think he's a good actor. He's just out of place along with the rest of the cast. There's nothing wrong with casting people of other race, it just seems like it's done just to have diversity and it's not done for talent or anything else. Preferably, I'd want them to be like their characters. It's shit like this that's making them tank.

What reason does he have for acting like an edgy /pol/tard?

>you use Twitter?
>you are out
this would cleanse 3/4 of the company

Also, all these reboots of popular shit like Cowboy Bebop, they never even last more than one season. The honeymoon phase is over pretty quick with them.

>do show of [game series]
>it's not actually about the game but OC DONUSTEALs and game character sucking a dick

many such cases

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It feels like the showrunners are creating programs for themselves and for the general public in a distant second place. If you know people don't really give a shit about diversity points, why do you risk your profits?

I'm so fucking tired of every male villain being white and seeing all black characters as nearly perfect persons. And I'm not even white. I may have watched Cowboy Bebop if they just stuck to the characters' look from the anime, even with all the cringe worthy stylistic choices.

I fund this movie

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has it not more to do with people sharing passwords and general kino/TV oversaturation and netflix being a priority streaming site unlike its competitors who have other revenue streams rather than it all about NF garbage necessarily being 'woke'?

stop pushing your generator shit
they aren't funny the first time you tried it and they never will be

>>Hard mode: No mentioning wokeness
This is like asking how to save a sinking ship that has a massive hole in it without repairing the hole

Adept scifi books like book of the new sun, a cantical for Leibowitz

Adept indie comics like johnny the homicidal maniac, crossed

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POV: me talking to board of directors of Netflix

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sorry i'm not a chud with my mind stuck into 1860s nazi germany, please explain to me what's wrong with this.

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What really hurt Netflix is when other companies took their content back and started their own streaming services. I can't think of one must watch Netflix show


I think generator user is alright, and you being rude to him for no reason

I would adapt my fanfiction,

Buy WB.

even if they did start making good content they would lose even more subs, since the only people left are the retards who actually do like their shit content. they'd have to sell operating at a loss for the next 5+ years to their execs/shareholders instead of slowly bleeding out while cutting costs

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Ever single show must fail the bechdel test lel.
You could have a scene of two women talking about their favorite Starbucks drinks while trying on shoes and pass that retarded test.

I think they should try making shows people want to watch.
Crazy perhaps, but it just may work.

Why not just make propaganda for prog ideology?

Open the catalogue entirely
Don't base suggestions on history
Open Blockbuster's throughout the nation
Lower prices to a 5 dollar model and restrict it to 1 IP per password

No wonder Netflix is failing in Japan, this is what they they try to sell their service with...

That's a good idea too. Full steam ahead.

Two women talking about anything other than a man is boring. Even in a rom com. If its passes the Bechdel test its trash.
>even captcha knows

>tfw you will never see Mike Stoklasa directing Alex Jones
why live

forgot pic

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