The reckoning has arrived. This is what happens when you don't know your audience. They will never be forgiven for choosing Lauren Hissrich to make The Witcher
Get woke=go broke
youve said tha tlike 20 times already
It's just an aging company, user. Stuff like Crave, Amazon Prime, and Disney + are thriving right now and they have just as much woke stuff on there.
They lost subs because they suspended service in Russia. Congrats on being retarded though.
but they were too big to fail!!!!????
It's more that Netflix doesn't have a great catalog of non-original content any more because everybody has a streaming service now.
>They will never be forgiven for choosing Lauren Hissrich to make The Witcher
Witcher was a success
Gaymers are the biggest consoomers, they'll eat anything up
What makes a person shill for a company like this?
more like
they're just feeding you that elon-centric narrative they know the chuds following them want to hear
HBO MAX is next!!! We're coming for you DC!!! And Trump re-elected in 2024!!
cope, seethe and dilate
Wish that were true but all the other streaming services are pozzed as well.
Disney Plus is propped up by boomers that have it to watch old Disney movies with their kids, people get Amazon Prime for 2 day shopping, not the shows
That being said, go woke go broke will never work because these companies are all artificially propped up by BlackRock (a multi-trillion dollar hedge fund) that rewards them with enough money to stay afloat for being woke
What makes a person retarded like this?
Who is Netflix's audience?
Are you saying liberalism is a successful tactic to gain and stay in power? No wonder chuds lose lool they dont even know how to play the game
>pulling out of russia is woke bullshit
>hurrrr it's not going woke then broke
kill yourself you pathetic corporate slave
>because they suspended service in Russia
so because the woke virus made them antagonize and block Russia, got it.
>nooo not my daddy pootin
>pulling out of russia is woke bullshit
Do you not understand how sanctions work? Fucking retard they can't process Russian payment accounts so they'll exit out
>people canceling their Netflix subscription to subscribe to woke services like amazon prime, Disney plus, Apple TV, peacock, Hulu, or hbo max are unsubscribing from Netflix because they’re woke! G-Go woke get b-broke!!
Are you admitting that your bullshit agenda is unpopular and unprofitable and the only way for you to not go bankrupt is to kiss-up to corrupt corporate slush funds that really should now be targeted with political and legal scrutiny?
>they can't process Russian payment
Yes they can
How is it unpopular and unprofitable if you yourself said that Blackrock is gaining power by doing this?
>nooooo you can't just question my corporate overlords at Wokeflix
>that have it to watch old Disney movies with their kids
>things have to be popular to allowe you to gain power
Are you literally retarded? In fact it's usually the opposite.
>Paypal, Visa, Mastercard no longer work for Russian banks
>B-Bro they totally can
>cryposting about Netflix's downturn
who the fuck are these people???
>things have to be popular to allow you to gain power
Using retards for their own gain isn't them being woke retards, it's taking advantage of woke retards because they're all retarded. Nothing they do requires happy customers either
Why are Netflix shills so desperately trying to combat the perception that their political propoganda has financially hamstrung them. If it's not the case as you claim, then what does combating it even do for you. By coming out against it you implicitly acknowledge its validity
sounds to me like the world lines up for it because it's popular.
If you pay for media, you are a piece of shit. It is not only better for the consumer to pirate, it is actually moral. You cannot be Christian and support Jewish, Christ haters who want your people dead. Hollywood needs to collapse, movie making should be paid for with patronage of the audience, not a Jewish Christ hating communist law that protects non-property.
Plenty of other ways to pay for it faggot
Remember when they said Netflix would never go under?
Remember when they said it was too popular to EVER die?
Remember when they called you a "chud" or some shit because you questioned a large corporation's business decisions?
Their first popular original (Orange is the new black) was about as woke as it gets, notably featuring a tranny actress. I don't think that's the deciding factor.
>Remember when they said Netflix would never go under?
>Remember when they said it was too popular to EVER die?
no. that sounds like something a chud retard would say
except they made billions with woke shit
Yep. Their original stuff is occasionally good, but only lasts a few weeks because of their dumb binge model. They're going hard into anime because it's cheap and easy to get, but they have the binge model issues there as well.
What sucks the most is that from a fidelity standpoint, Netflix is by far the best. They offer so much content in 4k, with Dolby vision and Dolby Atmos that if you've invested even slightly into your home setup they are a must have. But it's hard to also justify subscribing when you don't use it because the shows suck.
Yes because you're retarded
>the world
Nice bubble you live in
Putin is gaining power over new territory by invading another sovereign country.
I guess he's Mr. Popular and beloved by all now.
Then please point them out
>Putin is gaining power
lol this is what chuds actually believe
who will play him in the inevitable netflix series about his rise, fall and death?
What’s it like to have a double digit IQ?
Wut? They're a venture capitalism company, they were only ever as strong as their growth. They've almost never turned a profitable fiscal year. They're about as volatile as it gets.
>/pol/cels actually believe this
Knowing Netflix, probably an N.
They could have easily sold membership cards or something similar in Russian stores or worked with whatever banking institutions are in Russia. You're such a fucking retard you think Russians can't buy anything now?
>netflix is finally worth it again because of better call saul
>stocks plummet and musk buries it on twitter
wtf bros
>the only streaming service with a remotely good browser dies
I'm giving up on TV, i can't deal with anything else
>cobra kai seasons 1-3 (filmed while on youtube red)
>okay, vaguely un-PC
>cobra kai season 4 (first series under netflix control)
>cheap looking flat writing garbage
Most people don't think in terms of whether a platform's content is pozzed or not. They simply won't like what one has to offer, hear someone suggest another, and they'll try it for who knows how long until they do the same thing over again. They did the same sort of thing with cable television channels. Either is still inferior to owning physical copies of whatever movies or shows you like
They'll never be that straight forward and honest. They're liars and morality's relative to them, they don't even care about the truth because that too is relative to some of them.
They say they're going to crack down on password sharing year.
> don't ignore us!
They won't die. Tencent will buy them out and rejuvenate its catalogue with based Chinawood/Bollywood movies.
they butcher a beloved franchise, fill it with woke characters, and market it towards a LCD demographic that isnt the fanbase of that franchise
>a single series makes it good
They will never admit that they are a loud and for this brief moment in history at least a disproportionately influential micro-minority, and that their insipid cult-like views are only currently enshrined in positions of power rather than actually popular or winning the hearts and minds of the American public or the world at large.
Admitting that the make wokeshit not for money (i.e. they can't, because people won't pay for it) is a tacit admission of their own zealotry, as well as an admission of how toxic and self-destructive their agenda's influence on anything is.
"Get woke, go broke" HAS to be a "meme". If it isn't then they're going to have a lot of uncomfortable questions they will have to ask each other and themselves and come up with answers for.
I think it's this simple. Less good content paired with rising prices and a weak economy/dollar. I won't get in the way of a good anti-woke narrative, but I doubt it made much difference.
>work with a tumbling currency now worth less than the currency of Bangladesh
Wow, great idea smooth brain
>Rewriting history
If they do that they will lose even more subscribers.
i know a lot of people who only pay netflix only to share it with their family members and others who share the cost of netflix to be able to afford it.
people who have had it on autopay since 2014
Proof? Last I checked Netflix was still in serious debt and has been for a while.
keep projecting your lack of intelligence, NPC
rocket man bad is the new orange
Keep sucking Putin's cock, Ivan
>can't even follow a basic point-to-point conversation
Those people should just pirate.
God bless you user
Yeah whatever. Enjoy Amazon's Lord of the Rings next, the woke shit isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
>instantly proves me right
every time
i've torrented for 20 years and used DC++ and other systems before that
and I never upload :)
what was their last critically acclaimed original?